the blue haired beauty and her sweet neko

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10 years earlier
I had been casted out by my family for being different,I was born with cat ears and a cat tail and I also had the ability to become a cat,Yet my family didn't think it was cool at all.They thought I was a freak,So I was tossed out to live on the streets.I still would go to my school and such but not head "Home".I would stay out and away or else they would call the cops on me.I laid in the park as a cat and three girls walked up to me.They looked to be one year older than me.I looked at them before tilting my head confusedly.They giggled before one of them picked me up and hugged me before saying"Your so cuuuute!"The other girl looked at her before saying"Honoka it looks like it's trying to escape"The other girl then said"Honoka set it down before it hurts you"The girl presumedly called Honoka then said back"But she's adorable!I mean look at her!"the both of them looked at me and I meowed.They all squealed And Immediately the girl with blue hair took me into her arms and said"I want to keep her!" Honoka and the other girl looked at the girl before saying"Will your parents be fine with that Umi?"The girl called Umi then said determined" They should be Kotori because i can handle her!"I then looked between the three of them before thinking in my head What the hell!?
5 years later
I decided I would show Umi that I was actually able to turn into a human.Umi walked into her room and I stared at her before leaping on her lap and mewing"Hey Y/n today was hard,Honoka was being irresponsible again and Kotori kept spoiling her.Those two need to stop sometimes but at least I know you'll be here to support me"I Mewed again before nuzzling her hand.She giggled and pat my head.I then kept into the middle of the room before chanting a spell which produced smoke and allowed me to turn into my human form,Only bad thing was,Was that I was naked.Umi looked shocked as heck before saying"Y/-Y/n is that you?"I responded saying"Nyah"She then ran and hugged me before saying"Your Y/n right?"I then smiled before nodding.She then hugged me tighter before rubbing her cheek against me.I purred a little causing Umi to blush a little.I smiled and rubbed my face against hers, She then passed out saying something about being shameless.
5 Years later
Today was the day Umi found me so it was my technical birthday. I was turning 18 and I was only a year lower than Umi due to being kicked out of the house. This was also when I would tell Umi about what happened when I was born and my feelings for her. I walked around campus until I reached the rooftop where Umi and everyone else was waiting for me. When I opened the door they all were wearing party hats and a small was hung up saying"Happy birthday"I smiled and tears started to reach my eyes,Umi walked over and rubbed the tears out of my eyes.I smiled and she then said"Happy birthday Y/n"I then hugged her before saying into her arm"Thank you,Everyone"They all gathered around for a group hug. I started getting squished between everyone so I started pushing them away, sadly they didnt take the hint so I was forced to transform into kitty cat form. No one noticed until i changed back and cleared my voice with a firm "Ahem" honoka then looked where I was, back to where I am and then exclaimed" Nani!? You can teleport now!?!?" I giggled a little bit before saying "No silly, I had to go kitty form cause you guys were crushing me with your hugs" Nozomi smiled before menacingly grinning "I mean I can crush something else if you like" umi, Shockingly, spoke up defending me like a knight in shining armor "NO I WON'T LET YOU HAVE HER BREASTS! THEY'RE MINE!" My my what is this, Is the love of my life being shockingly bold to protect my breasts? I thought to myself with a cat like grin. "W-W-W-W-WAIT, PLEASE FORGET I SAID ANYTHING SHAMELESS-" Aaaaaand K.O. she is down. "I'll take her to the infirmary girls dont worry, plus I do have something I need to talk with her about." I said while picking my Beautiful umi off the ground, I then turned to the girls before grinning menacingly " Also dont think about spying on me and umi or I'll claw your eyes out Nya!" Just to show them I mean buisness I flashed my claws out of my fingers(Think of it as extended nails, but sharper and deadlier). The girls took the hint and stayed put. Carrying Umi down the stairs proved to be quite a hassle but I knew I would make it to the infirmary sooner or later. We had made it down the stairs and I had started gazing at umi just a lil bit, she is the most beautiful woman alive and i love her so much. I just hope she feels the same, I silently thought to myself. We arrived at the Infirmary only for the nurse to not be here, what a suprise. What is this a cliche fan-fic?(Thwaps reader-chan over the head with paper fan,<You stop that>), I gently placed umi down and took a seat waiting for her to wake up. Seconds turned to minuites, and minuites to an hour or two. Slowly I started to fall asleep so I layed my head down beside umi and took one last glance at her beautiful face before falling asleep.
Umi's POV
I woke up to see a pure white roof, was I carried to the infirmary again? Shaking my head gently, i sat up slowly and took in the surroundings. Seems like I'm in the infirmary... but who took me here? I looked around before seeing H/c hair laying on the side of my bed. I smiled a little bit to myself before placing my hand on her head "So it was you again huh? Thank you Y/n, Your always getting me out of a jam." I slowly started rubbing and scratching behind her cute little ears, she started purring lightly which caused my heart to flutter. She's too cuuuuute! Aweeeee I love her so muuuuch! My thoughts were raging at how adorable she is, and who's to blame me. If anyone else had such a cute and adorable girl laying down beside them they would be doing the same thing! She started stirring, guess all things must come too an end.
Your POV
I woke up to feeling a foreign sensation on my head, it was very warm and calming. Once I started to move my head a little bit, it stopped. Guess I'll have to find out who it Is and get them to pet me more. I looked up and then proceeded to rub my eyes gently to try and shake off my sleepiness, instead I now felt more sleepy. Looking up I saw umi looking me in the eyes, both of our gazes met and she started blushing a little bit. "Morning my sweet adorable umi" noticing what I iust said I started blushing like crazy and was about to ask her to forget what I iust said, but she cut me off "My sweet adorable umi?". I then looked at her and smiled before saying happily (while being a blushing mess) "Yep, my sweet, adorable Umi... unless you dont want to be mine". My ears flattened on my head a little, I forgot to ask her feelings and I felt bad. What if she didnt like me, what if I wasnt who she wanted. My thoughts were then swiftly cut off by umi's beautiful voice" Of course I want to be yours! I...I...I Love you so much Y/n, my adorable neko" with that I looked up hopefully before asking again "Do you really mean it?" With out answering back she grabbed the back of my head and leaned in, unconsciously I started leaning In too, and kissed me right on the lips. I was shocked at first, but eventually gave in. It felt like fireworks were going off, like I had just won the lottery, although winning umi's affection is better then anything anyone  could have won. Slowly we both pulled away "D-D-Does that answer your question?" Umi asked gently, probably nervous from kissing "Yes, Yes it does my lovely Umi." Umi smiled before kissing me in the forehead before saying "This is the best day of my life" I smiled happily and kissed her cheek before replying back with "This is the happiest day of my life too, now I gotta move meeting you and everyone else down by just a lil bit hehe" she giggled along with me for just awhile. Eventually we stopped giggling and laid in the infirmary bed cuddling before she eventually asked "Where is everyone else" I sweat dropped a little bit before saying "Oh I may have casually threatened everyone by saying if they spy on us I will claw at their eyes" umi gave me an are you serious? Glare and I couldn't help but laugh a little bit while rubbing the back of my head. "Well we should go and let them know we are fine" umi started but I pulled her back down saying "Buuuut umiiiiiii, I want to cuddle somemore~" umi audibly sighed before leaning back and smiling "Fine but just for a couple more minutes" I pumped my fist into the air before tangling myself onto her. I smiled and kissed her again, before Proudly proclaiming "I love you Umi! And I will never stop loving you!" Umi blushed a little and giggled before kissing me back and saying "I love you too my kitten, Let's live our happiest lives together"
No ones POV
Eventually they both fell asleep cuddling eachother without a care in the world. Unknown to them there was 8 prying eyes onlooking the adorable couple. They all had their own reactions respective to their personalities, Although if one were to sum up how they all felt, it would be happy. Even if Y/n is missing out on  her specially made birthday party.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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