Chapter 5

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Looking up at the ceiling of the hotel we were in. Having left fuu with the leader 1 day ago. Moving my hand to move the cold wash cloth off my forehead. Sighing deeply trying to sit up only for my body to get pushed back down. My eyes finally focused enough to see Itachi. "Stay down Kori " he said sitting down next to me making me smile a little. "Your healing but you been running a fever the past three weeks. My eyes widening.

"I only faught with fuu two days ago" I said making Itachi raise an eyebrow at me.

"It's been almost four weeks Kori" he said. I don't normally like being called kori but I don't mind him calling me that. "You may not have lost a lot of chakra fighting but being right in front of a bijuu bomb you took some bad injuries. You lost a lot of blood and this is first time you've been alert enough to talk" he said helping me sit up to drink water. Looking at my clothes. "We lost your bag so you're wearing my clothes" Itachi answered my unasked question. Smiling lightly. I may not be the type of person that smiles at a lot of people but Itachi has been amazing to me and I started to love him in more ways then one. He's become my best friend here. Even if we're on guard with each other we're far more relaxed then when others are around.

"Thank you Itachi" reaching my hand towards his face lightly touching his cheek with my fingers tips. Not realizing I started doing this over half a year ago and still don't realizing I'm being more affectionate towards him. As he watched me the whole time I moved. "You know I don't think anything that's been said about you is true. You're the nicest person I've ever met even if you hide it well" I said smiling at him widely he reminds me of the way Gaaras eyes were. Pained and trying to hold up and hide behind a mask.

"You're healed. It just took your body a while to break the fever" he said allowing me to touch his face. As he watched me the whole time. "You need to work on defense. You are extremely good at offense but your defense clearly needs work" he said. "You can use some of my money to get clothes seeing as we couldn't find your bag" he offered not moving an inch.


Staring at her as she moved her hand to his face. The tips of her fingers gently touching the skin of his face. It reminds him of when she first started being more interest in him and more affectionate. Knowing full well she doesn't even realize what she is doing. But he doesn't want her to stop either. He may be aiming for his brother to kill him but that doesn't mean he's not human. He is a guy to that has been watching this beautiful girl grow into the woman she is now.

Knowing full well Kori is a plant by the leaf village but been helping her even without her noticing that he's helping her get her messages out. But that doesn't mean if she's caught he'd help her for he has his own objective.

Reaching a hand up moving hair out of her face before her gripping her chin rubbing her jaw with his thumb. Standing back up realizing what he was about to do leaving the room without saying anything. If he stayed in there any longer he'd end up doing something she regret him doing.

Walking down the hall of the hotel room they had two rooms total. Sighing deeply knowing she'd probably be out of it for a few hours after just waking up. Taking a deep breath. He needs to focus on his personal goal not his physical and emotional want that's developed over the past year. Walking into the room having left his wallet with Kori to go shopping when she was ready. Her bag they couldn't find flew off her when the bijuu sent her flying.

3 1/2 weeks earlier


Heading back towards the village a bit depressed they had no clues. But ended up tripping over a bag. Looking at it raising an eyebrow at this. Grabbing the bag looking at Shikamaru and Kankuro. "That's the bag I got Hana for her 9th birthday" Shikamaru mumbled still in disbelief but could tell his mind was working. His eyes narrowing. The bag was a red colored bag that hung on her back coat by hooks (it's like shino just red)

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