Fluffy tsundere and the jelous himedere

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Requested by Tsundere_Bitch
Nico:Finally!You kept the worlds greatest idol waiting!
Maki:...I've been in three stories so far
A/n:Cause she's adorable and cute
A/n:But your also a 3rd year who looks like a 10yearold
A/n:*Hides behind Nozomi*
Honoka:*Hides behind Umi and Kotori*so scary
Eli:Well the author in no way owns the actual anime but author does own the plot to these stories
A/n:Help me Nozomi
Nozomi:........Goodluck*Pushes A/n Directly into Nico*
Nozomi:*Everything around her grows dark*Want to say that again*Turns around with a sinister smile*
A/n:*Hides behind nico and pushes her towards nozomi*TAKE THIS AS A PEACE OFFERING*Dashes away*
Nozomi:Gladly*Gropes nico happily*
I was walking around after school until I heard someone playing the piano.I looked through the window only to see a beautiful Red Haired first year playing the piano while singing.I was to shy so I walked away without her noticing...Or so I thought.The red haired girl came out of the room and saw me.She walked up to me with a questioning look"Did you hear me playing piano?"She asked with a beautiful voice.I nodded shyly and looked away embarrassed.She looked shocked and then shouted a little to loudly"YOU SHOULDN'T BE LISTING TO PEOPLE WITHOUT PERMISSION BAKA!!!"I shrunk away in fear and looked down with tears in my eyes"I'm sorry"I said in a voice full of sorrow.She immediately loosed up and hugged me"Look I'm sorry okay...It's just that I was embarrassed"She said quietly in a voice laced with a caring nature.I didn't know how to respond so I sat there hugging her.But her next move was unexpected.She kissed my cheek and walked away blushing as red as her own hair.I then turned around to see my best friend Nico glaring daggers at the red head"Damn you maki!"I heard Nico say clearly angered"I'm sorry please don't fight"I said to Nico clearly worried.She then walked up and hugged me closely"I wont lose to you maki"She said softly.I nuzzled into her neck since I was very tired.I then felt my body stop working and everything tuned black.That last thing I heard was a worried voice saying"Y/N!!!"
Time skip brought to you by Nozomi chasing down Nico While Nozomi has her hands up ready for groping.
After I carried my Y/n-Chan home I placed her on the couch and looked at her beautiful face.She had H/L H/C hair that was as soft as a cloud while her amazingly soft skin glistened in the sunshine.She was beautiful and I don't know how to confess to her but maki's getting in the way of my love!I cannot lose to her since I am the best idol in the world.So I'm sure Y/n-Chan will choose me over her.I then was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt a little tug on my shirt.I looked down onto the couch only to see Y/n rubbing her eyes like an adorable little kitten."I-I'm sorry you had to carry me here Nico-Senpai"She apologized sadly.I was furious that she added senpai onto my name"No senpai remember!"I shouted at her but immediately regretted it because she shrunk away in fear and looked down with tears in her eyes"I'm sorry Nico"She said even more depressed"No it's ok Y/n it's just that I'm kinda....Jealous"I said while looking away and muttering the last part.She looked confused before asking"What was that last part?"Immediately I went beet root red and ran to the door"Nico Nico niii~ See you tomorrow Y/n-Chan!"I said cheerfully before dashing out of her house
Time skip to the next day brought to you by Rin,Honoka,Nico,And Kotori playing Mario kart
Y/n's pov
I awoke from my nap and got dressed for school.After that I went into the bathroom and did my hair in my favorite style and headed to the kitchen where I got some food.After eating my favorite breakfast meal I headed out the front door and I locked it but when I turned around i was face to face with both Nico and the girl Nico was glaring daggers at.I believe her name is maki."Hi Y/n-Chan!"They both said cheerfully at the same time.Then They both looked at each other and got into an argument and I hated seeing my friends in arguments"P-P-Please St-Stop fighting!"I said in a small shaky voice.In about 2 seconds both stopped fighting and maki hugged me while Nico glared at her"I'm sorry for fighting"Maki said in a small voice that only I could hear.Then she kissed my cheek again making me go even redder.I looked over to Nico only to see she was furious.Maki pulled away and smiled triumphantly towards Nico.Nico grew even more angrier and ran up to me prying maki off of me.She then threw her lips onto mine.My eyes widened and I looked over to maki who was now angry.Nico pulled away and was a blushing mess"H-HA TAKE THAT TOMATO!"Maki grew even more angrier and she dragged me off to school.
Yet another time skip
Still your Pov
After being dragged off to school I broke off from maki and went to my class where Rin and hanayo were.I walked up to them and Practically collapsed from exhaustion."Y/n-Nya what happened Nya?""Got dragged around by maki"And then speak of the devil she walked into the classroom and ran up to me"Are you ok Y/n!?"Both hanayo and Rin were surprised"M-Maki-Nya is that actually you?"Rin asked in a voice filled with concern.Maki took 3 seconds to process what she said and turned red"Y-Y-Yes its me Baka!"She said looking away while twirling her hair.Both hanayo and Rin sighed in relief."I can't believe maki-Nya is showing concern Nya"Rin said teasingly.Maki grew even more red(If that's even possible)And walked to her seat"Sh-Shut up Baka I was just checking Y/n to see if she was ok Baka.Its not like I really wanted to check on her or anything Baka!"Maki said in a tone filled with embarrassment.I giggled quietly and looked to the front only to see the teacher walk in and start the lesson.i then heard the teacher speak"Alright class so if you have 12 apples and you give your friend 6 what do you have?"A girl with dark brown hair that was neck length and covered one of her eyes spoke up with her brown eyes tearing up(Me)"A Friend?"She said softly.The teacher was taken back and didn't know how to respond.
After class
I picked up all my stuff only to see maki walking over to me."Hey y/n do you want to eat lunch together?"Maki said strangely cheerfully"If I'm not bothering you"I said clearly worried about bothering her.She just shook her head and grabbed my hand.She then walked us up to the roof where we saw the rest of muse waiting.Nozomi looked at us with a teasing smile seeing our hands linked.Nico on the other hand was glaring at us.I sat beside Nico and maki sat on the other side of me.I reached into my backpack only to find..........Nothing.Crap....I totally forgot my food at home.Both maki and Nico took notice and asked at the same time"Would you like to share lunch with me?"After that both glared at each other again like someone just stole there favorite plushy(Someone actually stole my litten plushy and I was depressed and pissed)"No I'll feed Y/n since my food was prepared by me The number one idol in the world!"Nico said smirking."As if demonic Chibi!She probably likes my food I brought with me because it's not over cooked""Why you-""STOP FIGHTING!!!"I shouted clearly angry."Look I won't eat any of your food if you keep fighting for it!!!""Yes ma'am"Both said sadly.I sighed and hugged them to calm them down.I noticed both were red and I thought they were sick but nozomi's smirk says otherwise.I then heard Umi crying in pain since she lost at another card game against Kotori.I looked back to both of the girls only to see them both holding up food with chop sticks"Say aaaaaaah"Both said with cute little smiles and blushes on there faces."Aaaaaaaahhh"I said and both brought there food into my mouth.I could taste both of there food which clashed together in my mouth.One tasted of tomato while the other tasted of (Favorite taste).I moaned in pleasure while both maki and Nico blushed.Then maki did something no one was expecting.She leaned forward and kissed me.She then rubbed my back a bit making me squeak.She took this opportunity to pass some food into my mouth.She then pulled back and blushed looking away."I WONT LOSE!"Nico said filled with determination.She are some of her own food and kissed me making me gasp in shock.She then shoved her own food into my mouth before pulling back."Ha take that princess!"All maki did was glare at her while she hugged my arm.I looked over to the others for help but they couldn't do anything since they didn't want to join the clash between the princess and the Number one idol.I then heard the bell ring and I took this chance to dash off to my classroom so I could escape embarrassment.Once I arrived I noticed I was the first one there.After a couple of seconds girls poured in maki,Rin,And hanayo walked in after the group of people.Rin and hanayo sat beside me while maki sat behind me.Rin was snicker by while hanayo was looking at me worriedly.Maki on the other hand was looking out the window while twirling a strand of hair.the teacher walked in again and started the class."Alright class I want you to make some rhymes"The Brown Haired girl from earlier rose her hand again"Twinkle twinkle little star.Let me get hit by a car.how I wish to really die.Jump off a roof and try to fly.Twinkle twinkle little knife help me end my F-Ing life"She said bursting out into tears at the end.The while classroom was silent before the teacher sent her out to get some help.
Uuuuh timeskip?
After class ended I was approached be maki who hugged me out of nowhere from behind."M-Maki?"I asked confused."Don't you dare look back or else this will be the last hug from me"She said sternly.I was about to pry her arms off of me since I wanted to hug her back but Nico barged in and practically threw maki off of me and then she hugged me also"She's mine!"Nico yelled towards maki who in turn pouted and kissed me shocking Nico."Obviously she likes me better Baka!"Maki said triumphantly.Nico then spun me around and kissed me quickly before pulling back"Nico Nico niii~I have better kisses since I'm the number one idol! Right y/n""Yeah right Chibi.What she wants is a refined lady such as myself right Y/n?"I sat there being hugged by maki and Nico.I then started panicking on the inside since I didn't want to break my friendship with either since I also have a crush on both.I then felt the world around me turn dark.maybe I shouldn't be panicking so much.Was my last thought before I passed out
(part 2?)
I hope this was what you wanted also I'm just a depressed ass mf right now since I have tons of crap on my mind
A/n:*Looks behind self only to see Nico*Oh dear god!
Nico:Get yo ass back here!!!
A/n:Umi make her stop!!!
Nozomi:What's in it for me
A/n;You get to feel up Reader-Chans breasts
Nozomi:Deal!*Goes in front of Nico and is in washi washi pose*Take one more step.I dare you I double dare you!
Nico:*Slowly walks back*
Nozomi:*Moves an inch forward*
Nico:*Stumbles backwards and runs away*
A/n:*Grabs reader-Chan and pushes her towards Nozomi*sorry*Dashes away*
Nozomi:Ooooohhh you look ripe*Grabs Reader-Chana breast*SOOO RIPE!!!

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