Chapter 18

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(She's done with the flash backs right now. In moment you'll see where it will start)

My chin laying on my hand where my elbow sat on the table. Unable to focus anymore on my past. Things happen soon that I'd rather not talk about right now. Looking down with my eyes seeing Gaara had his hand on my leg in a comforting manner.

I may not be crying or shaking or anything but I certainly feel the memories like they just happened again. Letting out a sigh taking a drink of tea. "Can we speak of the rest another time? I'd rather not continue at the moment" I spoke though before anyone could agree to my question Shikaku spoke.

"No. Hana. I know full well how you bottle everything. Just like you are trying to do now. Your trying to do now but want to stop so you don't get emotional. You need to continue to let out what you are bottling. Just like I had to force Shikamaru when Asuma died" he spoke being honest but my eyes narrowed at him a little. I do bottle things up. I know that but I do it for a reason. "Continue Hana" he spoke. Letting out a sigh knowing I wasn't going to get out this.

"Shikaku" Gaara started though went silent knowing it was true. He's watched me bottle everything.

Taking out a sketch book one that looks older then the ones he went through a while back. It was a very expensive sketch book at that. Watching her fingers run over the leather lightly as a fond smile came to her face.

(Flash back starting again)

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(Flash back starting again)

Running over the water. Itachi was correct it was taking my body time to adjust to the the chakra flowing correctly. My kekkei was starting to settle but I still have issues with my hands so always wear gloves still.

Making a sharp turn to avoid the bomb hitting the water were I once was. Glancing back with a smirk as I shot out towards the bomb maker. The ones that came to collect me this time was a bomb maker that immortal hidden that I met a while back. Itachi and Kisame.  They changed the member up by one.

Narrowly avoiding the puppet that went to attack. Slamming my fist into the bomb maker female wannabe. Watching as he flew back. Ice invading his head making him freak out once he landed tying to hit it to break it.

Letting the chakra in my feet disappear so I dropped into the water missing a fireball jutsu. Holding my breath through eyes widened at the site of a shark coming towards me.

Trying to get out of the water only to discover that Kisame turned the body of water in in into a water prison. Panicking a little never having been in one let alone one with sharks that took a large bite from my side. Letting out a cry in the water causing bubbles to come out of my mouth though quickly tried to stop seeing as now I won't be able to hold my breath as long. Bitting but at by the sharks causing blood to cloud the water to the point I couldn't even see able to water. Healing the wound so it would stop bleeding but used the moment that they thought the fight was over and released the water prison to send out ice dragons at each attacker.

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