Chapter 8 LEMON!

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Don not read if you do not like lemons. Skip to the next chapter!!!!
Warning this is a Lemon


"I still believe you should go to him not me regardless" he spoke standing up and walking over to her moving some of her hair out of her face. "You're far to kind for this kind of world" he said pressing his lips against hers. Understanding her more then he thought he should but she was like him. Determined to die a traitor. He will not judge nor will he push for it would be wrong of him to do so when he has the same resolve as her only its for his brother that he wishes to protect. While she wishes to protect a boy who doesn't even know she loves him. Tilting her head a little while pressing her against the door a bit harder then he planned but she didn't seem to mind as she gripped the front of his shirt. Grabbing her thighs lifting her up against the door as she opened her mouth allowing his tongue to enter rubbing against her to get a playful response from her as she wrapped her arms around his neck a moan vibrating their mouths lightly from him pressing against her harder. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

Pulling away from the kiss, starting leaving butterfly kissing down from her mouth to her jaw as she tilted her head back light letting him do as he pleased to her. Hearing a almost non audible moan when he playfully nipped at her neck.

Untying her sash to the short kimono that she wears. He quite liked her attire more then most female ninjas. Hers was more famine and it just added to the beauty. Her long black raven hair that was done up in a messy bun and her eyes that shine like a lake in the moonlight. Pushing the kimono open lightly taking her off the wall letting the kimono fall to the ground as she took off his shirt and fish net top almost quick enough that he didn't notice. Pressing his lips to hers again. Not like the first kiss this one was rougher and more passionate then the one before. His legs hitting his bed lifting a leg crawling up onto the bed her legs still tightly around his waist as he ground against her playfully letting her fall back onto the bed her head hitting the pillow. Looking down at her noticing the matching underwear making him raise an eyebrow.

"I like things that match. It's one of the things I'm OCD about" she explained making him chuckle a little if anything it looked beyond sexy for the panties were tiny and lace. The bra was also lace matching the light red of the panties. Gliding a finger down from her jaw to the top of her breasts watching his finger the whole time enjoying the feel of her skin against his. Licking his lips lightly his pants feeling tighter then the should causing discomfort. She took notice to this and undid them for him so they weren't restricting him so tightly. Blinking at her running her tongue playing down his chest just as playfully as he had been running his finger down her stomach towards her panties.

Blinking a little at suddenly being on the bed. Looking up at Kore who sat on him playfully grinning her pelvis on him letting out a light moan as head tilted back lightly enjoying the small relief that the grinding gave. Sitting up so his back was against the headboard groaning a little from her grinding. Her lower area was getting so warm against him. Licking up between her breasts to her mouth


Instantly kissing Itachi back tongues playfully rubbing against each other a surprised moan left my throats. His finger pinching and twisting an already erect nipple. Realizing he unclasped my bra taking it off throwing it to god knows where. I don't care the feeling of his fingers against my nipples the way he kissed me the way his hips ground into mine was causing me to feel so hot and almost dazed. My back hitting the bed roughly as his mouth left mine his lips taking a nipple in his mouth sucking and licking.

Back arching up fingers gripping the sheets as small moans left her mouth breath coming out harder and faster. Charcoal eyes watching the face of the girl he's admired for the past 2 years wiggled in delight beneath him.

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