The perverted duo(Perverted eli X werewolf reader X Perverted maki)

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Requested by the all powerful KristinaHu7
This is going to be tough.
Maki:I'm not perverted Baka!
Eli:I am not perverted either
You are now
Maki's POV
I watched her from the distance.She was the prettiest most beautiful girl you could ever see but I'm not sure if she even likes me to be honest.But I'm at least friends with her.I saw her H/L H/c hair flow in the wind and her cute little F/C Wolf ears twitch while her bushy tail swayed left to right.Then she started to walk towards me and as she started getting closer she started taking off her clothes.I started to feel blood running down my nose seeing her naked body.I tried to keep up my composure  but then she tackled me and started saying my name."Maki-chan"She said in a voice that's as soft as a cloud.Then she shook my arm"Wake up"But then her voice changed into...Rins?"Maki-Chan wake up Nya!"Then I heard hanayo's Voice"Maki-Chan p-please Wake up!"I then started getting Shaken harder and Harder so I was forced to wake up.
Rin's POV
As class ended I looked aver to maki chan and saw she was sleeping...And drooling a bit.I shook her to try and wake her but she didn't wake up so I Started calling her name and I still got no answer.I called over Kayo-Chin and she helped me try to wake her up but it still didn't work.So me and Kayo-Chin shook her harder and harder until she woke up.Once she did she looked very annoyed and surprised."WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!!"I covered my ears because of that ear piercing screech and Kayo-Chin hid behind me clearly scared."W-Were S-S-Sorry Maki-Chan B-B-But we need to get to practice"Kayo-Chin said clearly afraid of maki-Chans wrath."Mou you didn't have to be so violent when waking me up!"She said still upset.All three of us then left to the roof top.
Eli's POV
As I was filling out some paper work I noticed Nozomi come in.She had a sly smile on her face for some reason."Hello Elichi~"Nozomi said in her usual tone."Hello Nozomi-San"Was all I said before getting back to work.Nozomi gave me a little envelope that said for Eli from Nozomi.Nozomi then left to the rooftop I assume and when I opened it my nose-Bled furiously.Inside the envelope was a Picture of Y/n-Chan covered in sweat in only her bra and panties.I quickly put the picture inside my Pocket for"Safe keeping"And I then wiped the blood that was coming out of my nose.I then headed to the rooftop.
Y/n's POv(Sorry it took so long)
I just got out of gym so I was pretty sweaty and I'm happy that this is the last period of the day.I took off my gym uniform and I felt like I was being watched.So I hurriedly got dressed and grabbed my Stuff from the locker.Then i took off to the roof.Once I arrived I jumped and glomped maki and Eli who were next to each other.They both were surprised and blushing but I don't think they mind.I then felt a hand grab my tail and it started rubbing my tail.I look to see Eli rubbing my tail while maki pets my head.Then Eli squeezes my ass making my Yelp in surprise.I blushed furiously while maki also blushed furiously.Eli on the other hand had a sly smirk plastered on her face.I slowly got up before sitting down and watching them work.Once they were done I grabbed towels and water for the group and I gave it to all of them.Once I approached Eli I handed her the water bottle while cleaning her face of any sweat.I then just threw the towel around her neck but once I turned around she Grabbed my ass...Again"KYA!!"I yelped out feeling her hand touch me but once I turned around she just had an innocent smile.Sighing I walked over to maki who blushed and looked away.I gave her a bottle of water and dried her face of any sweat.She blushed and looked away muttering"You didn't have to do that Wolfy""Wolfy?"Immediately she's as red as her hair and she looks away again blushing even harder than last time.I was thirsty so I decided to drink some water but it ended up spilling on my white shirt making my shirt transparent.I didn't notice until maki and Eli both Had Nosebleed and practically shot into the air(Team rocket blasting off again).I looked over to Nozomi and she pointed to my shirt.I looked down to see you could see my bra through my shirt.I blushed and went back down to the gym so I could change my clothes but I didn't notice That two girls were following me.
With Eli and maki
As we both recovered from our nose bleeds Eli came over to me before asking"Do you like Y/n?"Immediately my face lit up and I looked away twirling a strand of hair"Well it's not like I dislike her""Wanna follow her into the changing room?""UUEH!?W-W-Well I'm only coming because you might need back up"Eli giggled and We followed Y/n to the changing room.We entered silently and heard a shower was on.We slowly walked over to the shower that was on only to see Y/n Scrubbing her hair and Rubbing her wolf ears and wolf tail.She washed the Soap out of her hair and then started humming to (Insert favorite Song produced by muse).Once she got done humming she walked out and didn't have a towel on.Both me and Eli Shot back from the sheer force of our Nosebleeds(Not really).Then Y/n-Chan finally noticed us and looked at us before saying"Your noses are bleeding are you ok?".We both wiped are noses and nodded to make sure she wouldn't suspect anything but then she said something that really surprised us"You know I really like the both of you but I can't seem to choose one so I'm going to say it right now.Eli,Maki I love both of you but-Mmph?"I shot forward and kissed her on the lips.Im so happy that she loves me but she also loves Eli.I won't lose to her!But the kiss tastes so sweet almost like tomato's.I wonder what Down there tastes like?EEUH!Stop thinking dirty thoughts Baka!I was suddenly pulled away by Eli who also kissed her on the lips.
Eli's Pov
As I shot forward and captured her lips with mine i tasted her lips and it tasted sweet like chocolate.I can't believe she loves me.But she also loves maki.I won't lose to you maki.As I continued to kiss her my mind drifted off to somewhere else.And that was her Other lips.I blushed and almost Nosebleeded at the thoughts before one question popped in my mind.What does Y/n-Chan taste like?And with that steam blew out of my ears,Blood shot out of my nose and I passed out.
Maki's Pov
As I saw Eli pass out I look over to Y/n Only to see she's still naked.i imagined being in between her thighs and "eating her out"And I'm guessing steam blew out of my ears while blood shot out of my nose.And then everything turned black.
Y/n's pov
I watched as both of the girls had a nosebleed and passed out.Sighing I threw both of them onto my shoulder and used my werewolf strength to carry both of them to the infirmary.Only one question remains in my head.What am I going to do with my new girlfriends?
(Part 2?)

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