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"Gerald! What are you doing here!?" Mindless of what I am wearing or how do I look like now, I ran to him and hugged him. "I so miss you!!!"

"No doubt. Haha." He said as he try to accommodate my hugging. Haha. "Is this how you miss me?"

I let go of him, then look at his face. He is smiling, revealing those perfect set of white teeth.

"U-ha." I nodded like a child.

"You still look amazing, except...why... are... you... in... that... some... kind... of... clothing???" He asked me slowly as he obviously examines my whole outfit. I felt awkward the way he looked at me so I turned my face the other way and finally, I turned around.

The mirror was right behind me, so I was able to have a glimpse of myself and I was surprised to see messy hair, oily face, fitted tee and short shorts. Is this how I look like the whole day? It surely is embarrassing. Then add the fact that my guy bestfriend is just right here next to me. "A-ahm...Would you mind if I took a shower first? I'll let you know when I'm finished."

His grin widened. I have never been this embarrassed all my life, "Okay. I'll be downstairs."

At the sound of the door closing, I grab my bathrobe and stomped to the bathroom. Umf! This shouldn't feel this way! He's my bestfriend's not the first time he saw me this way...But oh well, it's been, ugh, 15 years ago? Or more? But we're still little kids back then! Ugh!

 After I showered, I went downstairs and found him chit-chatting with mom, "There you are! You haven't informed me, Rain, that you have met Gerald in France! I miss this once little kid here!"

I can see mom was happy seeing Gerald who is now a grown-up man. I assumed that the last time she saw him was when we were still kids. And I was a witness back then how close my mom was to Gerald's family and to him as well. There is longing in her eyes too.

"Tita, I'm already grown up." Mom patted his head like a pet when Gerald protested.

"Whatever you say, young man. Anyways, I should leave now. I gotta go meet my old friends. Thank God you came here. Atleast, Skye went out her bedroom even once today. And she'll have someone with her since I'll be off maybe a day or two. I'm not sure how long will I be gone. So take care of her for me, okay?" Mom said as she bade her good bye to the both of us.

"Yes, captain." Gerald said. No one talked, not until mom was out of sight.

"If only mom knew that I didn't know anything about you coming today." I went near him and sit on his side. Bowls of food in front of us are already served. I took a piece of nachos then dipped it to the sauce. I also grabbed the remote and opened the TV for us to watch. "Yes! Harry Potter's the movie!"

"You still haven't changed, have you?" Gerald asked out of nowhere.

"Aha." I said as I kept my eyes locked on the TV. "The nachos taste good. Wanna have some?" I move the bowls right in front of him without looking. I gotta focus on watching this favorite movie of mine! Waaa!

SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION [Cloud and Skye Story] (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon