Sun, Moon, and Stars.

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"We really need to get back to practice." Draco said as Aidy laid across his lap. He carefully trailed his fingers in a spiral pattern over her shoulder, making intricate shapes in her velvet robes. The glass ceiling (which, she thought, had not been entirely glass before) allowed them both to sit and watch the stars like a pair of centaurs.

"Mars is bright tonight." She said, hair splayed out in ribbons of dull, yellow gold over the squashy couch that they were positioned on. Her curls were a bit shorter now; she'd gotten them cut and her hair now swung in much tighter ringlets, to her waist instead of her thighs. Gemma and Jeremy didn't know yet (Aidy had gone to the barbershop after visiting with her sister and brother-in-law), but Draco had not been very happy. Aidy's curls may have been ridiculous and slightly frizzy, but they were pretty and seemed to be a part of his Gryffindor girlfriend. Aidy didnt care (much) about Draco's dislike of her hair length. She no longer had to worry about sitting on her curls or actually sitting on her hair and giving it a good yank.

Her hair was still slightly untameable (it always had been, but had gotten worse in recent months) but it was much more manageable and practical to keep it shorter than it was. She had briefly considered cutting it all off, leaving the ends at her chin, but had decided against it, knowing that Gemma would: A) kill her, or B) Disguise a hair growth potion in some sort of cold bread roll (since Aidy could tell Potions apart from the steam that wafted from them) that would cause her to turn into a very tan yeti (or a very pale Sasquatch) until someone doused her in Nair and hot wax so that she could be human again. Neither option looked appealing.

"You've said that." Draco said with amusement. "But Mars doesn't correspond with your star sign anyway, so why are you worried?"

"Star sign?" Aidy asked with a hint of laughter to her tone. "I wasn't aware you had Divination."

"I am. Mum wanted me in it; she's into that sort of thing. You know that."

"You're such a mummy's boy." she replied, teeth sparkling in the starlight. Draco looked at her intensely, and her eyebrow shot up when she noticed. "What?"

"You're a bit hard to read, you know." The statement hung in the air for a moment.

"Most people would disagree."

"Yeah, well, most people don't usually try to disagree with me."

"And most people aren't egotistical prats." Aidy said back, voice lacking malice and gaining humour with each word. "But the world has it's exceptions. I, for one, will not hesitate to disagree with you. And you, for example, are an egotistical prat. Most of the time." she added hastily. He smiled wryly.

"I can be a bit of a pig sometimes, can't I?" Her eyebrow rose. "Or at least three fourths of the time?" Aidy pulled the tip of his nose up with her index finger, grinning slyly.

"Oink Oink." he batted her hands away as they both laughed together. "If it makes any difference, you would make a much cuter pig than a ferret."

"I thought we agreed to never discuss that again." He said hotly, although he was hiding amusement.

"I never agreed to anything." Adriana replied, sitting up so she could take her authoritative, Ministry stance, before relaxing. "I thought you were rather endearing, actually; it would have made a great circus act. Draco Malfoy: the Amazing Bouncing Ferret!" she chuckled heartily, but Malfoy didn't seemed overly amused. Once her laughter had died away, his voice lowered slightly.

"Maybe I should make you promise never to speak about it again." He said with a smirk. Aidy knew that particular smirk.

"Nope, I am not making an Unbreakable Vow with you." She replied, moving her hands behind her back and sitting on them.

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