chapter 6

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Your pov

Sasuke and i started walking to his apartment. Tonight I would stay with him. I don't know why I was so nervous.

Looking over at him he was walking calmly with his hands in his pockets. I looked at his Raven black hair. And finally I spoke. "so Sakura likes you right?"

He stopped and looked at me. "(y/n) I don't like Sakura I have my heart set on someone else they just don't know it yet."he was talking for once!

I smiled weekly. "boy I am sure excited to get a shower eat and go to sleep!" I could have sworn I saw a faint smile and a heard a faint laugh from Sasuke. "maybe we as in you me Naruto Sakura and kakashi should go out to eat so I can get to know you better."

Sasuke's eyes in a confused manner. "(y/n) why would we need to do that you already guessed how we all are. Not to mention you were dead ass right." He said soon continuing to walk at our steady paste.

I laughed a little softly."you see I may know you guys but I am still a mystery to you." He just humfed and we continue walking. I looked down studying the road..

Cobble roads...big mountains with the 4 leadgendary hokage's this village is old but surely peaceful.

"Very well (y/n) we will go out to eat to know more of your mysterious ways." He laughed snapping me out of my daze. I smiled.

We soon appeared in front of a bunch of apartment complexes. Sasuke went to one and unlocked the door. I set my bag on his couch. It was a nice size living room with a kitchen and two doors one leading to Sasuke's room one leading to the bathroom.

"Okay I will get a shower first Sasuke." He nodded and sat down. And turned on his TV. I got in the bathroom the shower was surrounded by beautiful stone. The white stone glistening as I turned on the shower water and hoped in. I was careful washing my leg. I turned off the water and got a towel once again from Azbell. I laughed as he used his rat ears to cover his eyes.

"You know Azbell it doesn't matter if YOU look or not mean come on really."
Yes my lady it wouldn't but I must not intrude. I shall be polite no matter what and respect your privacy.

Smiling I wrapped my self in a towel and picked out some tight jeans and a hoodie with the water village symbol and the sleeves ripped off I moved the hood up covering my little secret.

I walked out after I brushed threw my long (h/c) waves. I put it up in a high pony tail and putting my headband on. Smiling at my self I walked out. Sasuke was sound asleep.

I lifted an eyebrow as azbell hopped on my shoulders we looked at each other. I walked over and kneeled down. I studied his face. His lips slightly parted. I quickly sensed him still being awake again raising my eyebrow.

"Sasuke I know your awake time to get ready." He opened his eyes and walked to his room he shut the door but purposely left it cracked. I noticed him taking his shirt off my eyes widened as I saw the most wonderful sight ever.

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