Yandere's wolf

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Yandere possessive cinderfall x female wolf reader
Requested by AnalynAlcantara
Also sorry for the delay on everything I'm currently sick and I've been going to the hospital every month for them to check on my mental state.They said it's improving slowly.Anyways enough about me let's get on with the story most of you have been waiting for.
I was taking a nice stroll through the forest when I walked through the city.I looked around and saw that the white fang hit yet again.I was apart of the white fang but I was never sent out on important missions,Rather I was the doctor.I had a degree and everything along with a semblance that's very risky towards me but it helps others that's all that matters.i never was really interested in love or anything like that,Yet I was always chased after by cinder who I saved a while back but I'll admit I like her a bit.Emerald laughed it off while I scowled her mentally.I walked into our hideout and ended up bumping into cinder.Immediately I apologized but she just waved it off before saying"Come with me"I gulped before following her.I followed her all the way back to her room and the first thing she did was turn around and lock the room.I don't like where this is going I thought to myself"So doc I need you to look something""What might that be?"I asked casually...Well as casually as I could"Well I've been having dreams lately where I would come out of nowhere and take you away with me.Also I would see lots of fire before me"I knew she was a pyromaniac but I didn't know it involved me now"so what would like me to do about it?"I asked casually"I want you to be mine"She said with pauses in between every word.I gulped and thought back to when we first met.
I saw a girl in a dress laying on the floor with a knife in her chest hurting badly.I placed my hands over her wounded chest and pulled out the knife before placing my blessing on her.In turn I took the wound onto myself and I started bleeding profusely from my chest,I laid on the floor knowing I would survive...Probably.I let the pain whisk me away to hell and hardly noticed the girl woke up and started tending to me.She used fire to seal up my wounds which hurt like hell but nothing I couldn't deal with,Yet I passed out.When I woke up the girl who I saved was hugging me gently and I blushed due to the contact,I looked at her before she groaned and woke up"Oh...Your awake,Anyways thanks for helping me back there.I got into a fight with the huntress their and ended up getting a little to banged up"I found myself replying immediately"It's no issue,I am a doctor after all"the girl giggled before asking"Would you like to join me and my team?""Team?"I asked in bewilderment"Yeah we support the white fang and help them when needed"Oh so she's apart of white fang.Yet she's not a fuanus Strange I guess I could investigate a little into them"Sure""I can understand you no-Wait what?""I said I'll join"As soon as I was done hugging I found her latching onto me"Your only mine got it?"I shivered slightly but didn't show it.
And that's how I ended up here"So will you be only mine?"I knew there would be horrible consequences so I replied with"Sure why not"Plus I did have a soft spot for her"YAY!"She then hugged me tightly before whispering"Your only mine now hun only mine~"I then knew that I may have screwed up a little but not too much since I love her a little...Okay maybe a lot.i then heard a snap of a camera and I turned to see emerald smiling in a corner"Welp there goes concealing us"I said to cinder who threw a fire ball right through emeralds camera who screeched"Nice throw cinder""thanks babe"Was all cinder said before locking our lips together.She rubbed my ears causing me to softly moan which she then took advantage of by shoving her tongue into my mouth.In an instant she took over and pinned me down.She then pulled back before laying down on me"Your only mine got it?"She then booped my nose and I replied with"Understood cinder-Babes"she then smiled before falling asleep on me.I too smiled knowing cinder was my lover.
Hope you liked it and again sorry for the delay I'll try to stop with delays and everything else.Also I wrote this just now at 11:00 so sorry for spelling errors.

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