chapter 4

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Starting 1st person pov.

I walked out into the room where everyone was sitting. The energy in the room was tense. Sasuke was sitting down near Kiba and Akamaru where on the floor. Shikamarus had a look of distaste leaned against the wall. 

"Okay, I don't care what that lady said we're leaving now," I demand. Sasuke stood up.

"All though I would be all about it. Lady Tsunade says you need to rest. I also don't need more issues." You shook your head. 

"Fine lets make a deal one of you carry me I sleep. other wise That lady will be the least of your worries. My father will be after us with my blood sent." Kiba's face dropped.

"What your father can smell your blood?" Kiba asked looking at me. I walked over and gave Akamaru a good pet. His fur was silky and smooth. 

"Yes, long story short smelling blood is something our family can do, and if you think about the persons sent hard enough, you can track them. My nose is almost as good as little Akamaru's here. If not better."Kiba stood up.

"Wow, that's crazy cool we're gonna get along just fine." He smiled. And looked around." So ah who wants to carry (y/n)?" Kiba asked looking around. Shikamaru raised his shoulders.

"Well let's put it this way Sasuke and I are the best fighters kiba and (y/n) are the trackers. So kiba you should have (y/n) ride on akamaru." Shikamaru said smiling at his quick plan.

"Fine but what if we run into trouble."Sasuke said taking a stand. Shikamaru sat and put his hands together thinking. I got on Akamaru's back and held on to his fur. It was so soft. I lead my fingers through the soft fur watching it part.

"If worse comes to worse akamaru kiba and (y/n) will run for it me and Sasuke will stay and fight. And if you guys reach any trouble retreating kiba will fight we can risk (y/n) fighting and die she is the person we are protecting." I got angry at this.

"Now wait just a minute I am ninja as well and a pretty damn good one I can stay and fight with kiba if worse comes to worse." Sasuke looked at me with his cold dark eyes. Looking away I could tell he respects them as do I. I just hate when people underestamate me.

"(Y/n) when we got Tangled with the beast you almost died." Sasuke said turning his body twords me. I shook my head and looked up at him.

"Sasuke trust me I can handle myself." I was about to argue more when a loud booming sound came from the door. I looked down Azbell ran up onto my shoulders. A booming voice came about.

"(Y/N)!! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW." You were stopped dead frozen nobody moved. Memories flooded your head. Your dad pushing you against the wall pulling your shirt off you crying.

Flash back//still your pov

I walked out of my room. The smell of salt and alcohol filled my nose and then it got stronger. My dad came around the corner. He looked me up and down I wore a blue shirt and jeans. He went into my room and tried to lock the door but my dad pushed through.

"What are you doing (y/n)?"he asked his breath burning my eyes.

"About to leave. I gotta-" he cut me off pushing me to the wall. I started crying and panicking. He kissed my neck and started pulling my shirt off "please stop!!"

End of flash back(if I should do the whole thing lmk so I can add a flash back some where soon)

Your pov

I started crying holding my mouth. I looked at shikamaru. Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"Shikamaru we need to get the hell out of here now that's my dad!" Shikamaru's face changed. He was serious. I looked at Sasuke he just blinked. It was so cute the way he was so calm.

Kiba opened the window. And we all jumped out and ran. Akamaru was super fast. Once we got far away akamaru woofed.

"Really think so I don't know akamaru he seems a little odd I mean he won't even let (y/n) go on a mission God only knows what he did. To even make her cry." Kiba said he looked at me. "akamaru says he can't smell your old man anymore." I smelled and told akamaru to stop we landed in a little clearing.

"He's wrong he is here my nose is stronger than his.." I smelled and looked up at the tree tops. I looked around and noticed some moss growing on a tree. "he's here."

Everyone went on high alert. Looking around I saw a quick black figure dart from the two trees moss growing quickly. I got off of akamaru. Shikamaru grabbed my wrist.I winced a little. I stopped once Sasuke looked at me confused. Was he worried about me? Shikamaru backed up close to me he body touching mine I felt like he was an older brother to me almost. He then whispered in my ear.

"Remember the plan you and kiba run if worse comes to worse." I shook my head and got back on Akamaru's back. Looking I pointed twords the trees still moss growing out of them.

I smelled he was behind me. I turned just in time he was running at us. Shikamaru used his shadow possession jutsu. Dad stopped in his tracks.

"Ha you think you can stop me with this!" He moved his eyes the moss on tree started coming to life. "there's only one person who can stop me." He smiled evily.

"And it's me..." I said looking down a my feet. Just then the moss sprug at us...

Ok 1 SORRY for the late update. I hope you like how long the chapter is leave a comment I might update again tonight or tomorrow. I need to really start moving this book on.

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