Madeye Moody.

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Aidy woke up the next morning feeling fresh as a daisy. She slipped on her robes, and went through her normal routine- make up, pulling her hair into a braid, and heading down to the Great Hall early. Her deep green robes swept against the flor as she headed down the last flight of stairs.

"Ahem." Aidy glanced over to her left, only to see a boy from Durmstrang bow to her. He took her hand and kissed it gently.

"May I escort you to breakfast?" He asked with only the slightest bit of an accent. Aidy smiled and took his arm.

"Thank you. Your name?" She asked. he smiled at her.

"My name is Alexei, Printessa." he said, words flowing through Aidy's ears like a fine wine.

"That's a lovely name." She said, her voice higher than usual. She realized that he was the same boy she had danced with the previous night. He grinned in a very carefree way. As they approached her table, he urned to her and planted another kiss to her knuckles.

"And vould you give me zee honor of allowing me your name?" Aidy blushed slightly.

"Adriana." she replied with a bit of embarrassment. Again, he brought his lips to the back of her hand.

"A beautiful name vor a beautiful girl." he said, and then bowed to her again. Aidy slumped against the table for a second, and then took her seat. Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined her at the Gryffindor table only a few minutes later, and they all began to eat. Malfoy arrived around the same time, and could barely contain his smile as he watched Aidy chortle at the Weasley twin's latest practical joke; they had turned Snape's hair a brilliant orange. Snape's lips curled as he, with some embarrassment, went over to Aidy to ask for a remedy.

"Campbell's gotten rather hot, hasn't she?" Draco said without real interest.

"Hmm?" Blaise asked, head raising from where he was reading a passage from his transfiguration book.

"The Campbell girl, she's gotten rather pretty." Blaise nodded vigourously.

"She's always been pretty."

"Yeah, but now it's just more... pronounced." he said, staring at the sheen of her long, blonde braid. Blaise glanced at her over his shoulder.

"I guess so." Draco's eyes burned into her for only a moment more, before she accidentally connected their eyes. He quickly looked away, and shoveled porridge into his mouth.

Aidy turned back to her friends. McGonagall had sent her class schedule on a week early, and Aidy removed it from the pocket of her robes. Minerva continued to pass out the sceduels, and she compared it to Harry's.

"Mmm, Defense this afternoon will be interesting." she stated, glancing over Harry's shoulder.

"How many classes will you be missing a week?" Hermione asked distastfully.

"Enough. Snape wants me to make more and more potions for the hospital wing. I'm even supplying St. Mungo's now." She said. "And I have to replace all her stores of skelegrow and sleeping serum. Poppy just won't listen to me; if I've told her once, I've told her a thousand times. She has to keep those potions in dark glass bottles unless she wants them to keep going sour. But has she listened to-"

"Aidy Campbell to the hospital wing." Madame Pomfrey's voice rang through the school.

"Son of a witch!" Aidy cursed, and threw her napkin on the chair. "I'll see you guys in defense."

"Byefpjgh" Ron said, mouth full of food. Aidy quickly swept out of the room, robes billowing. Behind her, no one noticed Malfoy follow her out. Aidy twisted and turned through the hallways, taking as long of a time as possible to get to the hospital wing.

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