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It was a dark and gloomy day in Prague and the air was thick with smog. The princess did not want to go out, but her father did command and shout. She hated the people there who would stand still and stare. Since she was a little girl, she imagined them being rabid dogs, all of them stalking her in the smog. Her brother had went out for a jog, but never came back home. The dogs had chased after their desired bone. The princess enjoyed the screams of their pups, little children born to rags, their life forever lagged. The princess painted with their life, each picture pure and done quite right. The dogs knew what she had done, but she simply saw it all as in good fun. The dogs that stalked her in the smog lunged and danced around with her lungs. Crimson revenge was forever won for the young that fell victim to riches and greed.

Hark hark the dogs do bark
The beggars are coming to town
Some in rags and some in jags
And one in a velvet gown.

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