Measure For Measure

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Why didn't you stop?

Why didn't you stop when the warmth marked your flesh?

Why didn't you stop when the screams ceased to pierce your senses?

Why didn't you stop when the messy crimson meat revealed itself?

Why didn't you stop?

A better question would be, why did you start?

A boy, of only twelve, did not deserve that brutal hell.
Cocky he was, definitely annoying, but going that far left the angels crying.

All you had to do was tell him to piss off, but his existence you still did doff.

The viridian scene was more than obscene, dressed in the young and the innocent.

Why didn't you stop?

Once would've been enough to avoid the fatality, but in actuality, none was acceptable.

Why didn't you stop?

Why did you start?

It's too late to apologize.

You can't bring him back.

Feel the wrath of consequence and say goodbye to consciousness.

This is for Jonathan.

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