chapter 17

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Okay I need ideas really bad I am loosing interest in this book sadly.

I woke up the sun shining in my eyes. I sat up. Sasuke wasn't here I looked at the clock it was 12 pm.

"Oh no he must have left already!" I looked to were he normally sleeps there was a note.

I left for the misson I should be back in a few days stay ontop of your misson as well. I believe in you. And when we come back we will go out for ramen. We have a surprise for you!

I felt a little upset I wish he had woken me up. I got up and got dressed putting my head band on my hair got swept up into a ponytail.

I was just about to open the door when kiba barged in with a bored looking shikamaru.

"(Y/N)! WE MISSED YOU SIS!" Kiba said giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Missed y-you too kiba I c-cant breathe!" I wheezed out. He smiled a little then let go rubbing the back of his head.

"Please this is such a drag can't we just tell her already." Shikamaru said rolling his eyes.

"OH YA! (y/n) me and shikamaru are gonna show you our jutsus!" Just then I was plowed by akamaru. I laughed as I pet his fur.

"That sounds great! Wait can we go to the training field I will meet you there by the water I have something to show you!" They agreed and left. I quickly got an apple I started eating it as the sink started to fill up.

"Ok...I can do this!" I stopped the water. I moved my hands focused on the water. It jumped a little but not alot. I did it once again but this time a water snake formed and moved about. Moving my body with my arms feeling peaceful. It made a spiral around my body I set it back in the sink. I could still do it.

Okay the only thing is...will they be scared I can do it with out chakra. I opened the door just then kiba barged in falling onto me. I laughed.

"Kiba you smell like dog haha!" He made a mad face.

"At least I don't have a dog face...umm at least I am not a dog." He said sticking his tongue out at me. Got me there I guess. We walked out to the lake. I walked over and moved my hands. The water moved around my body. Everyone was shook! {(A/n) idk what I am doing anymore)}

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