Adorable rabbit and Flirty wolf

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Rabbit Nozomi X Flirty wolf
Requested by KristinaHu7 it's one of the regulars who request
|Honoka after a dentist appointment|
Umi:Honoka how high are you?
Honoka:*Staring off into space*No Umi...It's hi how are you
Kotori:*Drags Honoka away*
Y/n's pov
As I was walking around the forest I stumbled across a beautiful girl with cute little bunny ears complete with a tail.She had long purple hair.I couldn't see her face since She was facing the opposite direction.She then turned around only to see me.She stared at me while I stared back at her.We sat for about ten seconds straight staring at each other before the girl ran off.I was about to say something before she ran off but sadly I was too slow.I decided it would be for the best to head back home.I owned a small little tent and I would always go hunting for food at night and or grow my food so I wouldn't need to hunt.I would only hunt for as much as I needed.But once I made it back to my tent I just face planted into the pillow inside my tent and slept since I was exhausted.
After I encountered that wolf I ran to the shrine.Once I made it there I took a shower and washed myself off and then I layed down in my bed.My thoughts then drifted off to that wolf girl.She had sparkling E/C eyes H/L H/C Hair and baggy clothes.I think she was hunting for food but I don't know.But I did see her staring at me for some reason.Maybe this is what the cards meant by fated encounter?Ugh this is too much for me to process right now.I decided a nap is in order for right now.
I woke up to see it was morning so I took a tablet out of my backpack and I ate it then I washed it down with some clean water.the tablet made my wolf tail and ears disappear.After that I ate some bread I had left over and headed to the school I enrolled in.I was a third year and apparently I was moving into a different class.I shrugged it off and headed towards my class.Once I entered the teacher told me to go to room 6A.Doing so I walked over to the class and the teacher told me to wait outside of the class.She then motioned for me to come inside.Once I did I saw the rabbit girl from yesterday.She looked over to me and stared at me as if trying to find something.Shrugging it off I decided to introduce myself"Hello my name is Y/n L/n It's nice to meet all of you!"I said cheerfully while also smiling showing off my fang.Most of the girls got Nosebleeds while others looked away blushing.The teacher than chuckled and said"L/n-San please refrain from killing my students""No promises!"I replied back.She then asked where I would like to sit so I chose the seat right beside the purple haired usagi.Most of the girls were staring at me like"Sit with me"While others were like"I don't bite"And then there's the final ones which were"I don't really care who you are"That one was from a blonde.also did I mention the girl In The back typing a lot on her phone.She looks like she's writing a story.She might be writing one right now"Your breaking the fourth wall"I heard the Girl mumble towards me.Not really understanding what she said I took my seat right beside the purple haired usagi and blonde haired beauty.
After class
I laid my head on my desk since I was mentally exhausted.I then heard a girl talk to me in the sweetest voice ever.It was like I was accepted into heaven"Hello my name is Nozomi Toujou it's a pleasure to meet you Y/n-Chan"I turned my head only to see the purple haired usagi"Nice to meet you too Toujou-San""Please refrain from calling me toujou-San and just call me Nozomi-Chan or non-Tan""Ok Usagi-Chan"I said ignoring her pleas.She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and dragged me out to the bathroom."Alright why are you here!?"She asked harshly.I lazily raised my hands up in defense while saying"To get an education""Is that all?""And to maybe steal some people hearts.........Along with there virginity"I saw Nozomi blush and look away.All I did was chuckle and pat her head"Look I'm not here to hurt anyone""Promise?""I promise"I said.She looked happy before saying to me"My group practices after school on the roof and I would like you to come watch""You sure you want a wolf in your audience""I would be fine if you were there~""Okay Darling~I'll be there after school~"I said before walking off.I failed to notice the red all over her cheeks.
After school on the roof
Nozomi-Pyons POV
After school I headed over to the student council room only to see elichi working."Elichi?Aren't you supposed to be on the roof top with the others?""Yeah Nozomi-Chan but some girl wants to start up a Eli fan club""My My Elichi popular as always""I would rather be unpopular.Considering I'm always chased around the school by Fans""Sounds rough~Also elichi I'll be on the roof with the others.Also I'll tell them that your currently working~""Thanks Nozomi-Chan"After that I headed up to the roof only to see the wolf going around and flirting with the other girls.I got a tad bit jealous but I hid it.I walked over to Y/n-Chan and hugged her from behind"Hello Y/nchi~""Hello Nozomi-Darling~"I blushed hard and hid my face.I can't let others see I'm weak.But damn this girl is to hot.I already have a crush on her even though it's our first time meeting.But what can I say she's just beautiful and hot."Nozomi-Darling~Your spacing out.Are you ok?"I blushed harder and nodded my head slowly"Awwww look at how cute you look with a blush on your face"Y/n said before hugging me into her small/Medium/Large breasts.I could feel everything and my nose started bleeding.I could slowly feel my soul leaving my body.Ah maybe this is what they mean by sweet release.I then felt someone pick me up bridle style and I saw Y/nchi holding me like I'm a princess.She had such strong arms and such smooth skin.I never want this to end.But sadly we reached the nurse office only to see no nurse.She laid me on the bed and grabbed some tissues.She then handed me some tissues and said"Nozomi are you sick?"She asked clearly concerned.I shook my head but she put her forehead on mine.I could feel her breath.This is my chance!I leaned forward and kissed her right on the lips.I saw her eyes widen before she slowly sunk back into the kiss.She wrapped her hands around my waist while I wrapped my arms around her neck.I shoved my tongue into her mouth and played with her tongue.We battled for what felt like hours until we pulled back and got some air"I love You Y/nchi""we may have met today but I love you to Nozomi-Chan"I heard her say sweetly.I hugged her out of happiness while she hugged back"I love you my beautiful wolf""And I love you to my Adorable Little bunny""....Hey!"
Author:Sorry for taking so long!
Honoka:*Still a little high off the dentist appointment*I dream to fly SO HIGH!!
Maki:...What's up with her
Kotori:She's high after her dentist appointment

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