chapter 19

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I ran following the smell with the intention to kill but the smell lead me to a firmilar place. I circled and sat down staring. Just then a big man came. I looked at the wall them back to me his eyes filled with anger. I growled. He showed me his neck and I stopped. Just them I felt his large foot meet my rib cage.
Ow what the hell man I followed the sent!?

I wimpered again as he kicked me again. "Stupid dog you left us back to the place were we found the damn cloth!" He grabbed ahold of my collar the prongs dug into my neck. He brought me off the ground I whined then mom came around the corner.

"Hunny put her down it was my fault. Zero follow the sent from here." I was thrown down onto the dirt below. I quickly got ahold of the sent. And set off again with the red tiny in my eyes. Soon for what seemed like hours the night began to fall. The hard ground rubbed against my pads.

My paws started hurting. I suddenly stopped at some nice clear stream water and drank the cold Brook water soothed my throat. I wanted as I walked in the water the moon light shining off the water. I watched as the water broke off as if it was in a trance and it broke against it.

The rocks underneath were smoothe and cold like the water.

The water was cooling and refreshing. I got out and shook off my coat. I looked up at the moon. I brought in a big breath and howled at the moon. I heard some recalls back from packs or lone wolves. I kept moving soon the smell got stronger I stopped I heard voices they were firmilar. There was a glare of light from a fire some were.

I started stalking my paw made no sound. However I have noticed I was bigger than most wolves the ground was silent. Then my foot caught something I stopped and backed up. I waited and nothing happened. I walked back a little bit. By a tree I laid down and decided to attack when it was the next night I will follow them in the day.

"So kakashi what do you think (y/n) is doing at home?"

"I don't know Sasuke she is probably practicing the other jutsus. But she is really fast at learning."

"Kakashi what do you think of her being without Sasuke?"

"Sakura I really think she will be fine she is strong and smart and she seems to wiggle out of some tough situations. Hey Naruto you have been quite for a while whats up?" The guy kakashi asked.

"I don't know I just feel like something is not right I feel like we're being watched. But maybe its nothing I mean for a split second I thought I saw a wolf and that we were gonna get attacked." He laughed suddenly. Soon after awhile everyone was silent. I fell asleep too.

I woke up I heard someone walking twords me I quickly pushed my wolf body to the tree. I yellow haired make walked right past yawning and then suddenly. Everyone else was awake. The sun just barley creeping over the hills.

"Naruto couldn't you have waited to go pee and help us with everything!?" Sakura said. I watched the ground put out their fire and hid again as the boy Naruto walked by.

"OKAY LETS GO!" he yelled jumping up and down. I followed behind careful not to make a sound. Then Naruto started singing really loud it started hurting my ears. I stayed behind and howled. Just then I saw Sakura hit Naruto in the head.

"HEY YOU IDIOT YOUR DISTURBING NATURE JEESE DONT YOU HEAR THE WOLVES HOWLING!?" I studied their behaviors I could see sauske and kakashi thinking

Do they suspect me?

I started following them before I knew it night time fell. I sat ways away so they couldn't see me. I waited till I knew they were silent and asleep. I flicked my tail focusing some how I knew how to control the elements.

The wind picked up and blew out the fire. I waited until I knew that they were asleep I moved in not making a sound. I walked over the the smell a Raven haired boy sound asleep in front of me. I saw the red form around my eyes. I started to bear my teeth. I opened my jaws slightly then he turned to me a knife pointed at me.

I stared darkly but he looked in my eyes and something screamed inside me. Who??

He looked shocked. But I had to be a good girl I had to get my food I was too hungry to not obey my master. They want him dead. I felt eyes on me I focused on the roots below. They wrapped everyone up. Sauskes hand with the knife was brought away from him.

This felt so wrong the dirt flew up from everwere trapping everyone against a tree the trees tops moved aside so I could see clearly. Then I saw sauskes face the red moved from my eyes. 

I felt my mom's presents beside me. "good girl zero you found them." She threw a dead rabbit on the ground. FOOD! I tore into it's flesh eating it my body thanked me. I felt my tail tuck in as I was eating it I listened to my mom's speech.

"Well well as you see were got (y/n) and she is ours and we will command her. Haha you thought you could beat us we have the most powerful weapon now and we will use her to kill everyone that is against us!"

"You sick lady (y/n) is our friend!" Sakura shouted.

Who is (y/n)? Why is it firmilar?

"I know isn't great I mean essentially everyone will be under the (l/n)s rein and I am ready and we start it off by destroying the prophecy!" She looked at me I looked back. "zero..."

I focused on my mom's eyes they were hard and unforgiving. I wanted to hide but I had to be a good girl. I watched as her hand pointed to Sasuke. I followed my gaze to the boy I saw the blue around my eyes.


Okay i will update tomorrow hehe how's the cliffhanger sorry anyway how was that??

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