The protecter of hearts(part one)

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Requested by RlynMG
I'm finally back everyone and I'm back with actually another request.This one is going to be Pyrrha from RWBY...This is going to be a two parter.Also I'll be takin requests again so there's that to look forward to.Plus I'm no longer sick so I'm happy about that.
[Ozpins Pov]
I was sitting down when I was given a paper.I looked into it only to see that there was a teenager by the name Of Y/N L/N...She has H/C hair that's Long/Short/Braided/Another style hair.I had to admit she looks interesting and intriguing.I called Team JNPR Up to the room before explaining the mission to them.
[Y/N's POV]
I was laying down in the bamboo forest in which I reside in.It was near an old shrine that had a Shrine maiden and a Yokia living in it.I stood up and pulled out my Staff.I turned around to see some Grim surrounding me.I jumped into the air and stared down on them.I dashed forward into one of them and slammed them into the floor.I turned around and jumped off that ones body and spun around on my staff before launching myself like a missile towards another.I ricocheted off one and landed on another crushing its skull.I bounced off of the destroyed skull and jumped back into a tree only to see 4 different teenagers.they seemed really confused and they looked around before one spotted me.She had beautiful Silky red hair.She looked up to me and stared at me for a couple of seconds before speaking in a heavenly voice"My name is Pyrrha and we're from beacon.We've came because we would like you to join our school" I jumped down and landed near them before dashing off,killing some beowolfs.I then turned around and spin kicked another beowolf before turning around all the way only to see the girl from earlier about to be attacked.I dashed infont of her and whacked  the Beowulf with my stick.It retaliated by charging into me but I jumped onto its back and made it ran into a wall.I jumped off its back only to land gracefully beside Pyrrha.i then backflipped and landed on another grims back.I hit its spine and it snapped before falling.After that I jumped off of it so that way I wouldn't be damaged.I then turned to them and said"Good evening and Now may I ask as to why your here?"I said with my staff at the ready.Then the hyper girl spoke"WERE HERE TO TAKE YOU TO BEACON ITS COOL AND SUPER AWSOME ALSO DO YOU HAVE PANCAKES I LOVE PANCAKES WHERES THE PANCAKES WHAT DO YOU EAT!!!"I sighed before whacking her over the head with a stick"Stop screaming cause after all you may attract the attention of the unwanted...""Anyways she's asking if you would like to come to beacon"
End of flashback
I laughed a little at the flashback before walking back to my dorm.I walked in only to see Nora gobbling down pancakes and also to see Pyrrha trying to stop her.I walked over and picked up my staff and pointed it at Nora.She slowly put down the pancakes"Good girl"Was all I said before grabbing my own plate and eating some"Morning Y/n"Pyrrha said in her lush and beautiful voice"Morning Pyrrha"I said calmly back before eating some more.Pyrrha walked over to me saying"Y/n Meet me on the roof later today"I heated up a little thinking she was going to confess to me but I knew better than that so I shrugged it off and said"Alright"She then smiled before leaving.I watched her go and decided that I should get going too.Nora then poked my cheek before saying"You going to finish those pancakes""No you can have them"I said walking away.Nora jumped happily and dashed backwards toward the pancakes and she ate them up.i giggled seeing her eat them but then left making sure to close the door behind me.
It was almost lunch time so I dashed up to the roof only to see Pyrrha standing there"Welcome Y/n"She said with the wind blowing her hair gently.I blushed a little seeing how beautiful she is"Nora told me you liked someone...Might I ask who that is"I stood in shock before silently scolding Nora"E-EH!"I said not fully prepared for this"So who do you like?"Pyrrha asked nicely and sweetly.I sat there and said in a small voice"You"She looked at me for a second before asking out of shock"Y-You like me!?"I took that as a bad sign and sighed before saying"You must think I'm a sicko.Ill be leaving now as to not bother you"I said walking away not noticing the tears streaming down my face.I kept walking until I was suddenly stopped and dragged back.I looked back only to see Pyrrha using her semblance.I looked at her through blurry vision only to feel something soft and plump on my lips.My eyes widened when I noticed what it was.It...It was Pyrrha's lips.S-So soft and plump was my immediate first thought when kissing Pyrrha.I savored the kiss and gently wrapped my hands around her waist.She wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss.Once she decided it was enough she pulled away and kissed the tears away saying"A beautiful girl shouldn't be crying"I blushed as red as a tomato before looking away gently.She giggled and kissed my forehead before saying"I love you Y/n"She said smiling.I started to tear up again and I kissed her out of enjoyment saying"I-I love you to Pyrrha"We both then locked lips again only to see Nora and Juane taking a picture of us along with ren standing there.I turned to them and slowly pulled the staff off my back.I pressed a button on it and it extended dual blades from both sides.I then turned to them with a shadow covering my face saying"Now if you delete that picture I won't have to delete you from this world"They both shivered before deleting the photos"Good boy and girl"I said patting there heads before walking over to Pyrrha"So date tomorrow Darling~"I asked being a little seductive which caused Pyrrha to blush a deep shade of red.I smiled knowing I accomplished making her blush darker than her hair"Y-Yeah a date would be nice"Pyrrha said still recovering"So 12:00 PM under the cherry blossoms?""Sure"And with that I dashed to my room giddily whilst smiling like a little kid who got a new gaming system on his birthday.

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