Celestial Purity

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The cry of innocence and female incidence, excites the heart of guardian wickedness.
Disguised by flawless winsomeness, she delivers the innocent to eternal blissfulness.

Once under her care, she blocks the air and recites a little prayer for the new life laying there.
Despair is the tune with the melody unfair, blaming and hating on what is their fault, an assault on humanity's limited vault.

Several too many, Ben and Jenny, who are not yet married and drowning in sin.
The Devil is sure to win, now carry in the newborn twins, who are expected to gain their little wings.

Worry not, for perfect forethought will pierce the soft spot and cease their liquid dance forever more.

Mercy shall praise this controversy, firmly snatching them from a pointless journey and delivering them through the pearly gates to endlessly rest in Fate's affectionate embrace.

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