chapter 14

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My mark burned as I sensed the chakra. I fell to my knees but I didn't grab onto my neck. I started growling instead. My eyes turned to slits. Everyone except sasuke and kakashi looked frightened. I jumped down on to the ground below. It was a nice cool clearing. I stood up my nails bared.

My teeth started turning pointed. I growled even lower. Just as I spoke it was loud and deep. "come out you son of a bitch and fight me!"

My eyes danced as I was angered. I felt my body shift I was on the ground as a wolf. I blinked slowly. He walked out of the shadows. His cold eyes moving. I growled. Sasuke landed beside me and he got on my back. I was much Stronger in my wolf form. I lowered my head and my body in a bowing position. I looked at sasuke.

"Sasuke get off I don't know what he has in and the others go and get mornio out of here and safetly make it back to the leaf village." He got off and was about to protest. But I lunged at my father. I jumped and opened my jaws. I latched onto his arm. Blood squrting out spraying the floor. He punched me in the face. I watched as the others ran off.

Play song
~~Flash back~~

I stood in front of my village. I saw our beautiful leader. She had gathered us all into the great Hall for announcement. We all talked happily together laughing. But that all changed. When Carnil walked in.

She was a big white wolf with blue fur on her face like a crown. She sat down. She stared at all of us. She opened her loud mouth. She let out a howl as she howled giAnt wings came out from her back. We all bowed. She stopped and looked around the room.

"I need (y/n) up here." She said in a deep growling voice. I was scared. I walked up shaking. As I was standing in front of the wolf she looked down sniffed me. And looked up. "folks she is the one that will care on our legacy." Everyone cheered but stopped. She growled. And then shooting was heard. I looked around.

Everyone was dead everyones body was covered in blood. Soon the shooting stopped and I fell and cried.

I ran to my mom and dad's body. My dad's fell over on my mom's protecting her. Blood spilled from everyone. I stepped in it all. I just couldn't wait till sasuke and I will continue our prophesy.

but you can keep the
song going

I looked at the blood and tugged hard. His arm ripped off. The sound of a tree falling and his scream. I had a snarl on my face. My eyes red and crazy. As I walked to his. Sasuke jumped behind me.

"(Y/n)...stop." I stopped moving. Slowly transforming back to human. My father whistled. A bunch of people came by and took him away he yelled out.

"I will get you! Hahaha you will be dead next time!!" I was mad sasuke made me miss my opportunity. My blood boiled. I looked at sasuke everything but my ears teeth nails and eyes changed back.

I looked at sasuke. I ran and pinned him to a tree growling. "you son of a bitch why did you let me miss that I could have done it." My hand around his neck got tighter. He grabbed it but didn't look scared. He looked like her was about to cry. Blood stained my teeth and dripped down my mouth.

"Because (y/n)...I didn't want you to become what's inside you. You need to come back to me." I let my guard down. He moved so fast. My hands pinned down on the tree he was on. He went into his coat pocket. And got a thing of water. He put in my mouth. "get that blood out..."

I hesitated but did as he Said. I got all of the blood of just then. I felt chakra all around me. It was our team. My eyes stayed red but everything else was normal. I looked at sasuke my eyes shifting.

All in my eyes. He leaned closer to me and whispered.
"Babe...I know this isn't you please come back to me..." He leaned in and kissed me. I heard a gasp. My eyes still opened I fought him. But then stopped. All of my muscles relaxed and I fell into sasukes arms. My lips fell from his. And I passed out.

Okay sorry about this it's a bad chapter

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