chapter 16

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I had felt sasuke's hands down my back. I shivered at his touch. He stopped once he got to the bottom. I put my shirt down and leaned back.

I was in sasuke's arms. He moved his head after moving my hair to my right side. His lips touching my mark. He started to suck on it gentlly. I let out a soft moan. I felt him smile against my skin. Wrapping his warm arms around my cold body. We stayed there for a long time.

I forced his hands apart. I got up and went to the living room. Standing up he did the same thing hugging from behind. My hands found his. I smiled slightly but stopped. I sensed kakashi's chakra.

I looked over. "it's kakashi." I said looking to the floor. He let go and opened the door. Kakashi stood there.

"Oh sasuke hello is (y/n) there?"

"Yes what the hell do you want?"

"I want to talk to you guys about the other night we finished our mission." He said. I sat on the couch as they both walked in. Sasuke sat down close to me. Moving my neatly folded hands apart to put his in. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"So what is this sasuke? (Y/n) turned you soft for her?" Sasuke gasped and looked angry.

"No she didn't. (Y/n) has been my best friend since forever ago she is part of the Asena-Ashina clan...we are meant to be married. So I am doing my duties and she is doing hers. At first I didn't believe her. But then I remembered everything." Kakashi looked at me.

"(Y/n)? You have Carnil in you. I nodded slowly. Hating this. He laughed softly. "well I think the teams need to hear this more than anything. We are all out at the training grounds waiting for you. He disappeared. I felt his chakra leave.

We got up. I felt a little uneasy. We walked out the door.

Time skip brought to you by kakashi sensei

We walked out to the open field. A open grassy field with an occasional bare spot with dirt. Then there was a river Crystal clear. And trees around. Everyone was waiting beside stream. We walked over.

How the hell are they gonna take this what if they hate us will they kick us out of the leaf village what if shikamaru and kiba hates me after. What if ino and Sakura hate me?!

They all turned around. Sasuke stood in his I don't give a shit pose. Looking them with a cold look hands in his pockets. I stood there wanting to cry. I heard Sakura whisper to Ino

"Their complete opposites how does sasuke even like her and she looks weird." I looked around. Shikamaru and kiba looking at the ground.

"Okay listen up guys sasuke is gonna tell you what is been going on." Kakashi said. As he said that. Sasuke explained everything. I just stood there taking in all their expressions.

Some how we both ended up being hugged by the whole group I laughed. I never have had a group that was so caring. I loved it. I felt eyes on me. Blushing I wiggled out of the grasp of my friends.

Naruto suddenly screamed making me laugh. "let's go get ramen!" We all agreed and bombarded the ramen shop. Eating the hot ramen. We all laughed and joked around.

Then lady Tsunade walked in.
"Ahh i knew I would find you guys here. I have another mission for you guys. Naruto sasuke and Sakura." I looked at her.

"What about me?"

"Your gonna stay here and train with the other groups. That way you can get to know them better! You will start the missons tomorrow."

"But grandma Tsunade you only said one misson?"

"Naruto the other misson is for (y/n) she will learn the others strong jutsus."

Time skip brought to you by ramen!!

Me and Sasuke walked into his house the ac was blasting us with cold air. I got changed into short black shorts and a back tank top. I covered up with covers and slowly fell asleep as sasuke wrapped his arms around me.

Sorry for a short chapter I am hitting a writers block. But I am writing the chapters of the attack on Titans book

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