Nozomi and the beauty's sister

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(Nozomi x Eli's sister reader)
GalaxyDragon55  thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy.Also the song will come in handy later.
Your Pov
I woke up only to see eli standing over me so I got up slowly only to see her smile while saying"Any longer and we'll be late Y/n~""E-EEEEEH!?"I shot out of bed and dashed into the bathroom fixing my hair into my preferred style.After that I washed my face and dashed back into my bedroom only to see my clothes all over the floor.I sighed before dashing over to my closet only to see one last pair of clean clothes.I tossed on my uniform and dashed downstairs only to see Eli smiling"Mou What are you so happy about?"Eli giggled a little before saying"You had at least 10 more minutes left so you could've slowed down"T...Ten more minutes"E-Eli-San how could you?"I said falling to my knees clutching her leg"Eh...You were sleeping in to much"I then stood up sighing and said"Let's just go"We then walked out and I trailed behind her with droopy eyes.We walked for a little longer and I saw Nozomi in sight.I slowly but surely walked up behind her make little to no noise and I tackled her into a hug from behind"Nozomi-Chan~"I said in a singing voice.She smiled and turned around saying"Morning Y/n-Chan.Morning Eli-chan""Morning Nozomi-Chan"Eli said while I rubbed my head against something squishy which made Nozomi blush.I looked up to her asking"What's wrong Nozomi?"She quickly responded with"N-Nothing Y/n-Chan"I pouted and pulled on her cheeks while still pressing up against her chest"Nozomi tell me what's wrong""Wy-N-Chwan Sawp puwwing on ma cheeks"Nozomi said trying to talk though her pulled cheeks.I giggled a little before saying"Nozomi tell me what's wrong or I won't stop""Fwine juws Stap"After hearing that I stopped and nozomi Rubbed her cheeks.I looked over to Eli just to see her giggling like usual.I told her about my crush on Nozomi and she seems fine with it.Mainly since she has a crush on Umi and I won't stop bothering her about it asking when she's going to confess and such.The bell then ran and nozomi bolted off"OI NOZOMI GET BACK HERE!!!"I said dashing after her only to see that she's gone.Sighing I went to the first year classroom only to see Rin and hanayo around maki doing there usual stuff.I took a seat all the way in the back corner and Rin rushed over"Y/Nya!Where were you Nya?"I just sighed a little before saying"I was just with Nozomi and my sister.Mainly with Nozomi though""So you like her?"I heard maki ask while raising a brow"Yep"I said just looking into my note book.the teacher then walked in before they could question anything else.
After class ended and lunch started I walked out of the classroom leaving maki,Rin,And hanayo behind.I continued to walk until I made it to the music room.i sat down and looked over the song that I've been working on.I read over most of the notes and everything else.It all looked good so I made my plan.
After lunch ended.i walked back to the classroom only to see maki,Rin and Hanayo talking to each other.I took my seat and so did they as soon as the teacher entered.we sat and did everything the teacher required us to do.I got bored and started doodling in my note book only to see that I've drawn Nozomi with a card in between her fingers smiling.I sighed a little before looking up only to see the teacher doing multiple other things.I sighed and looked back down only to hear the bell ring.I dashed out of the classroom and went to the music room.I sent Nozomi a message to come here.i picked up the violin and played it a little before sighing.Its now or never.
Fly me to the moon-Neon genesis evengalion (Start the music)
Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
Nozomi looks through the window and I smiled seeing her.
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

I winked to Nozomi but failed to see her blush.

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Nozomi blushed through the window before entering.I continued to play even though Nozomi was here.I then noticed Eli and everyone else behind Nozomi and she hadn't noticed.Eli gave me a thumbs up and I smiled to her.the other girls smiled seeing me playing the song.I smiled back at them and glanced over to Nozomi to see she's a blushing mess.

Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Nozomi blushed and looked around thinking I was confessing to someone else but I pointed to her smiling.She blushed and tried to cover her face while Eli giggled.

Only you~
Only you~
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
In other words, I love you~
End of the song
Nozomi stared at me before tackling me into a hug.I ended up dropping the violin but it was undamaged. Then the next thing that surprised me was Nozomi kissed me.She kissed me!I blushed as red as maki's hair but I wrapped my arms around nozomi's neck and deepened the kiss surprising her.she then wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me in.We then heard a thump.We pulled from the kiss only to see Umi on the floor K'Od.I giggled a little while Nozomi laughed.Honoka and Kotori were fanning her while Eli was smiling a little.I was then tackled by Nico"You better treat her right,got it!"Nico said practically yelling in my face"Hai Nico-Chan"I said hoping someone would help me.And Luckily Nozomi pulled her off via the breasts"That's enough Nico-Chi but thanks for worrying about me"All nico did was blush before saying"W-Well the number one idol has to worry about her subordinates"I giggled a little before saying"So are we together Nozomi-Chan?"Nozomi stared at me before kissing me"Does that answer your question"I smiled gently before saying"It doe-""SHAMELESS!!!"As I was about to answer I was cut off by Umi shooting up like a missile and screaming.I giggled a little before saying"Nozomi-Chan let's run before Umi catches us"Nozomi picked me up bridle style and we dashed off until we arrived at the cherry blossoms.It was fairly dark outside but it was still fairly bright"At least we escaped Umi's wrath"I said.Nozomi on the other hand just grabbed my hand and said"I love you Y/n-Chan.I was actually worried you didn't like me"I giggled a little before saying"I was worried you liked my sister.After all your always together"I said looking down a little"But now that we've confessed to each other we can do lots of couple stuff right?"I asked Nozomi looking hopeful.She smiled gently before saying"Right Y/n-Darling"After hearing my nickname I blushed bright red before asking"Darling!?"Nozomi giggled and said"Yep that's your new nickname darling~"I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to change her mind but smiled at the same time.I finally had the girl I love with me and she just happened to love me back.I don't know what challenges we'll face later in life but as long as she's here I'll be able to live through it.

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