Yandere's arent so bad(Female vocaliods X female reader)

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Requested by Lightray112 .He's a good friend of mine(Also it's only going to be Miku Luka And rin whom are yandere for you.Also Warning Blood and gore await you.
Miku's Pov
As I was walking down the street I accidentally bumped into a Girl With F/c Glasses.She also was wearing a 2F/c jacket and Black shoes with a skirt/Pants/Whatever you like to wear I don't judge.But then I looked at her Chest.It seems she has a huge/Medium/Small/Whatever your size Chest.I then heard her speak"I-I'm sorry for bumping into you"She said shyly.She was an adorable little sweet roll!I need her to be mine.I then looked up at her to see her H/L H/C Hair in whatever style you want."It's okay"I said in my childish manner."M-M-My name is Y/n It's nice to meet you M-Miss?"I squealed inwardly at how cute she is"My name is Hatsune miku Nice to meet you Y/n-Chan~"I said still in a childish manner."It's N-Nice to M-Meet you T-To but I N-Need to go"She said bowing slightly."Okay bye and be safe"I said sincerely."Bye M-M-Miku-Chan I hope We M-Meet again"Hearing her say my name Basically set fireworks off in my body.I felt all hot inside and I knew one thing must be done.MAKE Y/N-CHAN MINE
Rin's POV
As I sat waiting for my precious Y/n-Chan to come meet me at the coffee shop I noticed her walk in slowly.But as soon as she saw me her face lit up with happiness and she ran over to me and hugged me.The hug itself sent Electricity through my body.I felt pleasured to just have her here with me.She must Be mine and mine only~"Hi Y/n-Chan~"I said a little seductively.She blushed and looked down shyly"H-H-Hi R-Rin-Chan"She's to adorable I swear!!!Then the waitress walked over and asked for our Orders.But then the bitch started flirting with MY Y/n.I was going to kill her but Y/n-Chan looked at me worryingly"A-Are you O-Ok Rin-Chan?"She asked with worry in her voice"Yes I'm fine just thinking of things"
Luka's POV
I saw Rin talking to Y/n.We had an agreement.She gets to have Y/n's First time but I get to share her with rin.Soon she'll Be only mine and Rins.I only want Y/n-Chan tho but what can you do.I was currently looking through the window of the cafe only to see Some bitchy Waitress talking to My-I mean Our Y/n-Chan.I already devised a plan to get rid of her.I saw her walk out and she looked up at the sky.She than sat down on a bench and Looked up to the sky Dreamily"Aw she was So Adorable.I must make her mine if she doesn't have any girlfriends or boyfriends"Hearing the waitress say that made me get pissed so I got out of my bushes and grabbed a metal pipe near me.I slowly walked behind her and poked her head.She turned around only for me to Smack the bitch on the head.Blood poured out of the newly dented head that went from a Oval shape to An Oval with a V going through the top.I pulled the Pipe out and it made a Schlick sound while her brains were attached and being pulled out by the pipe.Once I pulled the pipe out I grabbed her and threw her into a dumpster and poured gasoline into the dumpster.I then lit a match that was in my pocket and threw it in the dumpster.The dumpster shot up in flames and I went back to my hiding spot.Once I made it back I Laughed Maniacally before quickly suppressing it.I then headed back to the mansion that Houses me,Miku,Rin,Len,And Kaito.
Back to Y/n
As we walked out I noticed that rin was acting strange.She then led me to her home which was a shared mansion.I walked in only to see a beautiful Chandelier that was textured in gold with Sapphires hanging from the ends of it.I then took off my shoes and placed them near the door."Sorry for the intrusion"I walked beside Rin and when we walked into the living room I saw 2 Other girls sitting on the couch.I knew one as miku considering I met her today and the other was luka who've I've met a couple of times before.But that still didn't help my shyness so I hid behind Rin and looked over her shoulder casually."Aww she's so Adorable"I heard that childish voice say"She is adorable indeed"I heard a sophisticated voice say.I looked over Rin's shoulder only to see miku and Luka looking at me.Squealing I ducked behind rin again since I was still very shy."Don't worry I don't bite~"I heard miku say in a sing song voice.But I was still scared so I buried my face into Rin's back.But then I smelled something nice.I looked over rin's shoulder only to see Luka holding pocky.It was my favorite so my mouth started to water a little.Luka held it out to me but I very slowly went out from behind Rin to try and get the pocky stick.I tried to bite it but Luka moved it back.I tried over and over only to result in the same thing happening.Until Luka threw it into the air"I looked into the air only to see the pocky stick land in my mouth.I ate it happily until I was hugged by Miku from behind making me yelp in surprise"Your so adorable!!!"She said happily"Miku please stop hugging her before she passed out"I heard Luka say."Mou no fare you get to hog Y/n-Chan to yourself!"Rin said before hugging me from the front.I squealed and passed out from the "Skinship"
"Ehehehehehe"I giggled nervously rubbing the back of my neck"Dibs on her first time!"I heard rin say"Dibs on sloppy seconds!"I heard Luka say"Damnit you guys are unfair!"I said stomping my foot.
Poor poor Y/n Doesn't know what's in store for her in the next chapter.Welp next chapter is going to definitely be a lemon
Miku:Hehehehehehe Yay I get to do t with reader-Chan
Rin:But I got her first!
Luka:And I got her second
Ruby(Rose):    ?
Miku:Who are you!?
Rin:Stay away from Reader-Chan!!!
Luka:Friend or foe
Yang:*Sigh*Ruby no one requested us yet so let's go before-*Pulled away by a cane(Like in those old movies where someone's dancing and then they're yanked away by a cane)*
Ruby:Th-Th-Th-That's all folks(Ten points and a cookie to anyone who gets the reference)

Female character X Female reader(Yuri)Where stories live. Discover now