chapter 15

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Hey btw I am about to make an attack on Titans book soon but idk should I??

woke up my head pounding I was in a small room. I suddenly realized it was sasukes room.

"What the hell am I doing back here?" Just then the door opened. It was sasuke. He looked sad. "sasuke what the hell is going on?" I asked. I was getting worried. Everything seemed off. He walked close to me. I felt my body shake my mind was fuzzy.

"(Y/n) we came back everyone else is on their way to drop mornio off..." I looked at him as he sat down I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close.

"Sasuke why the hell did we come back why the hell did you stop me from killing him!" I got angry he ripped out of my grip and forced me to the bed. My arms above my head. And he pinned me down. He was angry I had snapped on him.

"DAMN IT (Y/N)! BECAUSE THATS NOT WHO YOU ARE WHERES THE (Y/N) I FELL FOR HUH!?" I stared at him...holy shit I was got power had over come me. I felt tears run down my face I haven't felt like this since...

Flash back rape warning ⚠
Play song

I stood in my room I was waiting to be punished... What would it be this time...rape again. Full force beat down...or both.

The door handle jiggled. My dad walked in shirtless. Shit it was rape again. I looked down at the ground. Studying the carpet. He walked over and kicked me in the stomach. I doubled over. And hit the ground in the featal position. He grabbed me from behind.

He undid my buckle. I was crying. He unbuttoned then unzipped my pants. Bending me over more he took off his pants. I started choking with tears. He pushed himself into me. I screamed. He got a knife and sliced a long deep line from the start of my neck on my back following my spine. My shirt fell off with my bra blood dripping down my body. He finished ad pulled out. He then proceeded to eat me out. I moaned a little. But then kicked him in his crotch. I got up and backed up but couldn't go far after he cut a deep line in my back. I screamed as my back hit the wall.

He came close me.  "You kicked me bitch! You should be enjoying it!" He forced him self into me again. As I screamed he cut right shoulder following my inner side of my arm. Blood dripped on the floor more. He pulled out once again. As he stood up he put his pants on. My body shook from all of the pain. He kicked me in the stomach. Blood shot out of my mouth.

As I was soon laying on my stomach crying. He came and stomped on my back. I screamed and laid there naked and in pain and scared of what will happen next.

End of flash back
this was akward
to write

Sasuke looked deep into my eyes. I was scared shitless I felt pain and loneliness. I cried. Instead of just one tear after the other they all pushed out everyway possible out of my eyes. Sasuke gasped then backed up. I stood up he sat next to me.

I stared into his eyes. But he soon looked down. And looked angry.
"I will protect you (y/n) your my love and will do anything you hear me!"

"Damn it sasuke I am not weak!"

"I know (y/n) but I won't loose you again!"

"What do you mean again?!"

"BECAUSE!...that day your clan was killed and the (l/n) clan stole you... I might have been young but I remember thinking I lost everything that day! Then when my clan died...I turned evil (y/n)....I am going to kill your father if it's the last thing I do!" He breathed heavily.

I scooted over so I was almost in his lap. I moved closer and kissed him. He kissed back. His tongue hit my bottom lip asking for entrance. As I let him in. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth. I laid back down on the bed as he was on top.

Things got heated quick his hands went to my hips. He slowly put his hands in shirt. I sat and he backed up. Still kissing. His hands went to my back. I felt them graze the thick scar. He stopped kissing. He looked at me. His eyes shook. I moved to were he was facing my back. I whimpered a little.

I lifted up my shirt and showed the giant scar down my back. Thick scar tissue the size of giant pencil following down my entire spine. His warm hands felt the scar all the way down. I shivered...

Okay so 2 things I really need opinions. 1 should I do an attack on Titans(aot) book? &2 should I maybe add a twist to this book to were aot gets introduced some how?

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