Chapter 17

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Gaara- present time siting next to Hana as she spoke.

He can't really judge her for killing as much as she has she was thrown into a dark world to do a job. A job she decided to do because of him and Shikamaru and Shikaku. A job she decided to do to protect everyone.

Hearing her words when she slaughtered the mercenaries then the village sent a chill down his spine. It scared him a little. He knows she's powerful. He also knows she's always a gentle person. Or at least that's the person he's always seen. Though the talking about the things she's seen and done. Sure they were criminals but still was hard to hear how she took the issues while killing.

Glancing at Shikaku seeing how he was listening closely to her tail of the things that happened. He was staring at her with a gentle look in his eyes as he took a drink of the sake he had. Shikaku offering. Him some but shook his head no. Being the kazekage you have to drink for certain ceremonies. But he still doesn't like the taste even if he's legally allowed to drink.

Glancing at Shikamaru and Temari who came back into the room with half eaten food as Hana kept speaking not having even noticed them. By telling her story she's reliving it all. Nodding to the two to sit down. They should know as well he guesses.

Smiling a little when he remembers that day as well. To be honest he thought he was hallucinating at the thought of the girl he was developing a bond with becoming a criminal really did hurt him but was glad he found out the truth.

Liking the look that came to her face as she spoke of the moment but it was soon replaced with a grim look as she continued

Back to flashback mode

Heading towards my employer meeting spot in the desert. It taking a little longer then expected to find it seeing as the sand storm that settled in but I eventually found it and sat down waiting. Deciding that if they aren't here when I'm done eating then I'm leaving. Starting to cook some meat that I bought at the last town I past through while eating some fruit. Though. Looked over to the cave entrance when I heard foot steps. "You guys are late by and hour" I said not telling them that I was late. Glaring dangerously at the large group of ninjas that came in. This isn't right either there was only suppose to be three coming not let's see 1-5-8-13-29-32-56-73 ninjas here in the small cave.

My eyes narrowing more as I watched them closely.

"We apologize. More people wanted to come instead of just giving money. They wanted to meet the assassin" a older man said coming to the front.

"Let me put it this way. I don't wait for clients. I have a lot of jobs to preform. The deal was for me to meet up with three not 73. If you'll all excuse me now I have no business with you people" I said taking a bite of my food while grabbing my bag going to leave.

"Will pay you triple your requested amount" one of the people in the group said which stopped me mid step making me sigh.

"Job details and pay before job" I said as they all nodded. Three men in front of the large group sat down as I went back to my original sitting. Position.

"We want you to assassinate Sabaku no Gaara" the man said making me chuckle to myself. So these idiots of gaaras village still wants him dead. How sad. Taking out a bag from my bag and held it open.

"Payment in my bag no tricks" I spoke coldly though excepted their terms. They seemed to hesitate.

"Wait you just needed the name? He's a Jinchu" I cut the annoying woman in the group off.

"I do not need any more information. I met Gaara a few times when I wasn't a rouge so pay now and the job will be done by tomorrow" I spoke coldly letting out a lot of blood lust that made the whole group swallow hard. They one by one came up dropping a portion of the money in the bag though I had my glove off and touched each hand that came to my bag until everyone had been touched and the bag was full. "Go home now. You're all in my way" I spoke coldly which they left with that. Grinning a little at the yen before putting it away.

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