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Draco carefully unzipped Aidy's white dress.

"You look beautiful." He said. She turned around, holding the silk dress to her chest. "You look like an angel." She blushed.

"Go change." she said, shoving him towards the changing screen. He grinned as he stripped out of his dress robes and into his black dress pants and vest.

"Drake, can you zip me?" she called from behind her screen. He quickly buttoned the last part of his vest, and stepped over to Aidy's side. He carefully hooked the security latch on the top of the zipper and then zipped up the rest of her costume. Aidy turned around and smiled at him as she straightened his vest, tugging on the edges until it sat straight.

"Don't you look dashing?"

"Speak for yourself." He chuckled. Her costume was a silver leotard underneath a glittering shell. It had a ragged asymmetric hem that fell from mid thigh to just above her right knee, and the entire dress was coated in what appeared to be tendrils of bright sliver tinsel.

"Beautiful." he said, as he carefully held her hips.

"I'm not done yet." she said almost shyly. She sat down at  the mirror on her vanity, and gently poked herself in the eye. The iris turned a brilliant silver. She repeated this process before tapping her head with her wand. Her hair shortened, withdrawing into her scalp so that it was elbow length, and turned the same shining silver of her dress. She gently placed a similarly colored mask over her eyes, and looked up at Draco.


"I've been ready." He said, taking her hand. After he did, he kissed her very gently, and the two walked hand in hand down to the great hall. It was still as full as when they'd left it, and as soon as La Fantome Ballerine stepped into the room, the whispering returned; At least, it returned to those who weren't caught up in their dance partner and grinding. Kelly, in robes of Tiffany blue, pulled Ashton to the stage and silenced the microphones of the Weird Sisters. Jessalyn was preoccupied with a handsome Beaubatons boy in robes of a rich ruby red velvet. Draco led Aidy through the crowd like they were royalty despite Aidy's lack of her glittering tiara, and as soon as everyone else noticed the phantom ballerina, they parted like a wave. Ashton took the piano from one of the musicians with a bit of effort, before the lead singer backed away and told his band to leave the .

"La Fantôme Ballerine." One of the Beaubatons girls whispered in awe as Aidy. Kelly adjusted the microphone.

"Will everyone please move away?" She asked. The crowd parted, packing into the corners of the room. Aidy's teeth glistened in the cool blue light of the spotlight spell that Jessalyn had trained on the couple. Ashton's hands moved on the piano, playing a jaunty tune as a quick warm up. He cracked his knuckles and stretched his fingers once again, before placing his hands in the correct positions. Kelly tossed a spell up into the air, which exploded into silver confetti. The confetti settled on the floor in a thick film, which could be disturbed with only a small breeze. Aidy stepped a few paces away from Draco, shimmering pieces of tissue paper fluttering around her bare feet like a tiny cloud. They circled each other, eyes locked. It almost seemed to everyone as if they were the only two people in the room.

They continued to circle, stepping closer and closer, creating a spiral in the confetti. As the music began, Aidy jumped into Draco's arms, holding her legs up to create a ninety degree angle. He slung her around his body, slowing her to step away from him almost daintily. he crossed her arms over her chest, and Aidy kicked up her legs before throwing his arms off.

"You shout it out, But I can't hear a word you say." He turned her around and grabbed her by the waist, lifting her up into the air like a baby. She held her body straight, abdominal muscles screaming for release. "I'm talking loud, not saying much." He let her down, hands moving to her hips and rocking them back and forth. "I'm criticized, But all your bullets ricochet." He grabbed her hand as she fell backwards. Her knees buckled, and she slid under him.
"Shoot me down, but I get up."

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