Bull shit

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I was tagged to this Bull shit thing:

1) have you kissed someone?
I like to think I haven't cause, I'm gay af now so...

2)If you have who?
This guy in yr 6, it didn't mean anything.

3)Are you a supporter of gay pride?

Considering I am gay I'm pretty sure I support it

4)Are you apart of te LGBTQ+ community?

I would just like to correct that LGBTQIA+ community, and yes I'm gay and non-binary

5) how many London prides have you been to?

None cause I'm a closeted bitch

6)how many of your friends are in the LGBTQ+ community?

I have one bisexual 'friend' and then I have a bisexual friend and a biromantic/asexual friend. No fellow gender queers sadly.

7) how many crushed do your currently have?

One which will never happen cause she straight, and my best friend so...., never.

8)Ask them out?

As I said she is straight.

9) If not, why not?

As I said, straight.

10) do you know these flags?

Of corse I do what type of gay do you take me for?
Gay and pan.

So if this ended up a little angry, it's cause I'm pretty angry.
I'm just mad at the whole pride thing, and just everything to do with LGBTQAI+ community at the moment cause I'm a closeted bitch.


feelings: are a piece of shit||dairyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora