chapter 13

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Your pov

Just then the light was flipped on. I looked up I saw nothing but felt sasuke get drug off me and the door to the room opened so fast. I quickly got up and ran to the door.

Kiba had sasuke pinned to the wall. His canine teeth bared and his nails around sasuke's neck. He growled as he spoke.

"What the hell sasuke stay away from (y/n). She is practically my sister and I will rip you apart. So fast you won't even know-" I cut them off pushing kiba off of sasuke. I stood in front of sasuke I slowly backed up into sasuke's arms. He wrapped them around me.

"Kiba..." I said tears forming in my eyes. "kiba me and Sasuke are prophesied to be together. You need to understand. I love him..." I said kiba looked suprized but his face eased up.

"(Y/n) I am sorry it's just I feel like I am your older brother and I need to-"

"Kiba I understand. Really please go." He left once I heard the door shut. I looked at sasuke."kakashi is gonna know about us and I think he won't want me on the team...maybe we should tell the team first. No.

I started walking down the hall to go outside.

"(Y/n)? Where are you going?" I stopped and looked back.

"I need to go for a little walk." I started out at a slow pace as I was soon out side. I took a deep breath. The village hidden in the mist is not too far from here.

I started at a Sprint. Hopping on trees.
Play song
Flash back your about six

I stood by the water. My mom played with my hair. I took in a nice pine smell as I looked up the breeze slightly blowing my mom's (color) hair. She looked down and smiled.

"(Y/n), You ready to go over to sasuke's house?" I smiled. And stood up throwing my hands up in the air.

"Yes sasuke is my best friend! I can't wait to show him my new skills look mommy!" I threw my hand to one side as the water soon followed.
(You can bend elements but you forget how)

She laughed. And we stood up and walked across the soft grass. We knocked on sasuke's door. His mother answered with a big smile on her face.

"There's my little daughter in law!" She yelled throwing me in a big hug plotting a big wet kiss on my cheek. She put me down and showed me to sasuke's room. He hadn't noticed I was there. His mom left to go chat and hang out with my mom.

I looked around sasuke's room. And saw a small glass of water. I quickly moved my hand and focused the water to go over top of sasuke. And then it fell with a splash. I laughed as he turned around to get mad. But he saw me and ran over and picked me up hugging me.

"Wow (y/n) when did you learn to do that?" A cold voice coming from the door asked. It was itachy. I looked at him and laughed.

"I don't know my mommy says it's because I have blood of an air bender from millions of years ago." He stood up straight.

"Those are just. Well stories that's like saying one day we all forget how to use chakra and the huge Titans come out and kill us all like the people say." He rolled his eyes and left. Sasuke put me down I was in a small pink dress with yellow flowers at the bottom.

Sasuke gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and held my hand. "sasuke why did you do that?" He laughed and said.

"My mommy says because we're such good friends we are gonna marry each other. No matter how hard the (l/n) clan will try and pull us apart. Your my friend and I will protect you!"

End you can continue the music if you want it will still fit in

I kept at a very good speed. Why must I think of that now. Just then I felt chakra. It was firmilar chakra so I stopped at a branch. Just in case. I got kunai out. I threw it perfectly in the direction. "ouch what the hell (y/n) you knew it was me." Just then. Kakashi came out of the woods.

Landing on a mossy branch next to my. I quickly focused on the way the tree moved and swayed and the cracks that have little bits of dew forming on it. Moving slowly I sat down on the chilly branch.

"(Y/n) why are you leaving your group?" He said calmly. I just had a tear drop. Kakashi threw my kunai knife back landing In to the wood messing up the dew. Blood still on it. I felt more chakra come. It was more than one person I could tell it was the gang. Just then. Sasuke was at my side. Everyone else even mornio was on the branch with sasuke all worried looks.

Sasuke helped me up. Kiba shook his head telling me it was okay. Shikamaru had a face of guilt. I hugged sasuke. I could tell ino and Sakura hated me now. Especially because he hugged back. Swaying a little  he got close Whispering calming words in my ear. Before he left the hug he gave a very unnoticeable kiss on my ear. He pulled back kakashi waiting for an answer I was about to answer when I felt big big chakra. The mark on my neck made me double over. Sasuke holding. Me....

Okay I will probably update again today Vegas was fun btw

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