chapter 7

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Your pov

I looked up as the door opened just then Sasuke let go of me and with the fast speed shut the door. He looked at me and his head acknowledged me to pretend to sleep. In which I did I heard the voice of Naruto.

"Hey Sasuke what the heck open the door. I need to tell you something." Sasuke now turning twords the door opened it up. Peeking out of my bottom eye to see what was happening.

Naruto jumped back as a shirtless Sasuke greeted him. And then he spoke coldly to Naruto. "will you stop yelling (y/n) is sleeping." Pointed to me. Barely squinting I saw Naruto jump back grabbing his mouth.

"Oh right sorry it's just we have been assigned for a mission and kakashi needs us all to meet up..." Shutting the door in his face sasuke said fine.

He then locked the door and went to his room. Damn I miss the nice cuddly Sasuke I could for that again...WAIT.   (Y/N) STOP THINKING LIKE THAT I mean after all he is your Conrad.

Getting up I went to my bag and unpacked my last set of clothes. Tight shorts and a black shirt. I didn't bother going into the bathroom taking my shorts and shirt off  in only bra and underwear. I soon felt eyes prying at me.

"Enjoying the show." I laughed as I snapped my head back to Sasuke. He turned a little red in his room. And turned around. He then spoke.

"It was just pay back for last night and earlier." He said turning twords me again. "plus I remember you touched my abs this morning you pervert."

"So what are you saying you wanna touch mine too?" I said laughing but stopped as he started walking to me. I blushed hard. And looked down at my feet. His wooden floors glimmered in a way as the sun hit it. He walked past me into the bathroom. Saying.

"Maybe..." Making me blush like a tomato. "gotcha." He said as he shut the bathroom door. Shit that was super close.

I put on my clothes putting my (h/c) hair up in a ponytail. Putting my headband on after. I opened the bathroom door sasuke. Fully dressed and brushing his teeth. His head band was on sloppy.

I went behind him scaring him as I took his head band off. About ready to put it back on. He turned around and his face got so close to me. His lips almost touching mine. My face burned. His lips moved to my ear.

"Got you again..." He moved away. Leaving me pout. I soon put his head band on again. This time tight. Sasuke turned to me again. But didn't get up in my face. "ready to go see what are mission is?" I nodded walking out he ran to me and hugged me from behind. Stopping. I smiled his hands a little lower than my stomach.why though

He let go and stood up fully. I felt a small sense of chakra. Someone trying to conceal their chakra maybe?

Grabbing my kunia knife I turned around to the door. Sasuke backed up."sorry I didn't mean to make you angry." I put my hand over his mouth. I heard a key slid into his door. Getting ready to throw it. Sakura opened it.

Calming down I moved out of my about to kill you stance and moved my hand from Sasuke's mouth and lowered my knife. Putting it away. I little gust of wind picked up as azbell ran onto my shoulders. I looked over he had a scroll in his paws.

Taking it I rolled it out. My original mission? "Thanks Azbell." He bowed to me I put it in my back pack. Looking at Sakura she walked in. "why are you concealing your chakra Sakura?" She gasped.

"How did you know?"

"I sensed a small about of chakra and if a human being has that small about of it. Then they must have either fought or are concealing their chakra. And knowing you. There was no fight." She glared at me for that.

"We better go meet kakashi." Sasuke said. Sakura smiled and blushed at sasuke.

"What ever you say Sasuke.."Sakura said rushing to hug him but he moved aside holding my arms he pushed me with him. Gasping I looked at him. His eyes to the floor.

We started walking out the door leaving a pouty faced Sakura behind. Soon we got to the hokages room. She smiled as I saw her. I backed up. It's that's lady who healed me!

"Your the...t-the hokage!?" She smiled and nodded.

"Of course looks like your feeling better." Just then kakashi walked in.

"Hey your late!"

"A black cat crossed my path so I had to go a long way." Moving closer to us he ruffled my hair. Smiling under his mask.

Lady tsunade handed us our mission papers. I gasped just as Naruto exploded. "WHAT ANOTHER ESCORT MISSION REALLY!?"

"Yes Naruto really now you guys leave tomorrow morning. So get packed rested and ready." She said we then left. I looked up Sasuke was a little taller than me I came up to his jaw line. I looked at his chest watching it rise and fall.

Sakura bounced up to him wrapping her arms around his neck. "hey Sasuke..." She pleaded. Getting close to Sasuke. I started getting jealous. "Sasuke will you go out to eat with me please....!?" She wined. He stared at her    

"I will go out to eat with you Sakura!" Naruto screamed. She stared daggers at him until wrapping her arms from Sasuke. She hit him in the back of the head.

"YOU IDIOT!" she said. Then got really upset as he walked beside me away from her saying.

"Sorry I have to take (y/n) shop for clothes good bye now." We soon turned to a store. I picked out a bunch of shirts and shorts. And some jeans. I put them in bags. After Sasuke was kind enough to pay. I was carrying a bunch of bags.

We walked to Sasuke's house. And set the bags down. Huffing.

"Okay where do I put these?" I asked turning to him. He blushed but smiled.

"You can put them in a dresser in my room I have two." He laughed weekly. Sweat dripping down his face. I put the clothes away. I sensed sasuke growing closer behind me. I turned around.

We both wrapped each other in an embrace. He got close to my ear. "wanna take a nap together." It sent shivers down my spine. I gripped tighter to his shirt. Not wanting to move.

His smell of pine trees and salt was so comforting. He moved back. Out of my grip and took his shirt off. Hugging me again. His arms went down to my ass. Picking me up....

Ok another update today or tomorrow comment and rate!!

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