chapter 1

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                                                        !SA/R!PE WARNING!

You live in the village hidden by the mist. A sad but busy island relying on its fish supply to other places. Always filled and shaded with fog the island never really felt like home. Dense and hazy no matter what your skin and clothes will get damp from all the condensation. Green lush trees and other exotic plants scattered the island and cobble houses.

You were so excited you finally got to go on your first mission. The only thing is it was a solo mission you sat down on your musty old couch in your apartment you only had a living room a kitchen and a bathroom closed off it was super small. Your parents hated you living in their basement apartment, but you had to. Sadly they would always hit and kick you if you didn't do something right. 

(Y/n)  your first mission is a solo one you are to go to the village hidden in the leaves there you will need to learn to control your chakra more I feel like you will get along with this group of genin ninjas and it will get you away from the house. I hope you enjoy the mission. You leave tonight at midnight so get some sleep

"What!! I am going on a mission for training ugh more Training! Are you kidding me!" You threw the scroll down. And went to your pet rat's cage. ///Azbell is your pet rat; he is a little white-cream color, but he has a smart chip in his neck. He can live for a very long time and also can write letters and deliver them. To add on can fight in combat, but he can't talk verbally. Azbell goes every with you. He is your best friend.

you opened his cage as he scurried up your arm to sit on your shoulder."Well, Azbell, I guess we should start packing." You get the small amount of money you collected over a while. Grabbing a slightly tattered bag to fold and pack away clothes and Azbell's food. You get dressed in some short shorts. And a tight black leather jacket. You zip it up and throw your pack over your shoulder. And tie your (y/h/c) in a ponytail and put your ninja band on as you walk upstairs. 

"Bye Mom I am leaving for a mission I will be gone for a while."
"Whatever ever maybe you won't make it. We can only hope I guess." that little sentence hit you like a punch in the face. You were about to reach the door when a hand slammed into it.

"Where do you think you're going, Lil Missy!" Your dad's alcohol breath made you tear up. violent dark memories flooding your mind. Stuttering you managed to weakly say.

"On...on a training mission."

"Where to?"

"I can't tell you it's classified."feeling a little more confident which didn't last long. You go to reach for the door's cold handle the only thing between you and freedom. when he grabs your wrist.

"Don't you wanna have some fun with your daddy first..." His hand went down to my ass. I wanted to throw up and cry.

"No!" You opened the door and ran out.  You waited at the dock. In a rush, you paced ready to get off this hell island. The guy to take you to the mainland got there just in time. You heard loud and fast thuds of someone's feet, unfortunately, you know those stomps too well. your dad was running after you swaying with a bottle in his hands.

"You bitch! get back here your not going anywhere!" He kept stumbling as You hurried into the boat. Swiftly speeding off rowing to avoid your father's anger. The driver asked no questions but kept rowing. Azbell put his paw on your head and patted it as if saying.  It's ok. You gave him a look eyes brimming with tears. Azbell nuzzled into your neck comforting you and keeping him warm. The ride was cold and wavy salty water occasionally spitting onto your face. Luckily you use to the waves and the brine. Once the driver got to the new dock you saw a man with black hair about your age. He had black eyes and wore a blue shirt and white cream shorts. With a facial expression of not having a care in the world.

"Hi you must be (y/n) I am Sasuke." He held out his hand as you took it. You felt a strange buzz go down your spine. He must have felt it too because he shivered.

"Yea I am (Y/N). "Giving a sheepish smile you blushed a little bit. And you guys finally decided to set up camp.

"So Sasuke why did you and only you come and get me?" He rolled his eyes before answering

"Because I was voluntold for it plus I can handle myself...I also heard that you're pretty good Genin practically a Jonin. So we shouldn't have to worry. Additionally, I don't want one of the other teammates to put a bad look in your eyes about this place making us look weak."

"Speaking of can, you tell me more about your team."

"Well, Kakashi is our sensei. Naruto is the knucklehead; he is the clown of us all. And Sakura is the smart one and also a girl like yourself. So why would a highly valued ninja like yourself be with us?"

"Well first off gives me time away from my shitty parents. And I don't remember what my scroll told me. Hang on." You go in your bag and look for the scroll. You start sweating and then dig the contents out of your bag. "Oh no, it's not here!"

"Hey hey calm down. It's ok; you don't technically need it."

"You don't understand. My parents go threw my room; they will see what my mission is, and then come and spy on me and do it all the time." You got that sinking feeling in your stomach.

"Hey, it's ok..." Sasuke remarked. Then a great light flashed across the sky followed by thunder rumbled. The rain started getting heavy. Looking around you noticed a slight opening in a mountainside ahead. Running over there you noticed it was a cave entrance covered in moss. You and Azbell went into it. You soon realized Sasuke wasn't with you. The rain was pouring down at this point. You couldn't see anything. You ran out suddenly you felt rain run into your eyes. You send out your energy and sense, Sasuke. You ran to him and grabbed him. You felt a sharp hot pain in the side. You realize there was a kunai knife stuck in your side. You felt ill as warm blood gushed but dragged him to the cave.

"SHIT!" You cried grabbing your side. Blood soaking your shirt. Azbell worried you pulled up your shirt to show the lesion.

"Oh no, I am so sorry (y/n)." he seemed genuinely worried. Azbell had healing marks on his paws. As he put up his paw, he quickly healed it. Getting up and making your way into the cave you lay next to Sasuke. "You got first shift. I am tired." Taken back you didn't have a say; you rested petting Azbell to sleep. Sasuke rolled over, and soon you heard his breath slow into a steady beat. Finally, your mind got loud you soon feel the hot stinging tears slip out of your eyes. Remembering what happened with your dad he has always been that way toward you. Your little crying noises escape your mouth. Then silently cry.

"(Y/n), are you ok?"

"Fine just some things happened before I left home..."

"Like what?" You told Sasuke the horror of what happened. Realizing you felt weird, he was the only person who knew things like this besides your pen pal Ino.

" (y/n) I am so sorry to hear that." He looked like he was going to hug you but then stopped and rubbed his neck. 

"It's fine just get some sleep." You leaned back as he drifted back off to sleep.

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