chapter 11

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I might change my chapters to titles idk if I should.

Your pov

Me and Sasuke went to open the door. Just as it flew open a, happy Sakura jumped into Sasuke's arms.

"Hey what the hell Sakura get off me!" He yelled I quickly shot her a look she didn't notice it.

We started walking to the gate to exit the village. I used some chakra. And made my way into Azbell's head.

Hey azbell if the (l/n) clan isn't my clan how can they smell blood like me?

Well (y/n) they found a way to do it because you have been with them for so long but being away from you for very long it will be hard for them to use it.

I was brought back to the real world as I ran into a big something. I fell on the ground. The wind was knocked out of me. I opened my eyes. And saw a big dog head slobbering on me.

"EWW AKAMARU YOUR BREATH SMELLS LIKE YUCK!" I yelled. I heard kiba laugh and sensed him come over. Offering a hand to me he brought me in a big hug.

"Ah good to have you back lil sis!"

"Totally even though this is a drag." Shikamaru  says and you look over. Some guy with huge eye brows and weird hair was coming up to me.

"Hello (y/n) I am rock Lee my team is also joining you instead of Gaara's team, they had some business at home." He bowed to me. Naruto came up.

"Oh my gosh bushy eye brows take it down a little, you don't have to yell!" I giggled and felt a strong body come behind me protectively.

"Hey sasuke you ok you been watching (y/n) like a hawk?" Choji says as ino and Sakura got mad at him pointing that out.

"Of course I just want to keep her safe." Kiba quickly wrapped his arms around me playfully.

"Ahh don't worry she's got the best two big bros here with her!" Bark bark. "three big bros." I looked down at akamaru. And poked his wet nose.

"I think I am older then you akamaru." We all laughed. Sasuke calmed down and started walking over to morino. Talking about how long this mission will be probably 6 days at minimum the land of tea was far away.

We all soon started walking down. Me and kiba we're teasing each other the whole time. Poking each other then disappearing. Laughing the whole time. Shikamaru was well just a drag but a great big brother figure.

"Okay let's stop for a rest here please!" Morino asked. Sasuke huffed. Shikamaru turned to us

"Fine. Everyone will be staying with their own team in there hotel room tonight . We meet here at 8pm." Shikamaru says. Turning we all went to go do what ever. 

"Well i don't know about you two but I am going in the hot springs!" Ino says I started following her. Soon everyone was walking to the hot springs. Iwalked in it was empty but steaming. I took off my clothes. And settled into the hot tub. My muscles slowly eased up. Sakura and in came rushing in all excited.

"(Y/n)! (y/n)! We go lavender to put in here we had enough to get some!" Sakura said. Nearly as excited ino started pooring it in soon the entire place was covered with lavender sent.

I felt a tingle on my neck. Some how I have to tell sasuke... Maybe I can try talking to him like azbell.

I focused trying to get into Sasuke's mind. Then I broke in.

Sasuke can you hear me? Try focusing on my facial features and talk.

Just then I had a weird feeling in my head.

(Y/n) what the hell how did you learn this  and are you ok.

Sasuke it's starting to tingle. But it's not like you can kiss it with everyone around.

Right go to the public bathroom room in the third stall

Right it might take a min for me to get there

I stopped focusing and got your and wrapped a towel around me. The tingling soon got more of a burning feeling. It stung.

"Hey (y/n) where you going?" Ino asked
"Umm the lavender is getting to my head but I think I heard something I an gonna check it out."

"Don't be too long!" Sakura yelled. I laughed weekly and quickly ran out. Putting on new clothes. A black hoodie and some tights. Then my headband.

My mark started really hurting just my luck I ran into mornio. He looked at me just then sasuke ran into me.

"Okay what's up you two, your up to know good and (y/n) are you okay, Your eyes are reddish?" I looked at sasuke.

"I umm just don't feel good I think I just need some rest." Mornio raised an eyebrow. sasuke went into his 'not give a shit' pose his hands in his pockets his face emotionless.

"I was gonna ask to back to the hotel my self." Sasuke said in a cold tone. Mornio finally spoke up.  

"Fine both of you go back I don't want any funny business." I looked down at the ground then started walking. Sasuke close behind. The mark burned. I put my hand to it. Sasuke got close as soon as we got out of veiw. He pushed me to the woods. Just then. It got out of hand.

My eyes turned into slits my wolf mouth with razor sharp teeth went into a snarl. I suddenly got my control over it. Sasuke came up behind me. Kissing my mark and hugging me from behind. I got tired.

I exerted too much chakra I am sure when I learn to control this better I can turn into a wolf at will. This must be a super strong jutsu. Sasuke started rubbing my arms lulling me to sleep. I was about to fall to my knees but sasuke held me close to him. I felt my eyes closing but I sensed someone big coming.

"Sasuke-" I felt warm and blackness swallowed me up...

Sorry it was short

Word count:

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