My sweet yandere(Yuno X reader)

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Requested by lara_the_otaku  Hope you enjoy this
Readers POV
As I woke up I went to my dresser grabbed my school uniform and I headed into the bathroom so I could take a shower.I practically threw my clothes off and I started up my shower.But unknown to me someone was watching.I took a quick five minuet shower and then I dryer myself off and threw on my clean clothes.I looked into the mirror and I Put my H/L H/C hair in My preferred style.I then just stared at myself with my E/C eyes making sure I was confident with how I looked.I then headed outside to see The one and only Yuno gasia waiting for me.To be honest I had a crush on her for a long time but if I were to ever tell her I'm sure she would reject me.She's practically a Queen while I'm just a servant."Hello Y/n(Your name)Want to head to school"She said in a heavenly voice.A blush crawls over my face and I respond with a shy Nod making her giggle.on the way there we walked in a comfortable silence Until we finally made it to school.A bunch of girls surrounded Yuno since she was Basically the cutest girl of our school.I headed to my class which sadly wasn't with her.The girls shot me dirty looks.Maybe it's because I'm lucky to even be friends with her i thought to myself.Once I sat in my seat the bell ran and class began.
(~Time skip~)
As class ended and lunch began I headed up to the rooftop to see my 2 friends F/1 and F/2 they both looked at me with a smirk.I was confused until I turned around to see yuno's fan club.I knew she was popular but this is getting ridiculous.The fan club closed the door behind them and walked up to me.I really wanted to avoid them since they were basically Insane for Yuno.I backed away slowly only to be tripped by the traitorous swine named F/1 the leader of the fan club walked up to me before picking me up by the shirt"I can't see any reason for yuno even being friends with you.Why would she want a piece of worthless trash like you?"I retaliated with"Oh dear god not another One with daddy and mommy issues who need to release stress on others"I then heard the buff girl of the group speak up.I presume she's the fighter."What was that Punk!?"I then looked her dead in the eyes and said it again"Oh dear god not another one with daddy and mommy issues who need to release the stress on others"Then the girl punched me in the face while her friend held me in place.The next girl ran up to me and punched my stomach.I almost barfed but I held it in.The girl then threw me on the floor.Her buff friend crawled onto me and started to punch my face.With every punch everything started to slowly turn black.I was to weak to even fight back right now.I couldn't do anything.Im sorry mom,dad and with that last thought I passed out.
Yuno's Pov
As school ended I ran over to my beautiful Y/n's room.I waited for her to come out and it turns out she's not there.Confused I headed up to the roof to think about where she could be.But...Once I got up to the roof I found My Beautiful Y/n in a pool of her own blood.Scared of losing her I ran up to her and found she's still breathing.I sighed in relief but then my next thoughts got even more clouded.Whoever hurt her must pay.Who would dare hurt my precious Y/n.Once I find them I'll ask Y/n if she knows them and if she does I will kill them on the spot so she could be happy.Then we could start up a nice family away from everyone.Hehehehe she'll finally be mine.I got snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand holding onto mine.I looked over to Y/n only to see her in unbearable pain.I quickly scooped her up In a bridle style carry and brought her to the infirmary.i was heartbroken to see her badly hurt so I swear anyone who touches her again will meet Immediate death.Once we arrived I laid her down on the bed.I then grabbed some scissors that were near me in the infirmary.I then headed out and I listened in on a conversation in the club known as my fan club."We sure showed that girl not to mess with us eh Lina?""Yeah hopefully she'll stay away from the goddess known as yuno""And if she doesn't then we'll just have to kill her"Upon hearing these words I snapped.I walked in with that normal happy cheerful smile i always wore.The leader looked at me surprised before bowing."To what do I owe the honor of you coming in to join us yuno?"I then felt disgusted on the inside.But I had to bare with it for my lovely Y/n."I just felt like dropping in to say hi"I said cheerfully even though on the inside I was going to murder all 5 of them.Then one approached me and put her hand on my shoulder.Internally I was screaming"Why do you hang out with Y/n?""I hang out with her cause she's my friend."Then her "Friend"spoke up"Are you doing it out of the kindness of your heart to take in that...Dog?"Right when she said that I snapped.I ran up to her and stabbed my scissors right into her heart.I then dashed to the door and locked it.I then turned around with a crazed smile on my face."Hehehe no one EVER calls My Y/n a dog and lives"And with that I dashed forward to the leader and I stabbed her through the skull.I turned around and pulled the Scissors out with a sickening Schlick.I turned to the last 3,They were herded into a group And the strong one stepped toward.she attempted to disarm me but I stabbed the life through her hand and ripped it out splitting her hand in half.I then stabbed the heart.she fell to the ground lifeless.Then the last two tries to break out but I ran up to them and slammed there heads together.I took there passed out bodies and wrote fake suicide notes and put them in there shoes.I then ran up to the roof with both of them and I threw them off.There bodies fell and landed with a sickening splat.I then looked at my clothes to see there was blood all over me so I went to my locker and pulled out my spare clothes.I threw them on and went to My Y/n only to see her awake.I walked up to her and kissed her forcefully.I didn't think she would even like me so I would've had to break her but it turns out she actually likes me back.I cupped her cheek and she moaned in pain.Taking this as an opportunity I shoved my tongue into her mouth and covered all corners of her mouth.We finally pulled back because we needed air.I then rested my forehead against hers"I love you my precious Y/n"And with that I saw a shocked face but she then cried and hugged me.
Readers Pov
As yuno my crush told me she loved me I started crying with tears of joy.I hugged her out of happiness and cried into her chest.She pat my head comfortably and I looked at her."I love you too yuno would you like to be my girlfriend?"She then smiled happily and kissed me."Does that answer your question?"She said smiling"Yes it does"
And done.This really took a toll on me as in when I was writing this story I was very hungry and I didn't eat until now.But enough about stupid me I hope you guys enjoyed the story.

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