Harasho!(Seductive!Eli X Female Wolf reader Lemon)

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This ought be interesting.Video_Gamer03
Nozomi:*Reads Eli's fortune*Something nice will happen in the story soon~
Eli:You make absolutely zero sense Nozomi we are not in a story we are in school
Nozomi:The author does not own. Love live~
Eli:What are you talking about?
Reader's Pov
I have been friends with Eli and nozomi ever since they were 1st years.The thing is I am part wolf.The girls accepted it and I've been friends with them since.But I've had a crush on Eli since first year and nozomi would always tease me about it.But lately Eli has been more Seductive if anything.If she's not careful i might just do it with her right then and there since I'm going into heat tomorrow.I was planning on staying home for the week but Eli said that she needs help for these next weeks coming up so it looks like I'm not going to be able to stay home and relieve my urges.But rather it looks like I'll have to suppress my urges."Are you ok Y/n darling~"Eli said hugging me from behind."Yes I'm fine Eli-chan just thinking about things"I said replying calmly"What things~ Is one of them me~"She said seductively"Maybe~"I said teasingly back.I then got up with Eli still hugging me."Eli can you please get off of me?""But your so warm Y/n-Chan""But we have to head home Eli-Chan""Fine fine.But I still want a hug""Fine"I said ending our conversation.I pulled Eli into my arms and hugged her gently.Then Eli squeezed my ass making my Yelp a little."What was that for!?"I said yelling and blushing furiously"...Eh"Her reply is just eh!Why are women so hard to understand!?But I'm a lady myself!Im so confused!"Alright see you tomorrow Y/n-chan"she said before skipping away.We weren't dating or anything but it kinda seems like we're dating.Well I can only wish.And with that last thought I headed to my own house unknown to what's in store for me tomorrow.
Eli-Chans Pov
As I went home I got a text from Nozomi
Groper shrine maiden(Nozomi)
Eli there's something you might want to know...And that's Y/n Is going into heat.I searched it up and people who have extra parts like Animal ears and tails also go into heat.And I found out that Y/n is heading into heat tomorrow.So I would like you to head to her place tomorrow morning so you can relieve her urges~ considering you have a major crush on her~ Sincerly Groper shrine maiden
As I finished reading the text I went to a lingerie shop and looked around to find something Cute to wear for my Adorable little Y/n.
I found a Yellow Lace bra and A yellow lace pantie set so I went to try them on.It turns out they fit perfectly so I head over to the front desk and the girl working there says"Ooooh Whomever your wearing this for must be very special"She said wiggling her eyebrows at the end.I replied back saying"Yes she is very special to me""Oh so it's a girl.Well she's very lucky to have such a beautiful girl like you doing this for her""Thank you and how much do I owe you for the set""The usual price is 20 bucks but I'll let you have it for 10 bucks""You sure?""Yeah I don't really like the job here anyways considering all the boys do is Stare at my chest"I ended the conversation with her and paid for the stuff.She was a very nice girl but now it seems I have my plans for tomorrow~
Y/n's POV
As I woke up I already felt hot and wet.I wanted to do it so badly but I had to hold off from anything.For Eli's sake of course.She probably likes Nozomi or Umi.I get dressed in a black jacket with a white shirt and throw on some Sweatpants but I hear my door bell ring.I go and look through the eye hole too see Eli waiting in her uniform for school.I opened the door only to be hugged by Eli."Hey Eli-Chan""Hello Y/n-Darling~"I blushed furiously at the nickname she gave me but shrugged it off."So why are you here? And are you hungry""Yes I'm very hungry and I'll tell you why I'm here after breakfast"I went into the kitchen and prepared some eggs with bacon and double chocolate chip pancakes.Once they all were finished I poured Eli some tea and brought her food over.I then went back and grabbed my food and sat down across from her.Only for Eli to come around and sit on me!She rubbed her hips on me and it made me even more wet.I don't know why she's doing this but if she keeps going on I won't be able to refrain from"Doing it"with her.She ate her pancakes happily and drank her tea before she turned around in my lap and fed me.Sadly I couldn't push her off me so I just went along.I don't mind it since it's my crush but I would like to eat Her out I mean eat using my own hands.But once she finally was done she got off of me and sat on the couch.Its a good thing I live alone so no one could've accidentally walked in.i sat on the other side of the couch but Eli scooted over to me and kissed me!?The Student council president Eli-Chan that's so cool and collected is kissing me,A mere Wolf girl!Am I dying?Is this a dream?I pinched myself and felt pain signifying that it's real.I kissed back and I let her take the top.She undid my Jacket with only one hand.She zipped it down revealing my shirt.She then pushed up my shirt showing off my F/C bra.She then pushed it up to show off my medium sized breasts.She moved from kissing me to sucking on my Nub.She licked it all around while sucking it Bringing me intense pleasure.She then moved to the other one and started pinching the one she was on 3seconds ago.She then used her other hand to sneak into my Sweat pants.She took them down to reveal my F/c panties.She then went down to face my Other lips.She licked it through the panties but I then go up and pushed her Gently onto her back.I undid her blazer and took off her shirt.Only to reveal a Yellow lace bra that looked perfect on her.I Unclipped it and pulled off her bra.I then saw her beautiful breasts and I decided to dive right into them.I sucked on one of her Pink nubs while my hand played with the other.She let out a cute little Moan while I sped up.I then switched and did this over three times before I took off her skirt to reveal her Yellow lace panties.I licked them through her panties before she pushes me onto my back."My turn darling~"She said seductively before pulling off my panties along with hers.She faced my lower lips and started to suck on my clit.I felt intense pleasure since I am in heat.I grabbed her head and pushed her in deeper.She pulled away and shoved in two fingers while taking off her own panties.I looked over to her lower lips to see hers were soaking wet also.She then pulled her fingers out and faced our Lips to each other.She then Started grinding them together bringing us both immense pleasure.I could feel myself reaching my climax and I could also see Eli was getting there too.We continued for a little more before we started grinding against each other more roughly.I then felt all the pleasure build up leading me to my Breaking point."Hynan!"I moaned out feeling myself and Eli cum against each other."That was amazing Y/n~"She said clearly satisfied"Oh you think we're over~"I said playfully"Eh?"Was all she said before I pounced in her again.
Nozomi was standing outside the door with Honoka,Umi,Kotori,And nico.Umi had already passed out chanting shameless and Kotori was trying to Help her.Nico was blushing furiously and Honoka wondered why they were "Wrestling"As Nozomi called it.
Welp I hope ya like it considering it's the first lemon I've ever wrote.( I don't know if I got the Seductive side down)

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