chapter 22

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Sorry for the late update

I looked at everyone. "come one guys I will fly us home I think this is a saddle." They all got onto my back with the saddle comforting them.  I opened my dragon wings hunching my wolf body I leaped into the air pumping my wings. The cold wind blowing my fur and face.

Suprisingly I was big enough and strong enough to carry all four of them and Azbell. Before we knew it we were at the village before I could even land I felt the joy of being home.

Time Skippy brought to you by Narutos power to eat ramen your a human now just fyi

Me and sauske walked into his apartment the cold air hugged my skin. I shivered slightly. Azbell went off with kakashi to talk to sunada

Walking over to the kitchen I put a pot of water on the stove and two packs of shrimp flavored ramen. I turned the burner on high.

Suddenly I felt arms snaking across my waist pulling me into a heated body. I laid my head back and let Sasukes smell fill me nose.

"ahh miss this." I said I felt him kiss my neck moving my head the the opposite side so he could get more of my neck.

"(Y/n) your so beautiful I missed this too." He moved down kissing me gently down my neck soon right above my collar bone was my sensitive area I let out a slight moan as his lips brushed it.

I felt him smirk on my neck. He then let go of me and walked away leaving me pouting. I will get you back.

Another time skip cuz I am trash  

After the noodles me and Sasuke went to bed I saw Sasuke start to fall asleep while we where watching our movie. I snuggled close to him he pulled me in more. I was below his jaw so I took that opportunity to kiss him under the jaw.

That woke him up quickly he move he was sitting over top of me. "oh Sasuke you never struck me as a top!"

"You pervert." He leaned in kissing my lips softly at first then it turned more passionate.  I felt his tounge brush mine asking for intrance. I denied it teasing him. He bit my lip making me gasp. I felt his tounge slid into my mouth. We fought for dominance.

I felt his hands travel down my body his hands reaching for my shirt. I continued fighting for dominance but he moved his lips to my jaw line. Sloppy kisses were made down to my sweet spot I moaned slightly again. I felt him bite down hard and suck on making me crazy. I felt the purple Mark forming.

Okay I am gonna stop right here first off sorry this chapter is short and it sucks. You want the next one to be a smut??

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