The Man In The Shadows

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Little Danny Sparrow was skipping down the street.
Going home for something to eat.
The day was bright and thick with heat,
Nobody expected it to change in a heartbeat.
Danny was thrown into the backseat, a seat torn by the Arizona heat.

He cried and he begged,
But a bag was thrown over his head.
His heart was filled with dread,
Thinking of never seeing his family again.

Danny Sparrow was taken out and attached to a chain,
Which made him cry and strain,
But then a voice whispered his name.

"Hush, Danny Sparrow. I understand your terror and sorrow, but back home you will be tomorrow."

Was this some kind of prank?
For being rude to Tommy Frank?

The chains were tight,
His soul shuddered in fright,
But the man stayed with him throughout the night.

The room was dark,
The bad men barked,
But the man they did not see.

Danny Sparrow peered at the man,
Wondering if his lifespan was to end.
The boy of ten,
Was afraid of a blade
Piercing his flesh.

Toil and trouble,
The boy was puzzled by the mysterious man.

"Do not fear, Danny, do not shed a tear," the man spoke through cloth over his lips.

Danny nodded,
The tape keeping him from responding.
The bad men appeared, and the man disappeared.
Confused and upset, Danny refused to accept his fate.

A glare and a snarl
Made the men howl
In laughter towards the boy.
It was time to break their little toy.

But they did not expect
Teeth to their neck.
It was the man from before.

Blood and gore
Covered the floor,
But the man had motioned for Danny to ignore.

He closed his eyes,
Hearing the mens' demise.

"Keep them closed, Danny, Daddy is on his way..."

Sure enough,
Police pulled up
With sirens blaring.

He heard his dad,
The only parent he had,
Cry and scream his name.

The tape still stuck,
He couldn't call back,
But the man gave the basement door a large, noisy whack.

Nobody noticed the man,
The man that offered a wink.

The years went on,
But Danny never forgot
The man his fear had brought.

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