Chapter 1

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Her ninja outfit is the picture above.



Sitting in a tree smiling down at Shikamaru and his team. Having a few days off of mission. The chunnin exams were soon people have already started showing up. Looking up at the sky seeing my summoning bird. Sighing lightly jumping from tree to tree heading into the town to the Hokage office. Knocking gently waiting for the enter. Opening the doors going inside smiling at the third Hokage. He was so nice to me. Always made sure i was doing okay.

"Hana. Thank you for coming. As you already know the chunnin exams are starting soon. Can you meet the suna team at the gates and show them around the village for the next few days?" He asked smiling kindly at me.

"Of course" I said. "How closely do you wish for me to watch them?" I asked looking at him still smiling at him seriously.

"As closely as possible without causing alarm" he said earning a nod leaving with that going to the gate. They should be arriving in 20 minutes. Playing with a shuriken. Tossing it up into the air catching it. Only thing was my shurikens were made of ice. All my weapons were. I had no problem keeping them intact also my whole body was a lower temperature then most. Though I never feel cold I could go out in a blizzard below freezing weather and not feel a thing.

Smiling lightly watching the ice glisten in the sun. Looking over seeing four people heading this way moving to the center of the gate catching the ice shurikens putting them in my pouch. My pale skin made me stand out more then normal in the colorful area. "Hello. It is nice to meet you. My name is Kori no Hana Nara. Please call me Hana. I will be showing you around until the chunnin exams start" I said politely no smile on my face. Only smiled at people I actually like.

A blond that had four pony tails a guy wearing make up and cat ears another boy with red hair and then a guy that had half his face covered stopped in front of me. "I'm kankuro we need to get closer" the cat ear boy said wrapping an arm around me only for him to retract it quickly. "You're freezing" he said surprised.

"This is Temari, Kankuro as he said, Gaara and I'm Baki. It's nice that the leaf has sent a genin to help use wonder the village" he said with a cold look.

"I'm a Jonin and please follow me. I'll take you to your hotel room for you to leave your bags" I said turning around heading towards one of the buildings that were being used for the chunnin participants to say in. Though stopped knowing they weren't following. "Are you going to keep standing there like idiots or are you going to follow?" I asked not even turning around. Easily able to feel the anger come from then though didn't care. Also a killer intent making me grin a little. It was the littlest one that wanted to do so. All the people in the area was avoiding me like the plague.

"Hana" stopping hearing my brother looking over at him.

"Shikamaru. How may I help you?" I asked was always polite to my brother. Sure I teased him but that was when we were in private.

"Dad wanted you to help him gather antlers. But are you busy today?" He asked looking at the group of four behind me.

"Yes. Apologize to him for me. I'll help him another day" I said earning a nod as he left lazily. Walking again heading inside the building getting the keys opening the door to their four bedroom two bath sitting room kitchen apartment.

Letting them go inside standing at the door politely. "Would you like to get lunch or want me to show you around the area and the training grounds?" I asked after they were settled staying in the spot I had been standing the whole time.

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