chapter 3

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A man stood in front of you with crazy white hair and a rat. that must be Kakashi. Barely staying awake, a lady came in after him with long blonde hair and a very revealing dress that was hard to look away from her boobs. Is that Sasuke's girlfriend? Does he even have a girlfriend? Why am I thinking like that? I am on a mission to train not to fall for some guy who is here to help me threw the woods. Plus, it could even be Kakashi's lover no...why am I even thinking it's Sasuke's?? Am I scared he is more than likely to fall for her?? No, stop thinking that way. But still, the way he wants to take charge is pretty attractive. Stop (y/n). You can't think like that.

"(Y/n), are you ok?" A cool male voice came in. You slowly shake your head to say no. "ok, well (y/n), I am Kakashi sensei. I will train you once you're out of this state and back in the leaf village." You could tell he was smiling through the blurriness and the mask. Taking a deep breath as more pain floods over you from your leg. You nod a yes, then a blue flame comes from the woman's hands, and she presses your leg. A cooling feeling washed over quickly, followed by a heated pulse filling the wounds. 

"I stopped the bleeding." She stayed focused on the blue flame. It must be a healing jutsu. "She will be ok if she is as good as her sensei says she is. She will be fine after a good night's rest." She said, leaning back. I sensed two male figures walking towards the door. Then the door sliding open could be heard.

"Thank you, lady Tsunade," Sasuke said, sounding dejected. The energy quickly shifts into tension you could cut with a knife. 

"Well, I should probably be with you guys the rest of the time, but I am afraid Naruto and Sakura need me to be there for them. I assume you can handle it from here, Sasuke. Azbell, thank you for the message. Well, goodbye." Then he quickly disappeared.  

"Ugh, this is such a drag," Shikamaru said, leaning on the wall and sighing. 

"Shut your mouth Shikamaru."Arf-arf. "Ya, your right, Akamaru. It does seem a bit weird." Said a man with crazy hair, two red streaks down his face, and a huge dog next to him. The other guy was super simple; his hair was pulled back in a ponytail, he was wearing a deep green vest, and he looked annoyed.

"Ugh, this is such a drag. Why can't I be a cloud for real and not have to deal with this?!" He said, leaning against the wall.

"Ugh, Shikamaru, you are so rude. Hello, I am Kiba. This is well... Shikamaru, you must be (y/n). Kakashi wants us to accompany you guys." Sasuke had come over to inspect your leg while rolling his eyes, irritated by the situation.

"Ugh, such a drag, I know. You guys should be able to do this on your own." You laughed very much relating to Shikamaru. You looked down at your completely healed leg. Sasuke was rubbing the blood off his grip, tightening. Standing up you just saw the spirling scar across your leg. Looking into Sasuke's dark black eyes.

"Okay, umm if you don't mind getting my bag, I am gonna get into the shower and get cleaned." You rubbed the back of your head after they all left. You started taking off your shirt, then your pants. You were standing in nothing but your bra and underwear. The door opened. You froze. Sasuke stood there dazed, holding your bag. He quickly looked you over. Till he snapped out of it, looking at his feet.  

"I am sorry! I just brought your bag." He set it on the ground and walked out. You felt your face get warm. You finished getting undressed and then hopped in the shower letting the warm water run down your (y/c/h) hair and body. Getting the shampoo, you slowly started rubbing your scalp. Letting the foamy soap runoff, you stood there. My mom and dad...are they going to come and look for me. A voice came into your head. 

You know, Y/N, it has been tough to get into your head. You started Looking around to find what or who said that.  

"Who is that," you said, a bit startled but confused. The bell-like voice was deep but comforting. 

It's me, Azbell. I am outside the shower. Yes, my eyes are closed. You can come out and dry off now. Sasuke is gone. He laughed.

"hey, you be quiet." You shut the water off and held your hand out for the towel. The soft fluffy towel hit your hand. You brought it back into the shower drying your hair and then wrapping yourself in it. You hopped out, slipping on a pair of undergarments, a simple black shirt with the symbol of your headband, and then some spandex-like shorts. You then dried your hair brushed it and put your headband on. You were super tired after today. You walked out and smiled a simple smile. 

"Okay, I don't care what that lady said; let's get moving."

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