chapter 5

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Your pov

"And it's me..." Just then the moss sprung at us. I quickly got my kunai knife and sliced the palm of my hand open the moss stopped in mid air. I got off of akamaru and walked over to it. I put my blood on it and it fell to the ground dissolving.

"What?" I heard shikamaru ask. I looked at everyone. They all looked lost and confused. I quickly answered there questioning faces.

"You see this moss can't think very well it has no brain it only stops when it gets what it's after...blood." kiba gasped.

"(Y/n) why you how come your the only one who can stop him?" I looked at kiba. A tear threatened to come out I felt the breeze blowing my (h/c) across my face. As a salty water smell filled my nose.

"Because I know all of his attacks I can hold him off long guys get kakashi sensei." Azbell popped in my head (y/n) I will send for him let him know the details.

"Ugh again we can take him (y/n)!" Sasuke screamed at me. I looked at him quickly.

"Don't you understand Sasuke I will put a gin jutsu on him and we run till kakashi gets there by the time he gets back to the village we will be there. If we fight him now no matter if me and kiba went on we all will be killed..." He huffed and put his hands in his pockets. Azbell disappeared running off to get kakashi.

I walked in front of my dad. Memories flooded my mind I blocked them out for now. I did some hand signs. Water from the trees and grass circled him. I flicked some of my blood on to the hollow sphere. It burned and then stopped moving it was now glass.

"This will hold him only kakashi can break it. I put a special seal on it. If he tries to escape it will shrink. And as we speak it's eating away at his chakra." I got on Akamaru's back once again. "okay let's get the hell out of here." We ran.

Soon after Azbell went onto my shoulders. It is done my lady. He said with a bow. Kiba looked at me. "wow it's like you can understand him."

"I can I don't know how but he communicates to me in my head." Soon the village came into sight. "I just thought where exactly will I be staying Sasuke while I am here I mean." He was silent but then spoke soft and cool.

"We can get you and apartment but for now you can stay at my house ok I can sleep in the living room you can take the bed." I nodded soon we were at the gates. It was a big and modern looking village. Filled with color and joy.

I walked into it and a crazy yellow haired guy about my age and Sapphire blue eyes came running to me. He was laughing. And pointed at me.

"You must be (y/n)! I am Naruto you probably have heard of me i plan to be hokage​ one day!! oh and this is Sakura!" He pointed to a shy girl with pink hair. He put his hands behind his head I studied Naruto first.

Spiked hair and blue eyes and what looks like whiskers on his face. And then Sakura was shy and timid with short pink hair and slight smile complimented her emerald green eyes. They both wore the headband of a leaf ninja. Sakura was super excited.

"It's gonna be nice not being the only girl on the team any more." She rubbed the back of her head and laughed weekly. She went up and hugged Sasuke. "I am so glad your ok."

Ahh she must be his girlfriend...
"Hi and yes Naruto I am (y/n) and I can already tell this group is gonna be fun." I laughed. Naruto looked confused then spoke.

"What do you mean you don't even know me and Sakura?" I covered up my smile and blushed.

"Well let's see Sasuke here is gotta be the best fighter if I am correct with his sharingan he can read and mimick other people's moves. Sakura you may be shy but your the smart one of the group and you will put your life on the line for your team mates. And Naruto your the loud and annoying person who has a big heart and big dreams but if you need to you will wipe anyone off the face of this Earth to save your friends here."

Naruto looked shocked. "h-how did you know all that? You just met us." I could tell I threw him off gaurd. I laughed again.

"I can tell how people are by their body language like this. Shikamaru you maybe lazy but your great with strategy you would put your life on the line for anyone. Kiba your loud and wild but your heart is right I can tell we're gonna get along well." Everyone was shocked. I sensed a movement with some strong chakra. I got my kunai knife out. And looked I quickly put it away as kakashi sensei landed softly in front of me. I heard Sakura whisper to everyone.

"Wow I can't believe it her gaurd was down yet she still sensed kakashi sensi. She is as good as they say." Kakashi looked at me.

"So I heard you can tell anyone about them self with just body language is that right." I nodded.

"Guessing you want me to tell you about you or at least what I think."kakashi smiled threw his mask and nodded."well for starters your a great fighter and ovbiously a great sensei. Your a normally calm person probably reading alot but you as well would put your life on the line."

"Well I guess you are kinda good huh well I will let you settle in." Before he jumped away I quickly grabbed his wrist. He was startled. Sakura once again. Spoke.

"Oh my gosh she touched sensi with his gaurd up!" Kakashi looked at me.

"Don't worry (y/n) your father has been taken care of go get settled in okay." I nodded letting go and he jumped off I turned twords the group.

"Okay Sasuke now I am a little tired." I said sheepishly. Smiling a little.

"Okay (y/n) let's go." He looked at and and smiled and said. "no (y/n) me and Sakura are not a thing."how did he?
"I just don't want you thinking that." He laughed. Interesting....

Okay was that good and long another update coming soon!! comment please rate and follow share this too

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