Umi's trap(Futa Lemon)

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Umi x Futanari trap reader
Requested by: Kuroki_Rin08
Honoka:Whoa....Umi-Chans so sexy.
Umi:*Blushes hard*H-H-Honoka don't say something so shameless
Eli:*Nosebleeds in the background*
Nozomi:...Really Eli?
Kotori:..............*Shoots back from nosebleed*
Maki:*Just shakes head in the back*
Y/n's pov
I remember how me and my wonderful girlfriend Umi met.It was actually kinda funny the way we met
I was the new student at school.Unknown to me I actually was walking in someone's aim.I continued walking until my binder was shot into a target.I turned and looked over to see a beautiful girl with long blue hair and amber eyes(That's her eye color right?).she walked over to me and bowed"I'm very very sorry!"She said in a beautiful voice that sounded as soft as the clouds up above."No no it's fine"I said to her as nicely as I can.She blushed and I found that cute."Anyways my name is umi sonoda I'm very very sorry about earlier""And my name is Y/n L/n and as I said don't worry about it accidents happen"I said giving her the nicest smile I could.She blushed as hard as my twin tailed friend back near ocean side.her name was ruby if I believe."UMI-CHAN!!!"A girl with orangish hair and blue-Ish(I haven't watched love live in a long time leave me alone)eyes glomped Umi.Another girl with ash-Brown hair and hazel eyes?(Literally forgot her eye color)She was wearing a nervous smile while rubbing her Neck"Honoka-Chan please don't tackle Umi-Chan""But it's Umi-Chan!"When she yelled that I felt my heart ache a little but I just shrugged it off.The two girls then noticed my presence and also noticed my binder stuck to the target."Whoa....Umi-Chan what happened to that binder?"The girl said whilst still hugging Umi"Umi shot it out of my hands.........on accident"I said playfully.Umi blushed and looked away while mumbling something on it being an accident.After that the energetic girl grabbed my hands and shook them up and down quickly"My name is Honoka kousaka and were school idols!""Sounds like fun"I said nervously."Really!?""Well if you love what you do then continue to do it""You...ARE SO WISE!!"Honoka said while still holding my hands"Hehehehehehe also my name is minami Kotori it's nice to meet you""It's a pleasure to meet you too""Also are you a boy?""...!"
*End Of Flashback*
"Y/N-CHAN!!!"I heard an angelic voice yell out as I snapped out of my flashback."Yes darling?"I asked seductively.Umi blushed and went as red as maki's hair."Don't scare me like that idiot!"She said clearly concerned."Sorry.So what do you need Umi-Darling""W-Well I was thinking we could go to the beach with the rest""Oh...I'm sorry but I can't join you because I have a condition""W-Wait really!?""Yes I do""That's terrible.But will you at least come with us?""...Sure""Okay thank you Y/n-Chan"As she said that I leaned forward and kissed her only to her a camera flash in the background.Nozomi was in the window holding a picture of us kissing and Umi got...Very......Very pissed to say the least."DELETE THAT PHOTO NOW NOZOMI!!!!"as Nozomi was yelled at she dashed off.Umi was about to chase her but I kissed her sensitive part of her neck and....She passed out.Sighing I carried her to the infirmary and found out from the others that there going to the ocean in 2 weeks.So I could help Umi choose out the perfect swim suit.i must make sure it is as sexy as her.
Timeskip 2weeks brought to you by hanayo switching personalities with Nico.
We finally arrived at the beach.I saw a group of nine girls selling some stuff at a run down shack.We walked in only to see some of my old friends.I was about to say hi until I was groped Mari"Your growing Y/n-Chan~"(Muse and aquors are the same age)"You noticed to huh?"Nozomi said taking her side with a smile.All the girls in aquors turned over to us to see Muse staring back at about 3 seconds flat Chika and Honoka rushed to each other and started talking about idol things.Mari and nozomi were talking about groping people.Rin and hanamaru were talking about casual things.Hanayo and ruby couldn't talk to each other cause of there shy natures.Yoshiko and Nico were talking about themselves being the best idol/Fallen angel.Kanan and Eli were discussing other matters.Maki and Dia were talking about lots of other topics.Kotori and you were talking about costumes.Finally Umi and Riko were talking about composing.I felt hurt seeing as how I didn't have anyone else to talk to.I went outside and headed to my room.What I didn't notice was the salty hot tears streaming down my face.I walked to my current home and laid down in my bed.
Umi's Pov
I noticed My girlfriend Y/n walk out crying a bit.Whys she sad?I thought."Sorry but I need to check on my girlfriend"I said to Riko since I did just learn her name."Wait...You have a girlfriend!""Yeah why?""No reason!!!!"She said quickly while hiding something behind her"What's this zura?"Hanamura said as she grabbed a book out from behind Riko.She opened the book before stepping back and letting blood flow out of her nose"YOUR PERVERTED ZURA!!!!"Sighing I walked away to go find my girlfriend.I wanted to give her a special gift since our 1st anniversary was tomorrow.Once I arrived at our shared room I entered only to see a heartbreaking scene.Her beautiful face was stained with tears.I kissed her head and slept next to her hugging her close to my chest.With one thought going thought my head"I must make tomorrow night special!"
Timeskip one day
Y/n's Pov
I woke up to feel extra warmth on me.I looked over to my side to see my beautiful sleeping angel.I brushed some hair out of her face while softly kissing her forehead.I then forced myself to get up and I went over to the bathroom.I cleaned my face and brushed my teeth only to be hugged from behind by non other than Umi Sonoda."Why were you crying yesterday?"Shit she saw that.Well might as well tell her."I.....I Felt left out.You all had someone to talk to about something while I couldn't talk to anyone about anything.....and I thought you would leave me-""I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!""U-Umi""I LOVE YOU Y/N SO DON'T EVER THINK THAT I'LL LEAVE YOU"She screamed while hugging me and crying onto my shoulder"Prove it...""Prove it?""Please show you love me"I said on the brink of tears""Ok"Umi said with a sweet and caring voice.Umi got up and walked to the bathroom.I heard the rustling of clothes and Umi walked out wearing a black swimsuit that was open near the middle of her breasts.She then looked away blushing which immediately gave me a hard on.Umi walked toward and kissed me on my lips.She used her other hand to grope my breasts through the thin fabric.She then started to pull the shirt off me.I blushed looking away while Umi unclasped my bra and kissed my pink nub.She licked all around it while her other hand sneaked its way into my sweat pants.I then felt her grab my hard on."Wait you have a-""Penis...Yeah I do...You probably are going to make fun of me and break up with me so go ahead and start-MMPH!?"I felt a pair of soft lips kiss my own.I sneaked my arms around her waist and I pulled her swimsuit down to show off her breasts.I then started to play with her own nubs.I sucked on one while I pinched the other softly.She let out cute little moans which caused me to get even harder.i pulled away from her breasts and went down to her inner thighs.I pulled the cloth that was covering her lower lips.I gave them a little kiss before fully shoved by my tongue in.I licked all around the inside causing Umi to let out even cuter moans.i then pulled away only to play with her cute pink clit.I sucked on it causing Umi to squirm in pleasure.I then shoved two fingers in causing Umi to gasp in pleasure.I then felt her walls contract around my fingers.i could tell she was going to cum so I sped up making Umi scream in pleasure.I pulled away with my fingers and chin covered in her juices.I licked my fingers clean causing Umi to blush.She then walked up and pulled off my sweat pants only to show off my F/c boxers.She then pulls it down only for my pole to shoot straight up.Umi grasped it causing me to moan in pleasure.She rubbed it for a good 10 seconds before she started to suck on it.She licked around the head before going deeper.I could feel my self shuddering in pleasure.I could also feel the hot liquid making it's way out.Umi then pulled away only for her face to get Covered in my juices.She stuck a finger and licked the white stuff that was on her cheek.She smiled and grabbed my pole again and she lead it to her pink lips.I looked at her for the go ahead."P-Please be gentle it's my first time"I blushed from her cuteness and I thruster my whole shaft into her.She started crying so I kissed her tears away and then kissed her lips.I could feel warm liquid trickling down my shaft.After staring still for about a minute I pulled out and moved in.Umi threw her hands around my neck and kissed me deeply.I started thrusting deep into her making her practically scream in pleasure.I kissed her so the others wouldn't hear her.I started thrusting into her even faster causing me to groan in pleasure from how tight she was getting.I could feel my Shaft get warmer so I took this as a sign and tried to pull out but Umi still had her legs wrapped around my waist preventing me from pulling out.I fell onto her hugging her while panting from pleasure."Haah....Hah....Is that enough proof y/n-Chan?""Yes it is umi-Darling but I'm tired so let's get some sleep""Yeah yeah...But later let's grab something to eat.
Nozomi was outside watching them while holding a camera"Fufufufufu....Now I have teasing material~""T-That was"Riko shot back from her nosebleed while Dia was covering Ruby's eyes and Yohane was covering hanamaru's eyes.Nico was covering maki's eyes while Rin was covering hanayo's eyes.Kotori and Honoka were hugging in the back...Until Kotori groped honoka's butt and started getting a nosebleed while Honoka was still hugging her while looking down in deep thought.
Sorry this took for ever to upload.Also as I said earlier I will not be updating on my natural schedule since I am moving into a new house.

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