chapter 21

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It was as if someone flipped a switch on me. The red tint turned swallowed up the blue tint around my eyes. The saliva dripping and forming in my mouth. Low growls escaped my lips. I walked up to Sasuke.

I put my two big paws beside his head. I flicked my tail and some roots came up from the ground and wrapped around his head pulling it back slightly his neck was exposed. I opened my jaws.

"(Y/N)! SNAP OUT OF IT YOUR GONNA KILL THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW WAKE UP!" Sakura shouted. I hesitated blue flickering in my vision but I proceeded.

"YES!! good girl zero now let him suffer put your jaws around his throat and slowly crush it!" She laughed evilly. Wait who is (y/n)? I feel like I can't kill him.









I moved my head sideways my teeth around his throat. "any last words Sasuke?" Mom asked.

"Yes... (Y/n) I am so sorry I promised to protect you but I left you this is an my fault. I am so sorry just please...I know your in there babe come back to me..." My mom laughed evily again.

"YOU STUPID BOY! She is under a drug no one can stop her or me now zero crush his throat." The red still flicked in my eyes. I kept hesitating.

"(Y/n) please comeback to me." He barley whispers "I forgive you." Just then I felt a great force push me down. My body hot the dirt on my side and slid. I got up and growled. A white haired man with a rat on his shoulder stood were I did. The rat spoke.

"(Y/n) fight this you have to were is my best friend!?" I looked at the rat. My mom moved in front of me.

"Oh Azbell I always hated you maybe you should die first. Zero..." She walked over and kakashi moved to fighting position. I jumped at him grabbing his arm with jaws.

My teeth bored into his skin blood dripping down my mouth. He tried moving again but I pushed him to the ground. My giant wolf body over his.

"Zero kill him. Kill him fast!" I quickly moved my jaws to the White man's throat. I clenched down feeling the bones break and the blood spray out. I let go when the body stopped moving. I felt guilty but why. 

The velvet copper syrup rolled down my mouth and dripped on the ground. I felt a sudden pain in my stomach as if fighting myself. I ignored it. I felt cold hands pet my face softly. Then a long finger nail went across my bloody lips.

I looked up as mommy put the finger in her mouth she licked the blood and smiled. Her eyes had a crazy glare in them. "yes...yes... YES GOOD GIRL ZERO!!" She chuckled and went over to Azbell and picked him up she threw him to me. "ZERO KILL THEM ALL!" she screamed laughing. "FINALLY I GET TO TASTE ALL OF YOUR BLOOD!"

I stared down at the rat. He smiled weakly. He bowed. "my lady I forgive you this is not the real you." I could have sworn I saw a tear draw down his fur. I quickly closed my jaws around his body. The blood dripped more from my mouth I spit the top torso out my mouth he was ripped in half. Again that pain in my stomach.

"YOU SICK WOMAN MAKING HER KILL HER FRIENDS LIKE THAT!" Sakura yelled. I felt the pain again but worse. My mom laughed mechanically. Putting her long nail to her throat I saw blood drip from finger. Sakura squirmed under the pain. The pain came again I wanted to rip my stomach out.

"Let's make this painful why don't we." Zero come here. I walked over my teeth bared blood laid out my plan. "zero go rip off Sasukes leg." She said. I turned twords sauske.

I lunged at his leg as soon as my jaws met his leg my teeth broke the skin but the pain in my stomach couldn't be ignored. I howled as I backed up. Leaving Sasukes leg open blood poured out of the holes I left.

I backed up my teeth bared I laid down the pain from my stomach was too much I bit down at my stomach but couldn't reach.


"NO ZERO BAD GIRL KILL HIM!" I looked at her but suddenly the pain left. I felt myself let go who am i? Where am I? That's right I am (y/n) what am I doing?

"ZERO BAD GIRL KILL THEM!" I walked towards Sasuke but stopped suddenly I looked down as Azbells body laid limp next to kakashis. I blinked slowly I noticed blood never really does get absorbed into the ground does it. As the water I noticed I broke from the spell. I put my paws by sauskes head. I moved quickly flicking my tail all the roots came undone. Everyone was shocked but quickly moved together to fight. "ZERO NO BAD GIRL."

She went to hit me but I lunged at her I was on top of her. I growled the blood dripped onto her face.

"You bitch! You made me kill my friends!" I closed my jaws onto her throat crushing it. Suddenly I felt a kick to my ribs sending me to hit my back on a tree. I felt my spine crack.

I looked up to my father he once again grabbed my prong collar the prongs dug deep into my skin. Blood Soon erupted from my throat.

"You see hoe even with everything put out and planed you some how mess everything up your useless!" He threw me farther this time my mind clear. I flicked my tail the roots soon wrapped around his ankles he tried cutting them but to no avail they kept wrapping around the ankles.

I felt a strong surge of power and chakra. I looked and saw two black and silver dragon wings erupt from my back. I felt my fur turn to a pure white with blue swirls a strong power erupted from my body. As if magic my whole body was protected by water armor my tail had  a blade on it my back as if for a saddle  Istood up as I reared up I placed my paws on the ground when suddenly the ground started shaking. Then oum came up from the ground

An: an oum is from the anime nacicaä of the valley of the wind they look like↓↓↓

Suddenly their enormous body's Rose from the ground. Their tentacles brought out from before them and breaking down some trees their golden powered tentacles healing kakashi and Azbell.

I went over to my father. My body glowing I moved my wings in an irritated manner. "father we all know this is your last battle...any last words?" He smiled blood dripped onto the grass below.

"Seen you in hell bitch." I moved my face to his.

"You got quite a bit of spunk for dying." I turned my tail and moved it down decapitating him. I looked at my tail the blood ran off like water. Soon I felt Azbell run into my back and kakashi walk behind me. I looked and saw the oums turn to ash and blow away. I felt tired soon.

I felt my body retract I stood up human once again. I smiled and everyone came

I will update again

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