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I loved her, I really did, but she seemed to be worn thin, like an illustrator attempting to complete her without enough color.
Despite what I gave her, it wasn't enough.
Nothing ever seemed enough.
Why do humans travel on this quest of personal success they call love?
I find it overrated.
Why should I crack open my chest and risk damaging my own heart in the process?
My heart belongs to me not them, Mother.
Why do you look at me so?
I have no interest in them, their simple minds who hold no concept of life beyond our little blue planet.
We are insignificant, but equally magnificent.
We hold the ultimate power to travel the stars, yet they seem too focused on a blind man's supposed psychosis.
Just because they do not understand me, doesn't mean I'm broken.

You always told me to take my life into my own hands, Mother, so I took theirs' instead.
Their hearts were plush inside their busts that opened so easily, as if they waited behind an unlocked door, desperate to be seen.
Unfortunately, it seems wearing your heart on your sleeve can't be taken literally.
Once the scarlet fell upon the floor their eyes went dark and dull.

Why do you hate me, Mother?
I only listened to your wishes to bring you riches in means of my happiness.
Happiness is defined by the individual, yet you tell me mine is wrong?
How could it be wrong if the concept of wrong and right do not exist at all?

I do not understand why you cry behind the glass.
I am alright, Mother, can't you see?
I'm as happy as I can be.
I put those women to rest.
They told me just how much misery they inhaled daily, how men abused them and how they hated their babies.
Now they no longer suffer in their eternal slumbers, their scarlet such a beautiful color.
I'm an artist on a quest, you could say, that I bring others happiness day by day.
Whether it an enemy or a friend, I brought their agony to an end.
Happiness is determined by the individual, isn't that what you said?
Mother, I listened to you until the very end.
Though my life's cut short, I can guarantee that I am as happy as I can be.

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