Not all humans are bad

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Requested by Omega-umbreon
As I woke up I noticed that I was still in the tree I usually sleep on.Im surprised that I didn't fall out considering I squirm a lot.I jumped off the branch and headed deeper into the forest to find the river.Once I did finally find it I walked up to it.I had my H/l H/c hair hanging freely since I didn't have a home.The last one I did have got turned into ash.We lived a peaceful life yet the humans think of us as freaks,Monsters,Demons,Just basically whatever they could come up with to make us feel like shit.I then felt something wet streaming down my face.I touched my cheek and noticed I was crying.I wiped the tears away and stared into my reflection.I then took off so my clothes before jumping into the river.I washed myself throughly and got out.I used an old rag to clean myself off.Then I got dress in the clothes that I had left.I started to head back to where I currently was takin shelter only to find Two girls.One in a red cape with reddish hair and one with golden hair that stretched down to her waist.They were breath taking it beautiful but looks can be deceiving.I jumped onto a branch in a tree and listened in on there conversation.The yellow haired girl spoke up first"Im sure there was a girl here who had H/l H/c hair and old clothes"Then the red haired girl spoke up"Are you sure yang?"So that's her name huh?"Yes rubes I'm sure but where could she have gone.We were sent to find her so we could bring her to beacon"Beacon?Isn't that an academy for hunters and huntresses?"yang are you sure she was here?Maybe she moved."The red haired girl known as rubes said."Alright lets go look around rubes.Hopefully we'll find her before something else does"And with that the yellow hairs girl or otherwise known as yang took off with her little sister following.I decided to follow behind them and watched where they were going.I wanted more information to see if I could actually trust them.They seemed trustworthy but you never know when someone might backstab you.Like her...We dated for four months but then she cheated on me with that douche bag.I just hope I don't have to see her again.While I was in my thoughts I didn't notice but I got cornered by two beowolfs.I extended my claws while the wolfs growled at me.The first one ran at me but I dodged to the side and roundhouses kicked it.The next one tried to attack me from behind but I turned around and stabbed my claws into its neck.I then turned to the other one whimpering in pain and I slashed its neck also.It bled until it disintegrated into black dust.I turned around to see the two beauties staring at me.I looked back at them before jumping back and getting into my fighting stance.I then spoke in my Cold and serous voice"Why are you here!?"The girl known as yang spoke up."My name is yang Xaio long and I would like you to come with us to the academy known as beacon""A d what if I don't what to come with you!"Then the girl know. As rubes spoke up"Then we'll just have to show you we mean you no harm"And with that she put her weapon down and used her semblance to speed up and she hugged me.I was about to kill her but something was different about her.In her arms I felt safe and secured.Like I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me.I decided to pat her head while hugging her back.Then yang came up from behind us and hugged us both.She was very strong suprisingly but I felt the same way with yang.Except in her arms I felt like she would protect me from harm and she would make sure I was always comfortable.So I decided to go with them."So did you think it over cutie?"Yang said with a playful smirk making me blush.I nodded a bit shyly and said"Sure I'll C-Come with you to beacon"This was the first time I actually felt loved.Well other than that one time but that's over now.The two girls jumped in joy and hugged my even harder.I felt like my Back was going to snap in half from the sheer amount of pressure put on my back.I tapped Yangs shoulder while struggling in her grip."Yang...Please...Dying..."She then loosened up the hug and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly."Hehehe sorry about that kitty"She said while my ears twitched.I glanced over to ruby to see she was pouting cutely so I hugged her also so she wouldn't feel left out.With all my bad luck in the past I knew I couldn't waste this opportunity.This opportunity was about the only good thing that has ever happened to me.
(Time skip to beacon brought to you by Honoka stealing bread from the kitchen and then getting scolded by Umi for stealing)
As I walked out the girls followed behind me before getting in front of me.The leaded me to the office where a man named Ozpin was.Apperantly he has been watching my village for months before it was burned down.He says my village turned down joining the whitefang and that's why they burnt the village down.But it wasn't Faunus' it was a bunch of humans.One of them was named roman if I remember correctly.He said I could stay with Team RWBY So I headed to the dorm where I was supposed to go.I knocked on the door and ruby answered.She leaded me in and she called for her teammates to come out.Yang came out of nowhere Some girl with white hair stared at me and then there was her.The one that hurt me so much just for that damned monkey.Blake that traitorous cat.She only cares for herself not anyone else.I glared at her while she stared at me shocked.This is going to be a long Year.
Option time~
A-Forgive Blake
B-Never forgive Blake
C-Do nothing about Blake
Also part two shall be out tomorrow

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