Can this truly happen?(Part 2 to Not all humans are bad)

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Hehehehe sorry I was gone for so long.Right now I'm sick with the flu so I really can't do much.Also school started so even more torture.well anyways enough of my complaining.Heres part two that some people have been waiting for.
15 year old Y/n
I was walking my girlfriend home.Me and her met in school and we ended up liking each other.Strange that two girls hooked up yeah?But we love each other very much so we started going on dates and things.we would always have fun and we would always laugh but she's seemed more depressed.I don't know why but I must get to the bottom of this.I walked up to her after school one day and she looks at me"Do you want to go on a date Blake?"I asked nicely and sweetly.All she did was shake her head saying no.I felt hurt but I didn't show it and I asked hopefully"How about a date tomorrow?"She looked at me again before saying"Nope sorry I have to study for a test"But this time she was stoic and emotionless sounding.I felt even more hurt before saying"Alright but please don't overwork yourself"She then looked at me before saying"I'll try not to"
Ten days later
It was the day of our first year anniversary.I worked hard and eventually got enough to buy a silver chain necklace with a black diamond in the middle that was surrounded by gold in the shape of a heart.I wandered around the school trying to find her but she wasn't anywhere.I saw her earlier today and I couldn't find her.I walked around the corner and there she is.Kissing someone else.I felt my heart crack and shatter.I ran away with tears streaming down my eyes.I hadn't notice that someone was calling my name.I turned around and saw a kid with black hair.He asked if I was ok but all I did was nod before running farther and farther away until I made it to the forest.The only place where I feel comfortable.I laid against the Sakura Trees and cried my eyes out before finally settling down and falling asleep.When I woke up I saw Blake laying her head on my shoulder.I almost felt happy until I remembered what she did.I felt the hot tears stream down my face again.I tried to stand up but Blake pulled me back down."Why were you crying?My friend told me you ran down the hall crying so I want to know what happened"She genuinely sounded worried but I know what she did"W-Why would you care?"I asked knowing it was going to be like some cliche anime"I'm your girlfriend silly why wouldn't I care?"I turned to her and said in a semi angry voice"You happened"She looked shocked before asking"What did I do wrong?"All i did was shake my head before saying"You kissed...A boy and to make it worse on our anniversary!Why wouldn't I be sad!"She looked at me shocked seeing as how I remembered our anniversary"W-Wait it's not what you think!"She said trying to defend herself"Its not what I think huh?T-Then tell me why your kissing another boy when your dating me!"She couldn't say anything.She was speechless.I stood up and said in a depressed voice"This is the last time you'll see me.This is goodbye Blake belladonna"I started to walk off but she grabbed my tail shocking me"I-I promise I won't do it again so please don't leave me"I looked back to see tears streaming down her face"Why should I come back to you when you date others behind my back!?"I already had tears streaming down my face but they only intensified.She Tried to say something but I grabbed my tail Out of her grasp and started leaving again"We are no longer dating belledonna"And with that I ran off and cried against a tree.
Present day
I looked back at Blake and checked my poker seeing that I still had my necklace I bought for her on that fateful day.I handed it to her saying"I forgive you but I won't date you"I then turned away and started walking out with tears about to stream down.I walked down and sat under the Sakura trees relaxing.I then started to hum gently to (Favorite song).I hadn't noticed that two pairs of eyes were watching me.After I was done humming I looked to my left and right to see ruby and yang.They both walked over and later against my shoulders.I stared at them waiting for an explanation but they didn't say anything.I just sighed and let them be.Even though I could feel my face already beet red.
One month later
I woke up to see yang and ruby sleeping on my chest.Again.I shook them awake and they rubbed both of there eyes before looking at me.I blushed at how cute they were and decided to ask"Why are you two sleeping on my bed?"The both looked to each other and shrugged there shoulders.I sighed and looked out the window reminiscing on my past.Yang grabbed my hand and said"Having another off day Y/n?"I shook my head saying that I was good.she looked at me worriedly before saying"Tell me the truth.Are you thinking about Blake?"I sighed knowing that I wouldn't be able to get past her"Yes I am.Happy know?"She shook her head and ruby hugged me"Just know that we're here for your u Y/n"Ruby said muffled through my shirt.I giggled a little before saying"You guys really are the best"Yang then smiled and said in a teasingly tone"Only the best for you~"I giggled happily before flicking her forehead"Shush"I said putting a finger over my mouth.Ruby then secretly smiled and said"I love you more than my cookies Y/n~"I blushed hearing that and I turned to look down at her only for her to kiss my lips.I blushed and was about to kiss back but ruby was pried off by yang who immediately patched onto me and kissed me.I kissed back and felt like something was off.I looked to my left only to see a tears eyes Blake.I sighed into the kiss and broke it"Look Blake...I forgive you but I can't take you back.You know why""I can change!I have already changed.Your my true love Y/n!"I then sighed again before saying"I'm over you.So stop trying to get back together with me when you can easily toy with my heart like last time"She then looked away and walked away.I then turned back to both of the girls"Sorry about her.But anyways I love you both.Also shall we go on a date tomorrow?"Both of them nodded frantically before dashing off.I giggled at the site before walking over to where Blake is"Look Blake.I used to love you but you broke my heart.I know that your not my destined partner because you cheated on me.Plus I know you can do better"I said sentimentally.She looked at me before saying"I was just confused!I know that your the one I truly want!"I sighed and held her shoulders"Look Blake I'm over you.I need you to be the strong girl I knew when I was Fifth teen.I need you to move on"She slowly nodded before saying"A-Alright Y/n.I-I'll try to find someone new who loves me for who I am""Thatta girl"I said patting her back.I then walked over to the dorm to see yang and ruby with happy looks on there faces I patted both of there heads"I'm proud of you Y/n.You managed to make Blake overcome her love for you while also staying on neutral terms with her"Yang said happily"Im just glad that you didn't break her heart even more"Ruby said shivering at the thought of seeing Blake crying.It was unpleasant because she's to adorable to cry"Anyways don't you two have dates tomorrow?"I asked knowing this would catch them off guard.Both looked at me for a solid three seconds before dashing off.I giggled and layer on my bed reading a nice book waiting to see where life shall take me.
Again sorry for not updating enough but that's only because I'm sick with the flu and school started up again meaning absolute hell has come to torture us.Anyways I hope you enjoyed the story.

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