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Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle.
Such a simple line, is it not?
It doesn't say a very lot
But the story is bigger than a few simple words.
The cat,
A boy.
The fiddle,
Forced to play
Day to day.
The boy was made to play
Until his final breath.
His parents would not accept anything less.

The cow jumped over the moon.
The cow, a man.
A man named Stan.
His life was nothing but bad decisions.
The moon, a needle in his vein
That brought him strolling down Death's lane.

The little dog laughed to see such fun.
The little dog, a baby, witnessed a fatal blow.
It watched the blood of its mother flow.

And the dish ran away with the spoon!
The dish, a woman.
The spoon, another.
They killed in order to love each other.
Blinded by hate,
Their families turned on fate,
so the women turned on them.

Words love to keep secrets
Look beyond the print
And you'll find it

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