The Four Champions

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"Hey Hagrid." Adriana said as she set her bag down by a log.

"Hullo there Aidy!" Hagrid said cheerily. "Ready for the new school year?"

"You know it!" she chuckled, hugging the huge man's leg. Suddenly, there was an explosion. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all ran over in shock.

"What was that?" Harry asked. Hagrid beamed, before pointing to the crates. Aidy looked in, before shouting "eugh!"

"They're Blast-Ended Skrewts! just Hatched!" Her cry of "eugh" just about summed up the Skrewts. They were pale, deformed, eyeless lobsters, about six inches ling, and, by the clumsy way they were walking, they were blind.

"Yeh'll be able to raise them yerselves. Thought we'd make a bit of a project out of it."

"Why would we want to raise them?" Jolly good, the Slytherins had arrived. Hagrid looked stumped as Draco continued to speak.

"I mean, what do they do? What is the point of them? I think that if they don't have any purpose, then we shouldn't be raising them. Like Campbell over there." Harry looked like he was about to decapitate Malfoy and Ron's ears turned red with anger.

"Go fuck yourself, Malfoy." Aidy replied coolly.

"Nice language." Hermione muttered. Malfoy just grinned, and with a mocking air, he leaned against a tree.

"Done. Is imagining you allowed, Gorgeous?" The entire class was silent as Aidy turned pink.

"No. Ten points from Slytherin." She replied shrilly, as Hagrid finally looked up.

"Yeh'll be learning tha' next lesson, Malfoy. Yer jus' feeding them today." Hagrid went onto explain about how they were going to feed the Skrewts, and, because if how awful it sounded, Aidy was almost thankful when Madame Pomfrey's voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Sorry, Hagrid." She sighed sadly (and of course, she was faking the sympathy) and he clapped her on the back.

"I don' mind, Aidy. Go save lives." Suddenly, Malfoy yelped, having been burnt by a Skrewt. Hagrid tsked "Take Mr. Malfoy with you."

"Damn." Aidy said, pulling on her book bag. "Well, c'mon, Malfoy. Let's not wait for the grass to grow!" He scoffed, before following her up to the castle. After they made it up to the entrance, Aidy glanced around.

"I think were good."

"Fabulous." He said, and slung his arm around her waist. It was quiet as they continued walking.

"I didn't mean what I said back there." He said.

"I know." She replied. In the past week, things had become closer between them, more so than either of them had thought.

"You okay?" he asked.

" Of course."

"You still look pale." He commented. "Did Moody affect you that much?"

"Yes." She replied, the shortness indicating that she really, really didn't want to talk about it. Aidy chuckled. "Are you worried?"

"Of course." He said. "What are friends for?" Aidy smiled, her head leaning on his shoulder as he walked her up to the sixth floor, somehow without being seen. As soon as they got up to the hospital wing, he kissed the back of her hand, and walked away.

Aidy could barely suppress her sigh.


"And here you are." Aidy said, setting a bottle of aging potion in each of their hands. "That should do the trick."

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