The Sweet maid

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Requested by me since I'm bored
That picture tho
Kotori:Yay it's my time to shine
Honoka:When will it be my turn
A/n:Who knows?*Reading Yuri manga*
Umi:*Shoots Yuri manga out of my hands*Stop being so shameless*Vein pops out of head*
A/n:*Pulls out the second volume of Yuri manga*
Umi:...*About to shoot it again but Riko gets in the way*
Riko:*Inner Yuri fan girl comes out*Oh my god I love that manga!
A/n:You too?
Kotori POV
It was after school so I went to my part time job which was to be a maid at a maid cafe.When I arrived I went in through the back and dressed myself up so I would look presentable.I then went out and saw a girl sitting by the glass windows.She was beautiful.She had H/L H/C Hair and from the looks of it E/C eyes.She then looked over to me and smiled.Oh my god she smiled at me!I didn't notice I was drooling until one of my co-Workers handed me a napkin.Getting rid of the drool I walked over to the girl and asked a little fast"What would you like?"The girl was token aback for a moment Bu She then regained her composure and said sweetly"I'll take F/CF(Favorite coffee)And a cinnamon roll but I think I have one right here"She said gesturing to me.I blushed and looked away before taking the menu out of her hands.I walked into the back and made her the coffee while putting a heart in it along with grabbing a cinnamon roll that had sprinkles on it in the shape of a heart.I also slid my number under the coffee but I made sure it wouldn't get all soggy.I walked over to the beautiful girl and gave her her drink and snack.I was about to walk away but the girl grabbed my arm and asked"When do you get off of work?cause I was wondering if you would like to come eat with me.We could make it a date if you like~"I blushed and slowly nodded"I go on break in two minutes""Then I'll see you then beautiful~"She said.I walked to the back room blushing.I changed out of my uniform and I put on my casual clothes.I then walked out to see the girl sipping at her coffee while looking out the window.i walks over and sat on the other side of her"Hello my name is Kotori minami.You know the girl you were flirting with""Yeah I know a beauty when I see one~Anyways my name is Y/n L/n It's a pleasure to meet you Maid-Chan~"I blushed and looked down at the floor.Im not used to be flirted with."Hehehe well anyways do you go to a school around here?Cause I go to otokinazakawa high I think?I forgot the name of it""I go there too!""You do?""Yeah I'm a second year""Well beauty it seems we're in the same year but not the same class~So would you like to meet me somewhere in school?""O-Oh Umm l-Lets meet by the Cherry blossoms out front""If you say so Beauty~"The girl took a quick glance at her phone and looked scared"I forgot that I have to do the dishes at home!I need to go Kotori-Chan but I'll see you at school!"She said whilst running out of the cafe.I giggled a bit before returning back to the back room.
After running for I would say a mile I made it home.I walked in slowly only to see a broken plate on the floor."Guessing dads having one of those days"I said to myself.I walked over to the kitchen only to find a pissed off father"What did I tell you about coming home late!When school ends your supposed to go straight home!Nothing else!"He shouted at me"And you were on dish duty and you forgot about it.So what do you have to say for yourself!?""Sorry?""Sorry?SORRY!?SORRY ISNT GOING TO CUT IT THIS TIME!!!"He said as he grabbed me by me hair and tossed me against the wallHe then grabbed a knife and jammed it into my leg.I screeched in pain while he pulled out another knife and stabbed it into my other leg.Both legs were bleeding profusely.I knew my dad had issues but this was getting out of hand.At Most he would just scream and punch me.I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw him kick me in the stomach"THIS IS WHY YOU COME HOME FROM SCHOOL!!!"With that he left to the living room.I picked up my phone and lazily punched in 911.I told them that I was badly injured and that I was being abused.They said they would track the phone so I let the phone drop out of my hand before my eyelids felt like 100ton weights were put on them.After that all I saw was black and red.
I was depressed seeing as how I didn't get a text message from Y/n-Chan.I turned on the news only to see a title that said "Father abusing daughter for months"I was now into this story.I watched for a bit but never expected what would happen next.Y/n-Chan showed up on there and she was badly injured!I teared up seeing Y/n-chan put in a bad state.I then saw gashes in her legs and I broke out into a full out cry.I need to know the hospital she was going to so I went to ask my mom since she's the Headmistress but she didn't know either.
Nico(Bet you weren't expecting this)
As I was watching tv I wondered how my cousin Y/n is doing.I hope she's fine but I would never say that out loud.I flipped it to the new channel only to see an abusive father title.Sighing I was about to change the channel but I saw the father name John(Random name) L/n I spit out my Water and run all the way over there.If john was abusing Y/n-Chan then he's going to be in a place that's worse then hell!
Once she arrives
"JOHN!!!"I screeched at him.He turned and looked at me while the police officers that hand cuffed him and also looked at me"What do you want washboard!?""WHY ARE YOU HURTING Y/N-Chan!!!""Cause she's a good for nothing bitch"I clenched my fist in anger and I ran towards him"CHIBI DROP KICK!!!"After shouting I drop kicked him right in the balls.Most of the officers were snickering while others were dying of laughter.I then grabbed him by the head and yelled"Nico Nico KNEE!!"I thrusted my knee right into johns face making him beak his nose.The cops were practically dying of laughter."THIS IS WHY YOU DONT MESS WITH FAMILY JOHN!!!"Was all I yelled before throwing him back on the car.I then turned towards the ambulance and asked"Know which hospital is Y/n-Chan going to?"The nurse looked at me and asked politely"Family or friend?""Cousin""Well she's going to be going to Generic hospital name""That's a stupid name!""But it's also a great hospital near us right now"Sighing I nodded slowly before walking back home
Timeskip to tomorrow
Nico Pov
After school ended I went to the rooftop to inform that I was going to visit my cousin.I walked up only to see everyone doing there own things.I walked to the middle of them and said peacefully"I'm going to go visit my cousin who's been hospitalized recently""Wait you have a cousin?"I heard Honoka ask from behind Umi"Yes of course I do Honoka!""Eep"Honoka eeped a little and hid behind Umi.(Causally listening to soldier game)I sighed and said once again"I'm going to miss out on practice for a week probably"All looked at me like I was crazy.Then maki decided to speak up"Oh you mean your going to go see Y/n?""Yeah""She was hospitalized because of her father right?""Yeah and I hate the bastard for hurting my cuz!"I heard Honoka whisper"Chibi rage is scary"I sighed and started walking but I was stopped by Kotori"What do you want?!"I spat out at her.She looked down and said gently"I would like to go with you to visit Y/n-Chan""How do you know her name!?""Met her at my part time job"She said casually.I sighed knowing Kotori wouldn't take no for an answer.I started walking and I looked back at Kotori.She took the hint and started following me.
Time skip brought to you by Pretty bomber head~
Once we arrived I walked up to the receptionist and asked"Where is Y/n L/N!"While slamming my hand on the desk"Wait...Y/n L/n?Shes dead"It hit me like a brick.My only cousin was dead.I teared up"Wait I thought you meant Y/n Lena.Y/n L/n Is on floor 2 inside room 29.She was the one attacked by her father right?"I nodded slightly.I was relived and both angry.The receptionist just looked away while I glared at her.I then ran towards the elevator only to see Kotori waiting beside it.I pushed the button and waited a couple of seconds.Kotori walked in while I walked in after her.The ride up was as silent as a mouse.Once we made it to floor 2 I dashed over to room 29 and slammed the door open only to find my sleeping cousin.I sighed knowing she was safe.I then saw Kotori walk in.She sat next to my cousin and she held her hand.Wait.Does Kotori have a crush on my cousin?If so she better treat her right!
Timeskip brought to you by Yohane and Nico talking about themselves
Your Pov
As I slowly woke up I saw Kotori sleeping on the end of my bed.I also felt her hand on mine.I blushed feeling the warmth.Being honest it was love at first site with her.Shes the one that stood out the most.Shes sweet and caring and gentle also.Plus she's adorable like a baby chick.I shook her a little in an attempt to wake her up but all she did was shift a little.I then heard a small whisper from her."Y/n-Chan...Please don't leave me...I love you too much"She sounded scared like she was going to lose me.I squeezed her hand gently and I kissed her forehead.She slowly started to stir.She rubbed her eyes like a cute little kitten and then her eyes met mine"Morning sleeping beauty"I said cheerfully.She lunged forward and squeezed me in a hug.I felt my gown slowly get wet.I pat her head in comfort"It's ok Kotori-Chan.Ill be here for you"I said slowly stroking her hair"P-P-Promise?""I promise"I said putting my hand in front of my heart.Kotori then moved forward and kissed my lips.I kissed back without any hesitation.I slid my tongue into her mouth and we battled for what felt like hours"Mmmh"I heard Kotori moan.We continued to kiss until we were out of air.I rested my head against hers and we sat there panting"I...Love you...Beauty""I love you too...Y/n-Chan"
Yohane:*Standing on top of my roof while her hair blows in the wind*
Hanamaru and ruby:*Points to Yohane*
Ruby:I-I-Is she going to fall?
Hanamaru:I don't know zura~
Yohane:FEAR ME MORTALS FOR I AM YOHANE THE FALLEN ANGEL!!!*Lightning flashes behind her*OH GOD!
A/n:*Gets on top of roof and drags Yohane back down*Stop that yoshiko
Yoshiko:It's Yohane!!!
A/n:Whatever you say*Tosses her towards nico*Have fun you too*Closes the door*
Yohane:Do not fear.I shall create a portal to get us out*Lights candles around her and draws a pentagram on the wall*Now we start the ritual
Hanamaru:*Opens door and sees all this demonic stuff*Sorry to disturb zura*Slams door shut*
Meanwhile In the student council room
Nozomi:Hey elichi
Eli:*Looks up*Yes Nozomi-Chan?

I shall create a portal to get us out*Lights candles around her and draws a pentagram on the wall*Now we start the ritualNico:WHAT THE-Hanamaru:*Opens door and sees all this demonic stuff*Sorry to disturb zura*Slams door shut*Meanwhile In the stud...

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