chapter 18

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HEYY I AM NOT DEAD!! okay here is the deal please leave a comment and a rate for faster updates okay I need the motivation I have been really lazy I hope you kinda like the plot twist.

I started moving the water across my body slowly I put the water back into the stream. I looked and everyone seemed really surprised.

"(Y/n) I think your the only water bender alive still!" Kiba said.

"It's an ancient style that died many years ago it so happens to run in my blood along with sensing and tracking of the Asena-Ashina clan." I looked down at the ground.

Time skip

I couldn't believe it was only 1. I walked into the ramen stop and ordered a nice steaming bowl of beef ramen. I brought my legs into a crisscross position and broke some wooden chop sticks.

I slurped the warm food down and suddenly I felt a strong Chakra appear around parts out side of the store and one strong one walking in. I looked up at the owners.

"Hello sir how can i-" the man dropped his bowl and seemed scared. I turned and finally understood. A tall Anbu stood in front of me. Head slightly tilted.

"(Y/n) I need you to come with me." I got up bowed and thanked the man for the ramen. I escorted myself out side and noticed more people coming. "(y/n) your under arrest for posing the ability to bend the elements I am sorry we need you to come to the lab so we can test you."

Shit not today!

I quickly thought of a plan it's crazy but maybe it will work. I scratched my tattoo then.


I ran twords the wall I jumped up onto a house and felt them coming in all directions trying to close in on me.

I will never out run them in this form

I thought hard and suddenly my tattoo tingled but didn't burn it felt cold. I felt and saw the way my eyes could see changed. I was in my wolf form.

The shingles came off as I ran harder before I knew it I jumped onto the wall and to the floor down below. The soft dirt clouded a little.

Running a little but farther I stopped and perked my eyes up.


I continued running faster. I felt the chakra still following me. I thought of anything else I could do but I was out of ideas. Suddenly a quick refection caught my eye. I ran over to what I believed was a pond. I slowed down and focused on the water. The area was surrounded by pine trees and the water was a dark black color.

Just then then Anbu showed up behind me. My eyes I could tell were blue before were turning red. I started backing up I noticed suddenly I was on the water my pads on my paw were slightly wet. Then not even using Chakra the water formed snaked around me and protected me. I got tired suddenly my mark burned and I felt my father's Chakra.

Damn it not now

I tried focusing on the water but my mind slipped and then I was in the water. I started swimming but I felt a huge hand pick me up by my nape and throw me to the Anbu. What the hell is making my brain fuzzy I can't think.

I got tired I stood up to fight but I felt an arrow hit my back. I whined and lunged at the nearest person then a rope around my neck pulled me back. I went to go after them but another brought me the other way. Then another 2 arrows with rope hit my legs.  Then they pulled apart I was on the ground. I struggled to fight I couldn't think straight.

Damn it what the hell.

I felt an Anbu's foot held my wolfish head to the ground. The soft grass cradled my head and the sweet smell of the leaves filled my nose. I saw them reach down I tried biting them. But them a rope tied my mouth shut. Then a slight chuckle was heard.

"Aww poor puppy did the puppy stop thinking we'll just she should have watched out for what water to walk on next that water if you come in contact pretty much fogs your brain." It sounded like a woman. Then that person reached their hand out and petted my face. I felt ashamed. The wind blew my fur slightly.

I was being treated like a dog. I growled then the woman looked at me. "you know this little shot right here( pulls out a needle) will make you become a dog and if we want you back into human we have to use the antidote at our base. Wonder how the Uchiha will react. Oh right were not Anbu" the girl pulled her mask off it was my mom ((the one that stole her the bad mom)) then my father's Chakra stopped I looked up he nodded smiling evilly. She pushed the needle into my skin. I felt my eyes go to (y/e/c). My mind got dull. I started falling asleep.

5 min time skip brought to you by BTS ARMY amino app any army reading this???

I felt a pronged collar go round my neck. Who am I?? Where am I?? Are these people nice? Can I sleep can I eat? I looked softly at the woman in front of me. She smiled and baby talked to me.

"Aww who's a good girl who is??"


"Who's a good girl? You are yes you are!"


She pulled out a ripped piece of clothing. "ok listen your name is zero and you will listen and when you do you get food. Now smell this and find the sent and track."

As long as I get food lady.

I smelled the cloth what I have smelled this smell before. Pine and salt?? Why is it so firmilar.

The woman bends down to me and tugs slightly on my collar. I look at her again. "now zero if you come across any one that dose not have this symbol..." She pointed to a weird symbol on her neck.

"Also they should just show you because everyone who is good has it okay now like I was saying anyone who doesn't

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"Also they should just show you because everyone who is good has it okay now like I was saying anyone who doesn' kill them okay and you especially kill the one with this smell. Now go make mommy proud!" I felt a sudden drive as if a robot the word kill my eyes weren't soft anymore the edges of my vision were blood red. I ran after the firmilar smell with intent to kill.

I might do a second update tonight.

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