Chapter 29

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Two and a half months later-

Having asked Hana for help on cooking food shikamaru night like to eat. Setting the plate of teriyaki beef down for her to try. Watching her face as she became paler then normal. Chiaso And Grey dug in right away while hand looked like she'd be sick as a hand covered her mouth an nose getting up and leaving the room.

A tick mark appeared on her head as she marched after Hana wondering what the hell that was about. The kids loved it so it couldn't be that bad. Going to open the door to her and gaaras room but froze hearing the sound of someone being sick. Blinking several times following the sound to the bathroom closest to the kitchen and opened the door finding Hana heaving everything that was in her stomach moving quickly pulling her hair back.

"Hana what's wrong? Did you eat something wrong?" She asked generally concerned for her soon to be step sister. They are getting married next month after all.

"I don't know. The smell of the meat before during and after it was cooked smelled foul like it gone bad but I know that's not right. Just the smell made me ill" she answered when she could as she stood rinsing her mouth out after flushing.

"Hana. You and Gaara go...sleep together a lot. And I've never seen him buy anything are you on birth control?" She asked looking at Hana a little more serious.

"No I'm extremely allergic. Gaara knows though" she answered honestly.

"Come on Hana. Let's go to the doctors real quick. Grey Chiaso come on. We need to go somewhere " she called out to the kids still in the kitchen that have become their niece and nephew. After all once Gaara marries her they will become his kids as well.

The two kids coming but became very confused as we went to the hospital. Able to see the way Hana became paler as we went by the bbq place.

Getting into the hospital. "Why are we here?" Grey asked seriously looking at his mom.

"I don't feel to well" Hana answered honestly unlike how she was going to say it was just a check up. She's honest and blunt with him more then she is with Chiaso and he seems to appreciate it quite a lot.

Sitting on the waiting room with Grey and Chiaso kind of curious how Gaara will take the results which she's almost positive her suspicions are correct.

"Temari-sama. Kore no Hana wants you" Hearing her being told after half hour of sitting with the two.

"Stay here" she said getting up and going to the room where Hana was. Walking into the room before going wide eyed at the ultrasound that was being performed on Hana. Able to hear the little heartbeat. "I was right" shouting out of excitement running over looking at the screen seeing the little form on it.

Eyes widening as she walked over kind of amazed by the ultrasound she was seeing right now. "Oh my god Gaara and you are going to be Parents like full on Parents from the moment the baby is born not just little 5 and 7 year old" she mumbled as it really hit her. Seeing how Hana was staring at the screen with an unreadable expression. Well not unreadable she's sure Gaara would be able to tell what was going through her head but Hana doesn't show that much emotion around others so she doesn't know what this look is.

"What do you think Gaara will say?" She suddenly mumbled unsure if she should even ask. He'll to be honest with how quietly she asked it she wasn't even fully sure she heard her right.

"I think he'll be thrilled. He... 'sighs' never got to have a good childhood much less a good family when he was younger. Sure we became a closer family after the whole leaf village invasion...but I think he really wants to have his own little family. One that would never be afraid of him like we were in the past" she spoke kind of sad knowing Gaara is still guarded around her and Kankuro even if he has opened up a lot he's still mostly silent and that is hers and Kankuro fault. They should have fought to be with Gaara more before everything.

"You're 3 months into this pregnancy" the doctor spoke smiling lightly. "It's safe to tell others. The likelihood of miscarriage is low at this point" she added giving us a picture of the baby as Hana got her pants back on.

(The ultrasounds when you are less then 5 months along is done with a wand like thing that they stick up into you. I don't remember what it's called anymore been 2 years since I saw it during my sisters pregnancy)

Going out into the waiting room and taking Grey and Chiaso who fell asleep waiting home letting Hana be alone knowing she was unsure of herself right now So was going to give her space.


Wondering around the village not really paying any attention to where I was going. But made sure I was at least aware of the people around me and if I was being followed. What if I mess up? I...I to be honest am unsure of a baby. I've taken care of kids not a baby before.

Smiling a little though while staring at the ultrasound picture. Gaara and I made this. We made this baby in me. Unable to help the prideful feeling that came with the thought of giving Gaara a proper family.

Heading off towards his office knowing he'll be done soon for the day. Sitting on the chair outside gaaras office door and waiting for him. Closing my eyes waiting patiently for him.


Opening the door to his office heading out but stopping looking at the chair close to his door. Gaining a small smile seeing Hana sitting there with her eyes closed. Though the smile lessened when he noticed she was paler then she normally is. Walking over to her and lightly nudged her.

"Hana come on let's go home" he said as her eyes opened slowly blinking a few times.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep " she spoke still a bit groggy as she stood up stretching lightly.

Giving a small nod as we headed out. Though noticed how she put a hand over her mouth and nose when passing the restaurant area. Raising an none existent eyebrow at her reaction.

"What is wrong?" He asked quietly trying not to draw attention...Well more then he already does normal by being the kazekage.

"The meat smells foul" she answered which made his eyes narrowing. The restaurants smelled delicious to him including the bbq place. Seeing her paling even more as they passed it.

"I think you need to go to the hospital" he spoke going to grab her and take her but she waved him off.

"I was already there. I'll tell you once we get back" she spoke. Not meaning to but ended up glaring at her for the fact she wasn't telling him why she seemed to be sick.

"Tell me now" he spoke impatient and a bit irritated. Her eyes moved to me as a small laugh left her though it instantly stopped as she walked over to the garbage getting sick in the garbage can but with how quickly she moved something fell out of her pocket. Reaching down to it picking up the little piece of papers.

Looking at the photo as his eyes slowly widened. "I'm going to be a dad?" He asked surprised looking at Hana who just finished vomiting. "I'm going to be dad" he said much louder then anticipated.

Which instantly drew the attention of the people around. Getting uncomfortable very fast with the people asking questions. Quickly teleporting Hana and himself home. "I'm going to be a freakin dad" he suddenly shouted before covering his mouth as his eyes widened from how loud he just spoke. Never having expected that to come from him. He's beyond happy to start having a family. A real family one that isn't scared of him practically his whole life. Pulling Hana into a hug unable to help himself.


Blinking several times at Gaara for shouting after getting us to the house. Never have I imagined that he'd shout like that. Hugging him back though a light red came to my face at the hand that now laid on my lower stomach. Feeling his cheek against mine but able to tell he was smiling even though I couldn't see his face. Smiling unable to help it myself. Sure I had Shikamaru and Shikaku growing up but they never fully felt like my family. Not completely and now I get to have that family. That connection I've always desired. I got that feeling when I took in Grey and Chiaso but I feel it stronger with Gaara.

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