chapter 9

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Your pov

I continued walking down the street when I saw Sasuke turn around the corner. I smiled and ran up to him.

"Hey Sasuke did you here were going on a combined misson with kiba and shikamaru!" I said all excited he looked down and smiled.

"Actually all 9 rookie genin are going. Including you. Kakashi couldn't come and I think gaara from the sand is coming to" I looked down at the cobble street just then azbell ran up on my shoulders. I then looked up at Sasuke the sun shined bright behind him giving the special look to him.

"This mission must be super important I thought it was just a escort misson?" I said.

"It is it's just were escorting a really important friend and person." I continued to look confused. He just laughed.

"His name is morino he is a racer." I shrugged my shoulders. "well (y/n) I am off I have to do some training. Oh but real quick I want my head band back" I laughed and we switched our headbands. maybe I will train with Naruto!

I walked down the street once again. I sensed some huge chakra. I stopped as it got closer I pulled out my knife. As I turned to attack. I saw my best friend...short crazy red hair. Dark death blue eyes. And a tattoo on his forehead.

He looked at me suprized. I put my knife away. "(y/n)??" He said barley able to speak. Just then azbell ran off.

"G-gaara what are you doing here?" I said I ran up and hugged him. He spoke quietly.

"I could ask you the same question but I am an Allie of the hidden leaf village. How long have you been here? I see you still have your mist headband."

"I got here yesterday evening. I am going on a mission tomorrow. With all 9 rookies!" He looked at me and said even quieter .

"Just don't let Carnil out." He whispered in my ear I nodded. As I felt the back of my neck were my wolf symbol was. What if my team ever found out I possessed a nine tailed wolf demon well inside me?

Gaara hugged me and jumped away. Azbell ran up on my shoulders huffing. "azbell what's wrong?" He held his little paw up for a second. My lady! He is coming you need to tell sasuke he is on the move he could be here tonight or tomorrow evening...

I started breathing heavy. Him...why
I looked at Azbell"azbell go find Gaara and tell him he will be after him as well." He ran off. I started running to were Sasuke would probably be training. But I didn't quite know my way around yet.

I took a deep breath in. And thought hard of Sasuke. My eyes turned into black slits with blue cloudy eyes. As I saw Sasuke's blood sent I followed it. To some woods? Why would he train in woods. I started following his sent. Then stopped using that power. And started walking I sensed his chakra. Sudden. I jumped as I saw a kunai knife fly twords me.

"WAIT SASUKE!" I yelled I saw his turn on his sharingan.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here." I started running to him.

"Sasuke Azbell says he is on his way slowly but he is Sasuke he is coming for me and I think he has the intention of killing me this time I never have fought him like I did." Tears started forming in my eyes. Sasuke walked over.

"(Y/n) I won't let him hurt you do you hear me come on let's go." We started walking back. "(y/n) when we're on the mission I will be close by you do you hear me don't leave my side unless I tell you too but you going on this mission is not only important for the team but for your safety."

"Sasuke I understand this Mission will throw him off but we need to tell lady Tsunade. At least to be ready if he gets here..." I said stopping right before the lip of the woods right by the village. I shook only imagining what he would do to this village.

"(Y/n)...*sigh* we will go to her come on." We started walking to the hokage's room. As we knocked on the door. Azbell came out with Gaara.

"Azbell Gaara what are you doing here."

"We wanted to tell lady tsunade that your father was on the way don't worry I will keep you safe ok." Gaara hugged me and I hugged him back. I saw Sasuke get tense. I walked in Sasuke right behind me.

"Lady tsunade-" she held up her hand.

"I am aware your father is on his way you just stay to your misson." I turned around when I turned to face her right before I left.

"Lady tsunade..." She looked up from her paperwork humming her response."I was wondering.. can I have a leaf shinobi headband?" She looked shocked.

"(Y/n)? You don't want your mist headband?" I smiled.

"My sensei never liked me but he gave me a train you guys i happen to need to learn my strength...this mission was to get me stronger. Stronger so I can leave my village..." I untied my head band. And looked at it one last time. I set it down on her desk. She sighed.

"I wondered if you would have found out..." She pulled out a black leaf head band I tied it on.

"Ok Sasuke let's go pack." He nodded and walked back to the house. He opened the door and azbell was in there packing.

"Azbell what are you doing." He looked at me. My lady I am packing I have packed clothes for you lunch packs kunai shuriken and healing items.

"What about sasuke?"everything but clothes.

After I told Sasuke. He went to finish packing. I stood there gazing at the ground. Sasuke put his bag next to mine. "ok (y/n) we're ready for tomorrow." I smiled but a sudden pain shot threw my neck. I held my neck falling to my knees. When I opened my eyes they were blue cloudy slits again. I clutched my neck. As my tattoo burned. I started screaming.

It burned red

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It burned red. Sasuke quickly ran over to me holding me. "(Y/N)? WHATS WRONG?!" I couldn't look at him. I couldn't bring my self to. He hugged me closer. Stroking my hair as I shook in pain. It soon stopped. I looked at sasuke breathing heavily. My eyes slowly went back to normal.

He looked at my eyes unmoving. That when I realized this whole time he was using the sharingan. I gasped but once I got out of his grip. The tattoo burned. I fell once again. He came and held me and it stopped. I cried as wrapped my arms around his neck. Pulling us closer if that was even possible. I was pretty much sitting on him. His legs spread and I was in between them as he held me side ways my legs over his left left. I hugged him at a weird angle. But then he moved my hair back and touched my tattoo.

A pleasure feeling came over me. As I wanted to be even closer to him. This look in my eyes of love and passion shot threw me. I looked into his black soft eyes. I blinked slowly. Taking everything in my power not to kiss him.
"Azbell tell lady tsunade that when sasuke touches my mark it doesn't hurt I need to know how to make this pain stop." I said still hold Sasuke. He picked me up and we went to the couch. We sat the same way only I was in his lap as he sat Criss cross. His one hand massaged my mark making it tingle and tickle. His other hand stroking my hair. And I embraced us closer. In a few minutes the door opened but it was not tsunade...

"What the hell..." I heard as I looked I wanted to cry.

See you tomorrow or again today

1378 words.

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