chapter 8

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Your pov

Sasuke's arms went down to my ass picking me up. I wrapped my legs around him. Burrying my face in neck. He took us over to the bed. As I got set down on the bed I sat up. Sasuke's arms laid limp still touching my body. I untied my headband and set it on his night stand and studied the room as I untied his.

His room was quite roomy his bed looked over his balcony. A night stand with a poster above it next to his door. Then a long shelf with a tv and a picture of team 7. And a closet close to his door with two dressers.

After I untied his head band I got up and closed the curtains. The sun was slowly swallowed up by the darkness. I laid back down getting under the covers facing sasuke. Azbell fell asleep on the night stand. Sasuke's arms slithered around me pulling me closer as I soon drifted off into sleep.

Another flash back/dream

I walked in from the academy. It was such a slow day. I walked down to the basement when my dad stopped me. He smiled evily and whispered in my ear.

"Don't tell Mommy what daddy did okay baby." I couldn't stop hating him. He raped me why shouldn't I tell her. I was just about to when he stopped me. He grabbed my wrist. And took a knife slicing cuts all in my wrist like a cutter would. He pulled me closer. I started to cry.

He turned me around pushing me to the wall. Kissing my neck. I started sweating. And crying. Pleading for him to stop.

He took his hands and shoved them down my pants playing with me I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed for him to stop I screamed.

"(Y/n)"  he got more violent with me. I fell to the ground my body shaking as much as I hated it my body liked it. But I hated it so much.


End of dream//sorry for the weirdness

Sasuke was standing over top of me looking worried. I felt my body shaking and tears run down my face. I grabbed him in a hug. As I pleaded.

"PLEASE SASUKE KEEP ME HERE DONT LET HIM GET ME." I shook trying to catch my breath. He sat down pulling me into his lap. Stroking my hair.

"Who ba--(y/n)?" Was he about to say babe?? No prob not

"Sasuke my dad please don't let me go back!" I felt him tense up. He hugged me tighter more protectively.

"(Y/n) I won't let him hurt you anymore..." I relaxed after he said that. I wouldn't have stopped shaking if he wouldn't have been here. He continued stroking my hair. A knock at the door came.

Sasuke went to open it. It was Sakura. She smiled and got all excited as she saw Sasuke shirtless. "WOW!! Sasuke you look hot!" I walked out she saw me and looked away.

"What do you want Sakura...." Sasuke said annoyed.

"Actually I need (y/n) I have someone who wants to meet you." I was surprised. Sasuke ran to get my headband I put it on without even looking.

"Okay well let's go then." Sakura led me to a shop. She stopped and turned twords me.

"(Y/n) I am sorry if I was ever mean to you I really like you and can't wait for our first misson together! We can go in the hot springs and do shopping." Smiling I hugged her.

"That's sounds amazing Sakura. Now who am I meeting?" She perked up more if that was even possible.

"Well a kinda friend of mine used to tell me about her pen pal (y/n) and I knew that name sounded firmilar so I found out it was you." I started getting all excited. "so (y/n) meet ino and her team!" I walked in the shop.

There was a long blonde haired girl. Who was tall and a chubby boy eating chips. And none other than shikamaru.
"Hey (y/n). Of course you know me but this is choji and ino my team." I ran to ino and hugged her.


"Same (y/n) same! So what do you think of the village?"

"I love it!" She looked at my headband. And smiled.

"Hey I see you have changed over she said pointing."

"What I am wearing my normal headband." I said laughing she pointed at it.

"Ya but it's got the leaf symbol on it."

"What?" I took it off and sure enough it had the symbol on it "ops Sasuke must have mixed up our headbands and gave me his." Ino looked kinda mad after that.

"You mean your staying with Sasuke?"

"Ya." I said nervously. She glard at me. Then smiled. Then Sakura spoke.

"How did you mix up the headbands."

"Oh umm idk they were both on the table hehe." Close one.

"Well it was nice meeting you in and choji nice seeing you again shikamaru I better get rested up for the mission." Sakura stayed behind. I started walking to the apartment complexes. Then for some reason I started running.

Running faster I turned a corner. Before I could even react to the chakra I sensed. I ran into someone I got shot back. Standing up rubbing my head. I opened my eyes.

"(Y/n)?" I blinked a few times a crazy brown haired boy.

"Hey kiba!" I got all excited. And gave him a hug.

"Excited for our mission tomorrow!?"

"Your coming too?"

"Ya me and shikamaru were added because kakashi can't go I was on my way to tell shikamaru." I laughed.

"Well I guess I will see you tomorrow then kiba!"

"Definitely see ya!" He said waving akamaru close on his feet...

Kiba and shikamaru are like my brothers  and I can't wait to go on another mission with them tomorrow!

Okay another update tomorrow probably if not see ya Friday rate and add this book if you haven't. Comment and rate!!

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